The Factories (As well as some of the Mnor Axis Units) came from “The War Game” (which is a great game).
AARHE: Map files
hmmm…. how should it read?
3 carriers pics in 3 spots each with some caption ( defense with 2 planes, defense with one plane, defense with no planes?)
probably take up “carrier 1/1” with the “transport 0/0” initiative
so just one CV (aircraft carrier) icon at 1 position
so just one CV (aircraft carrier) icon at 1 position
ok will get it done.
please have date of upload next to each link in the future
*new AP and CV values
reference chart:
*“italy map” unit placements
*action sequence –-> turn seqenence
*turn sequence has 8 phases not 7
*re-add victory city with VCPs
*too much text at combat cycle information
*victory conditions? -
Just downloaded the Phase 3 map with setup and new territories (Poland etc) again, and noticed that Norway and Switzerland are still missing the “mountainous” command.
hehe thats why we need a date next to each URL
you don’t know when the maps are updated
How are you standing here IL? Almost done? :-)
What are the AP values?
I had them in the one column where are they supposed to be?
Did we change the AP value? It is still Attack 0 Defend 1 Move 2 right? Only they can be taken last as a hit.
Then the battle board is fine. I fixed the carrier however. will post
No we have changed it.
AP is now 0/0
CV is now 1/1 -
so how do i represent this on the BB? I am not gonna make a column for “zero”
Maybe make a block at the bottom off the 1 column, just above the casualties zone.
ok ill do that.
remember to make it easy for us
put a date whenever you upload -
OK all is done. player aids fixed, map fixed (under alternate 3rd phase map), Naval battleboard fixed.
naval combat battleboard
the carrier is attack 1 defend 1
not attack 1 defend 1-3 (which is the old system)*you may like to make a ‘0’ space for transport for the attacker too
*remove bomber…which you’ve made cannot attack ships anymore…but can perform ASW with advanced ASW tech
norway and southern europe is mountainous on **italy map, new territories[b/]
but not in **italy map, new territories, setup icon[b/] yetof course, the url for italy map, new territories, setup icon[b/]
is an existing one so you haven’t uploaded new file yet**** -
I modified the one w/o icons… not the one you posted.
yep ok
so TODO list is now
*naval combat battleboard…remove bomber, carrier 1/1, attacking transport
*italy map, with new territories, with icons…“mountainous”
*netural and tech aid
*air combat battleboard…“dive bomber” is “fighter bomber”