WG, I actually thought of this thread not because I was playing you and you had X number of games going on, but because I was browsing the “Games in Progress” forum and saw a few names pop up again and again and again. For example, Jennifer, WG, Sankt, Randmacts, Rmorel, and Mateooo (just to name a few) all have more than 2 games going on, and some are probably still going on but are on pause because of the tourney. Seeing all those, I wondered, a) how do they do it? b) do they actually succeed in playing so many games; and c) don’t they have a life? :-P :-P :lol: :wink: j/j
Granted WG, your numerous concurrent games being played while playing against me slowed things down somewhat :-P :lol: but it’s not reasonable of me to think that someone can actually focus on one game at a time and get more than one round in a night. :-D :wink: Anyway, if you - and anyone for that matter - can play a couple games at the same time and still play well, more power to you. I, for one though, prefer something physical in terms of the board and things like that. I also like reading an actual newspaper and not just its online brother. I guess I’m a hands on kind of guy.
And who’s to say I plan out the next five turns. I usually just look at my next country coming up and think about where I can go and what I can do. Granted, the Axis are surrounded by the Allies in terms of turns and who goes when, which is why plans are always tentative and might have to be changed afterward…or, like the almighty green one said, “always in motion is the (future).”
And NoMercy, get wireless or something for you comp. Or get a small table and put your board near the table. Just a thought…