• I have 14 games going on right now.  10 at AAMC and 4 at FOE.  This includes A&A 2nd Edition, AARevised, AAPacific and AAEurope.  The most I ever had going at one time was probably around 20 but if I get less then about 8, I start to get twitchy from withdrawal.


    Correction.  I have 15 games going on right now.  I forgot about an AAPacific game I’ve got going at Days of Infamy where I’ve been waiting for my opponents turn for about a week.

  • 2007 AAR League

    SS that is just nutts how can you keep track of 15 games at one time. i’m like switch the actual board 1 game at a time, and i spend enough time thinking about that game, 15 would fry my brain even more.    :-P  i do own pacific i’d love to play that again sometime, i need to go buy europe.

  • Moderator

    15!  :-o

    The most I’ve had was 4, but that was only one time.  I’ve done 3 at once a few times before, but I’ve found that tended to be more like a job and I would have less fun.  I like trying to do turns every night, so with 3 games it easily chewed up 2-3 hrs a night and took some of the fun out it.

    Now I like 1-2 games at a time.

  • @mojo:

    SS that is just nutts how can you keep track of 15 games at one time. i’m like switch the actual board 1 game at a time, and i spend enough time thinking about that game, 15 would fry my brain even more.    :-P   i do own pacific i’d love to play that again sometime, i need to go buy europe.

    It’s actually not that hard.  I use map programs for all of my games rathen than physical boards.  I have a pretty good memory and I can actually picture the board of each game in my head (ok, I’m not quite so good with AAEurope).  When I’m writing out my NCM, I usually don’t even have to look at the map to write it all down.  Then, I switch back to the map and verify all the moves.

    Since A&A is a turn-based game, you really just need to look at the board as it stands to do you next turn.  You don’t have to worry about what went on in the past and you can always see patterns developing for future rounds from the current state of the board.  Actually, one of the advantages of playing many games is that your play is usually very flexible in each game.  Rarely do I get locked into a single strategy.  I react to the changes in the game as the game progresses.


  • @DarthMaximus:

    15!   :-o

    The most I’ve had was 4, but that was only one time.  I’ve done 3 at once a few times before, but I’ve found that tended to be more like a job and I would have less fun.  I like trying to do turns every night, so with 3 games it easily chewed up 2-3 hrs a night and took some of the fun out it.

    Now I like 1-2 games at a time.

    I can usually run through turns in all of my games in about 3 or 4 hours.  Of course, not all of my opponents play every day, so I don’t have to do turns in 14 games all at once.  Right now, I “owe” a turn in only 1 of my games.  That might go up to 5 or 6 if I get really busy at work or I’m travelling.


  • I’d say I average about 5 games at a time.  Like SS, I use map programs for all the games so board swapping is not an issue.  If I had to guess, the max number I’ve ever had active is probably 8.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i can only do 2 effectively, one is not enough, 3 can be overwhelming

  • 2007 AAR League

    non online.  i dont trust dice i cant see.  also i’m new at using computers a lot.  i’m aware that some people are natual wizzes on the PC’s.  how do i know they cant just interfere?  people good with computers can do anything.

    in your guys’ opinion what the most honest dicey system that you got.  that cant be messed with?  is it DAAK? thats my conclusion

    also i dont think its possible to play enhanced realism over e-mails or the such. it would be a lot of work.

  • Loaf, I think you’re being slightly paranoid.  If you want really unbiased, I’m-no-ones-friend dice, use either the in-house dicey or Frood’s…just don’t use it when playing against him! I kid, I kid.  :lol: :-P You should give either two a chance.  You might be surprised.

    And to answer my own poll, I only do 1 game at a time.  I use the board like others, which, for me, I can see all of what’s going on without having to scroll up, down, left, right.  Just preference really.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i take my A&A seriously  :mrgreen:

    i dont want to be stipped of my glorious victory by someone being able to controll or change the results of the so called “diceys”

    why dont people just use webcams and show each other rolling.  wouldnt that work?

  • General, if I’m not mistaken, this poll was generated by your amusement/amazement that I had 3 or more games going on at once, including my game with you.  Did my game against you suffer because I had other games going on?  It’s possible, because I did lose to you.   :wink:  But seriously, I think I made my critical mistake in that game fairly early on, so by the time my other games fired up, I was already fighting an uphill battle.  (I would add that if I had a just a little better dice, I might still have won, but I digress . . . .)

