• @AgentOrange:

    I like the response I got from the Russo/German Alliance thread I put up.  So the next question is; what do you think would happen in a game where the US and Japan were allies vs. everyone else at the start?  Remember that there are certain stipulations meant to keep the game interesting, yet simple.

    1)  Keep the set-up the same.
    2)  Change up the teams when one capital falls for good.
    3)  Change the turn order as you see fit to keep it from getting lopsided.

    Extra Credit:  IF the UK gets Colonial Garrison, where do you think it should go?  :mrgreen:

    1.  US/Japan gets pwnt.  US can’t expand against UK/Germany, and Russia’s free to mess with Japan.  Eventually, US/Japan just get outproduced.

    2.  What do you mean, the teams change when a capital falls?

    3.  Turn order won’t matter.  It’s just a question of who can get where.  US/Japan goes nowhere.  Can’t expand.  You get W. and E. Canada, Australia, and New Guinea and New Zealand, but that’s about it.  The US loses China/Ssinkiang, though.  Economic advantage definitely makes it over before it starts.

    4.  Colonial garrison in Anglo-Egypt.  Safe.

  • @newpaintbrush:


    I like the response I got from the Russo/German Alliance thread I put up.  So the next question is; what do you think would happen in a game where the US and Japan were allies vs. everyone else at the start?  Remember that there are certain stipulations meant to keep the game interesting, yet simple.

    1)  Keep the set-up the same.
    2)  Change up the teams when one capital falls for good.
    3)  Change the turn order as you see fit to keep it from getting lopsided.

    Extra Credit:  IF the UK gets Colonial Garrison, where do you think it should go?  :mrgreen:

    1.  US/Japan gets pwnt.  US can’t expand against UK/Germany, and Russia’s free to mess with Japan.  Eventually, US/Japan just get outproduced.

    2.  What do you mean, the teams change when a capital falls?

    3.  Turn order won’t matter.  It’s just a question of who can get where.  US/Japan goes nowhere.  Can’t expand.  You get W. and E. Canada, Australia, and New Guinea and New Zealand, but that’s about it.  The US loses China/Ssinkiang, though.  Economic advantage definitely makes it over before it starts.

    4.  Colonial garrison in Anglo-Egypt.  Safe.

    Well, I can only really answer your 2nd and 3rd points, so here goes:

    2)  In order to keep the game alive, and not have anyone get totally screwed when their buddy gets taken out, re-do the team set-up so that it is more balanced.  For example, in this case, if America falls first, then it’s Japan left to fend for themselves against Germany, UK, and Russia?  They would quickly get slaughtered, and then the game is over.
    Who would want to continue as Japan then, knowing that they are f**ked?

    3)  The changing of turn order is meant to change who gets the first-turn advantage, so no-one ends up getting screwed over.  Someone mentioned in my other thread about the possibility of US/Germany vs. Everyone else.  If the turn order were not changed to be drastically in UK and her allies’ favor so as to set up a defense of some kind, then the UK would be crushed between the two highest income powers in the game.  Just evaluate the initial set-up, then change the turn order once you analyze everyone’s weaknesses as they pertain to the existing order.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    How is the Colonial Garrison in Egypt “Safe”?

    Germany’s still gunna get it and they’re going to prevent you from using it at any point in the game if at all possible.

    However, Colonial Garrison in Australia is safe and India is mostly safe. Especially when coupled with Enigma Decoded.

  • @Jennifer:

    How is the Colonial Garrison in Egypt “Safe”?

    Germany’s still gunna get it and they’re going to prevent you from using it at any point in the game if at all possible.

    In THIS scenario, Germany and UK and Russia are buddies.  Can you imagine, it’s like a German supermodel with British wit and a Russian accent.  Hawt.

    However, Colonial Garrison in Australia is safe and India is mostly safe. Especially when coupled with Enigma Decoded.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Gotcha, forgot that caveat

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