The War Game - Massive Axis and Allies Variant

  • I wasn’t refering to the China setup sheets. The setup sheets were made in China. When they got to Cali, they were warped. It sounded like they had that problem mostly taken care of though.

  • They are all “warped” and its a slight curve in the cardboard and is of minor importance. It actually makes them easier to pick up. The main thing is the maps are perfect and where not exposed to the heat during transit from China. That was a concern last year BTW.

  • WTF, no halftracks ?

    I see no halftracks ?

    I see standing inf and walking inf, light tank and heavy tank, regulare artillery and rocket artillery, fighters and jet fighters, small factories and big factories and so on.

    But I am not able to see any halftracks, so do I need glasses ?

  • dude … read the rules… they will explain everything to you.

    Infantry are of two types elite and regular

    Tanks are regular and heavy tanks

    Artillery have the same

    Major and minor factories ( majors build 10 units of any type and 1/2 value for occupied) (Minors build only 2 units of any type and no BB, CV or bombers)

    mechanized infantry are not represented… consider elite infantry mechanized or tanks mechanized.

    also… the advanced game has alot of additional units and those rules will be offered on the site when the game comes out.

    The map and pieces are worth $120.00 alone… you cant even print a 80 x 40 hardbound map for that price. Play the game first and then lets hear your gripes…

  • If half tracks are such a big deal, then why not use Table Tactics or other pieces and come up with house rules to use them? I’m sure I’ll be adding house rules and additional pieces to the game. I’ve done it with every other A&A game and expansion I’ve owned.

  • Its a pretty awsome game, even without half tracks :)  Its one of my all time favorites.  If anyone plans on being in the Kansas City area, send me a PM and we’ll play.  Its way to big and complex to PBEM or forum; at least for me.


  • @Craig:

    IL- Has Jeffrey Stein thought about going to Origins to demo the game like he does at Gen Con Indy?

    I talked to him briefly at GCI in 2005, but it would seem that he could get in another good opportunity if he went to Origins.


    I emailed Jeff recently about Origins while I was deciding what I would attend.  Jeff was not planning on being at Origins.  On the other hand, I’ll be at Board Game Geek Con this year, and will almost certainly bring my copy of ‘The War Game’.

    Craig (the other one)

  • LOL @

    Craig (the other one)

    Craig #1:

    I can ask Jeff if hell show up at origins. He plays at all the So Cal cons and a few in the east. His email should be on his site but ill get it to you.

  • Imperious Leader are rules availabe online? I would like to read them. The game looks very cool.

  • yes goto the site. they are posted in pdf.

  • Any new developements for the game? Are we still looking at late Summer for a release?

  • yes indeed. August release

  • Customizer

    IL mentions a future version featuring nation specific pieces for all the powers.  Two questions on this for those of us considering buying the game:

    Does the future version (i.e. with ns pieces) depend on the success of the first run, or is that success already considered a certainty?

    If we buy the first production, will it be possible to buy the new ns pieces as an addition rather than buying the whole game again to get them?

    Of course I have certain issues with the board, which suffers heavily from “Pakistan syndrome”, but modifying boards is standard practice with me anyway.  I like the principles behind the naval pass-through, though I’m not quite sure I fully grok it yet, and have suggested a similar rule for tank breakthroughs.

    Another interesting rule is that of rail movement limited by IPC values of territories they pass through;  how does this work in practice, and doesn’t it slow the game down as people try to work out their optimum timetables?

  • Does the future version (i.e. with ns pieces) depend on the success of the first run, or is that success already considered a certainty?

    Nothing is certain. Its only the plan if everything goes AS PLANED. If too many people sit on the freaking fence not wishing to part with a misely $129.00 hoping to wait for a version with nation specific pieces… you will wait 10 years and end up buying the copy you should have bought in the first place, but now will be paying 300.00 on ebay for one of the few original prints.  So just buy a copy when it comes out and don’t wait.

    If we buy the first production, will it be possible to buy the new ns pieces as an addition rather than buying the whole game again to get them?
    YES, i asked Jeff this specifically. Its important to me too.

    Of course I have certain issues with the board, which suffers heavily from “Pakistan syndrome”, but modifying boards is standard practice with me anyway.  I like the principles behind the naval pass-through, though I’m not quite sure I fully grok it yet, and have suggested a similar rule for tank breakthroughs.
    The ONLY board issue after playing this like 100 times is too few territories in European Russia. Thats it.

    Another interesting rule is that of rail movement limited by IPC values of territories they pass through;  how does this work in practice, and doesn’t it slow the game down as people try to work out their optimum timetables?

    No not at all, once you do it after a while its really easy. You start by counting all the low IPC territories and using them first, then moving to the higher capacities. The idea works well

  • Customizer

    Wondering about which “General” figures will be included:

    We have Rommel
    I would expect:
    Yamamoto (he’d look silly in yellow, but I always said Japan should be white…)
    De Gaulle
    Aosta? Was there an outstanding Italian general?
    Stillwell?  An American Chinese commander - well Chiang doesn’t seem to have gone too near the front line…

    By the way, wouldn’t Chungking have been a better choice as Chinese capital, as Peking looks very vulnerable to Japanese attack?

    Another thing - do we really still need blow-up boxes when the map is this big?  Or are the pieces correspondingly big as well?

  • The same general (Rommel) is used for all nations.

    The pieces are a bit larger ( especially the planes and the tanks) and so some blow up boxes may be needed.

    Capitals mean nothing in this game, as most civilized nations don’t fall that way anymore. they just move to a new location away from bloodshed and continue fighting. When all the industrial areas are under enemy hands then surrender becomes an option. Of course the exception is always france, but after all i did say ‘civilized’.

    In the case of China Peking always falls on turn one, unless the Japanese player wants lose the game.

  • Customizer

    I was suggesting generals for the new national pieces.  Have they been designed yet?

    Peking should be Japanese to start with anyway, though I’m not sure it would qualify as industrialised in any case.  I just think the map would look better with Szechan as the natural “centre” for China, as well as being authenticaly the capital of the KMT.


    Its finally available to buy!!!

    Go ahead and snap it up a new game is born!!!

  • Chongqing is what it your referring too but that was only Chiang Kai-shek’s provisional capital after the retreat from Nanking. But China was split anyway and fighting civil war so their is no real official unified capital. You can infer that Peking is really what hes calling the Hopei province. But like my Napoleonic wars its overlapping more than one province including parts of Shansi, Hopei, Jehol, and Shantung… so the name Peking as as good as any other. You see in these games their are no fixed names especially for territories carved out the the sake of game playability.

    And in 1928, China moved its capital further south from Peking (Beijing) to Nanking ( in the Anhwei province), but latter the Japanese took this area too and the nationals had to move once more. But as i said capitals have no meaning in this game so it doesn’t matter anyway. When you get your copy you can make decals for all your corrections and grammar.

  • This could be the best map ever, but the Atlantic art with charging soldiers and roowling tanks make too much nuisance. I think art with mating whales had been better. Or even a compass needle had been better, than looking at a tank in the middle of Atlantic.

    And typically the plastic pieces are either too big or too small to canabalize to the core game.

    IL, when will this baby hit the Geek-list ?
    A&A Revised is in 218’th place  with 7.18 points, if this get rated higher, i’ll buy it.

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