    I’m still fairly new to Revised and to playing by forum, but I agree with SS that playing multiple games at a time improves my play.  Through repetition, you learn to recognize certain patterns in a game which I think are key to developing your play to a consistently high level.  Frankly, I could not manage it with a physical board.  It’s fun to set up the physical board, but a mess to clean up.  Why bother?  That said, I will grant you that several of the better players on this site (Switch and Mojo come to mind) are board players, so I will give them their due.  But for me, I get bored storing at one game map at a time.  There are only so many possibilities in a single game.  Once I’ve figured out my next move (maybe two), that’s as far as I go.  As someone smart once said, no battleplan survives first contact with the enemy.  So why bother to plan 5 turns ahead when your opponent will probably do something to completely torpodo your well-laid plans?  Do I have a long-term strategy?  Sure.  Do I sweat the details many moves in advance?  Nah.  Life’s too short.

    Oh, and to answer your poll, I’d say 3 at a time is good, 4 is a little hairy but manageable if I’m not sick and if work doesn’t get in the way.  :-P

  • @cyan:

    i can handle  2 at once.

    look like i;m going to have to change that to 3 games. poor planing.  :roll:  at least one of them is a 5 player one in which germany is on a 3 week vacation. should be able to finish 1 or both of the more serious ones by the time germany is ready agian.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I haven’t played for a while so I have 4 going right now trying to get back into the swings of things.

    I generally like 1-2 active games at once 3+ games to do turns in everyday is a bit overwhelming.
    but I find with the 4 games I have going on now generally I do a 1 turn in one of the games maybe 2 tops a day so it’s a good pace.

    I also like to mull over the options even though 99% of the time I know right away what ill be doing, lol

    I would love to use my physical board but it is nowhere near my computer.

  • WG, I actually thought of this thread not because I was playing you and you had X number of games going on, but because I was browsing the “Games in Progress” forum and saw a few names pop up again and again and again.  For example, Jennifer, WG, Sankt, Randmacts, Rmorel, and Mateooo (just to name a few) all have more than 2 games going on, and some are probably still going on but are on pause because of the tourney.  Seeing all those, I wondered, a) how do they do it? b) do they actually succeed in playing so many games; and c) don’t they have a life?  :-P :-P :lol: :wink:  j/j

    Granted WG, your numerous concurrent games being played while playing against me slowed things down somewhat  :-P :lol:  but it’s not reasonable of me to think that someone can actually focus on one game at a time and get more than one round in a night.  :-D  :wink:  Anyway, if you - and anyone for that matter - can play a couple games at the same time and still play well, more power to you.  I, for one though, prefer something physical in terms of the board and things like that.  I also like reading an actual newspaper and not just its online brother.  I guess I’m a hands on kind of guy.

    And who’s to say I plan out the next five turns.  I usually just look at my next country coming up and think about where I can go and what I can do.  Granted, the Axis are surrounded by the Allies in terms of turns and who goes when, which is why plans are always tentative and might have to be changed afterward…or, like the almighty green one said, “always in motion is the (future).”

    And NoMercy, get wireless or something for you comp.  Or get a small table and put your board near the table.  Just a thought…

  • 2007 AAR League

    I have a wireless laptop and I tired it once but found out it took a long time to post a summary of troops.

    I think Switch can do it because he has had lots of practice doing it over the last few years, that and his last summary sometimes isn’t all that changed from turn to turn.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Most I’ve ever had going at once was 17.  But some of those were near completion, some just starting.

  • @Jennifer:

    Most I’ve ever had going at once was 17.  But some of those were near completion, some just starting.

    You’re the man Jennifer, you are the man!  :wink:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Most I’ve ever had going at once was 17.  But some of those were near completion, some just starting.

    You’re the man Jennifer, you are the man!  :wink:

    Men are so inferior.  I’m the Woman!  We’re so superior we had to be held as property for tens of thousands of years so men could retain power and rule the world.

    As the old saying goes:  If men are destined to rule the world, women will have to content themselves with ruling men.

    Seriously though, if ABattlemap was never made, I’d never be able to play more then 1 game at a time, then I’d be completely at the mercy of the slowest player! =(

  • 2007 AAR League

    I like to have a lot of games going on, because I get bored waiting for my opponents moves. I got 2 games going where my opponents are taking 4-5 days to post a move. YAWWWWN
    its also fun to use strats you learn in one game to help with another, (or mistakes you make)

    it gets a bit exausting when you have to post moves at multiple sites. and DAAk is so very annoying (yould think the website creators would find a way to link your ID to your email address and your opponents, as well as your game number, instead of requiring you to reenter each of these multiple times every turn.
    Flames of europe is a great site for playing multiple games. you can view and post your maps there, it quickly summarizes your moves, and even keeps track of income.

    I just pop on my laptop whenever im watching some TV or movie, and post moves during commercials. (annoys the hell outta my girlfriend… apparently she needs to have at least three body parts in contact with me at all times… no room for a lap top)
    Its also fun to have a few games going, because some games just suck from the getgo with either bad rolls or bad moves, and having only one bad game to think about can get pretty depressing.

  • Since I can only play 1 at a time, I will NOT play without time contraints.  That is my answer to avoiding the “yawn” factor.

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