That means that 2/3 of the time you will be net AT LEAST +2 IPC to blitz an ARM to an undefended Archangel.
What good is it to say that without looking at the whole picture? It costs you 5 IPCs to replace the tank. The 2 inf in Archangel are perfectly aligned to attack Karelia after taking Archangel, which should still be contested by Germany at round 2.
If I’m trying to make life expensive for the Russians, I’m garrisoning with 3 infantry. That almost forces a 3 infantry attack, usually also tieing up a fighter, sometimes two fighters or even an armor.
It’s difficult to get enough infantry out to the front line early in the German game. If you try to do that, you’ll strip yourself of infantry quickly, which becomes problematic when the other two Allies jump in. I really like to see Germany sticking out 3 inf in each territory, because it wears out their stack in E. Europe extremely quickly, in a KGF of course.
- Russia on G2 may blitz Karelia as Germany did. Russia is really happy do not lose units, do not have to commit nothing, may use fig elsewhere. Moreover, Russia is focusing all its inf around Caucasus, where they have more value than if they wander in the north.
I’d be really happy to see that with Germany. I don’t care if both of us collect the money from Karelia, as long as I as Germany don’t have to spend infantry to collect that money. Japan will eventually kick the crap out of Russia; the less inf I have to spend means more defense. I’ve actually tried this against myself and Germany turned out well since it didn’t have to bleed out infantry to Karelia ever, just Belo/Ukraine with mass fighters. If your goal is KGF, you have to lure Germany out whenever you can, and putting something in Karelia is one of many ways to do that.
Now, I’ll ignore the British if I am strapped for units. I’d rather they have the land because they have to move their units into my path.
Actually I’d prefer Russia to gain land, because it means more money for Japan once Japan kills Russia, as well as territories that become duds to the Allies since the Russian capital is gone. I’ve made many mistakes allowing Russia to gain areas like S. Europe/Balkans/East Europe, when the UK/US could have used the money much better.
And also, the British should be your number one strafing target if you have the units. Choose UK over Russia if they both appear to be valid choices in terms of cost to attack/strafe, because it is the UK that will be dealing your death blow later on; if you can trade 5-6 inf for all of the stuff in their tranports that’s great. That makes it that more impossible for them to crack your 50 infantry stack later on, especially since the Allies have to attack individually. Russia stops pushing later on which makes their money worth less against the Germans. Obviously don’t just give money to them, but remember it’s more awkward for the Allies for the Russians to nab loads IPCs close to the German capital border.
But I’m never just giving Russia land.
Well of course you have to contest Russian land. But it’s laughable to think that you can get into a winning situation against Russia with the other 2 Allies on board in a KGF, so I would say focus on economy instead of trying (futiley) to bleed Russia. Spend the least to gain the most.
Playing defensively is the worst strategy, IMO of course, for either G or R: it just invites the other player to go against you.
Not really. Maybe your definition of defensive is retreating indefinitely, and that’s how you perceive my argument. That’s not it at all. I don’t even have a defensive/offensive way to play. I just play conservatively, making sure that I’m not using a bit of effort or money that can’t be backed up. Counting on luck is the worst strategy, IMO; hoping that one infantry or tank will take out a bazillion units. Because guess what, it doesn’t just happen for your side, and just as often as not your luck could be the other way.
and nearly 4% of the time you kill both INF and the FIG.
I find it simply amazing that you think the Russians will stay when it’s one fig versus one tank.