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  • For every country’s NA, are some of them one time use things and some of them you can use them anytime it’s your move?  Some of them just aren’t very clear.  For example, can Russia move her IC’s every round if she wants?  Or is that just one shot and it’s over?  Which NAs are useable every round and which are one time deals?  Thanks

  • The rules are fairly clear about which are one-timers.  But for the record, the one-timers are:

    Russia’s Russian Winter (declarable during Russia’s Mobilize Units phase)
    UK’s Joint Strike (Declarable at start of Russia’s turn)
    UK’s Enigma Decoded (declarable between Germany’s Combat Movement and Combat phases)
    UK’s French Resistance (declarable during UK’s Mobilize Units phase if Allies control Western Europe)
    UK’s Colonial Garrison (happens before the game starts)

    …and that’s it.  Everything else can happen multiple times.  These are all the LHTR 1.3 versions of things, btw.  I think the OOB versions are identical except for Joint Strike, which is declarable at the start of UK’s turn.)


  • Definitely sucks to be the Brits with their NAs. :|

  • Actually I like the UK’s NAs… your timing with their usage allows you some suckerpunch moves.  It is a great lot of fun to declare Enigma Decoded right when Germany has mounted a healthy attack on Moscow, then sidestep a stack of Brit units from Archangel into the fray.  Or to set up plane-bait with US transports in the Atlantic and then swing a loaded Brit Carrier and Battleship down when German air attacks in force.  Fun whee!  Thast move alone can break the game.

    Building your US/UK game around a healthy Joint Strike is fun too, and you feel oh-so-sneaky while setting it up.  If you’re smart, you’ll prepare several across-the-board actions to unleash all at once and leave your foes in ruins.


  • 2007 AAR League

    Just so you know, French Resistance can actually be placed during US/USSR if US/USSR takes Western Europe.

  • @Wazzup:

    Just so you know, French Resistance can actually be placed during US/USSR if US/USSR takes Western Europe.

    That is true for OOB:

    Once per game, if Western Europe becomes controlled by the Allies, you may place three of your infantry
    there for free.

    …but not LHTR 1.3:

    _Once per game, if the Allies control Western
    Europe, you may place three of your infantry
    there for free during the mobilize new units
    phase of your turn. _


  • 2007 AAR League

    It just says allies, not UK, right?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Since it is a UK National advantage, when they say “during the mobilize new units
    phase of your turn” I take that to be the UK places UK units at the end of UK’s turn.

    The OOB rule doesn’t specify timing, so the UK can place UK units there the first time any Ally takes it.

  • Actually it doesn’t seem to specify in either version that you must declare French Resistance the first time Western Europe comes under Allied control.  Could be the first time, or on any subsequent recapture, but only once in total.

    For OOB it seems to be declarable at the moment of Allied capture; for LHTR, declarable during UK’s Mobilize Units phase if W.Eur is under Allied control.


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