Yes the Negotiations Chart and Research chart are both included in the 7.0 production chart here about halfway down the page:
man i feel like an assembly line of graphic charts…
:-D see what you mean…
“*recopy the latest data tables”
has something been changed?
yeah a couple of words in the table
research progress table, “starts at” and “starts with”….all changed to “starts at”
neutral position table, “Neutral fully committed to” all changed to “Fully committed to”
(now “neutral” only appears in the middle, not as confusing)
I guess I’ll upload another file again
(upload a new file every week or two)
yea working on it.
I still have the problem of income numbers not showing in
*pdf by Illustrator
*jpg by Photoshop
in pdf if when I zoom in and out I see the income numbers briefly
your older releases (Nov?) were jpg in a pdf
how did you generate that file?
can you check if you can still generate jpg with income numbers intact?
I can no longer make copies of the maps in PDF. use only the AI extension. The PDF does not handle memory intensive files very well. Its primarily for text.
PDF basically sucks!
The Jpegs are increasingly poor quality as the map file got larger because the conversion borders on memory limits.
Use the latest files. They work
this isn’t a quality issue is it?
ai –-> jpg (Photoshop)
the result jpg just don’t have the income numbers at all
everything else appears
can you check if it is happening for you too?
Empty CV (aircraft carriers) no longer defend at 3.
Nominally 1/1. Each FTR (fighter) or NAV (naval fighter) onboard increases defence by 1.
Would you like to reflex that on your battleboard?
hmmm…. how should it read?
3 carriers pics in 3 spots each with some caption ( defense with 2 planes, defense with one plane, defense with no planes?)
probably take up “carrier 1/1” with the “transport 0/0” initiative
so just one CV (aircraft carrier) icon at 1 position
so just one CV (aircraft carrier) icon at 1 position
ok will get it done.
please have date of upload next to each link in the future
*new AP and CV values
reference chart:
*“italy map” unit placements
*action sequence –-> turn seqenence
*turn sequence has 8 phases not 7
*re-add victory city with VCPs
*too much text at combat cycle information
*victory conditions?
Just downloaded the Phase 3 map with setup and new territories (Poland etc) again, and noticed that Norway and Switzerland are still missing the “mountainous” command.
hehe thats why we need a date next to each URL
you don’t know when the maps are updated
How are you standing here IL? Almost done? :-)
What are the AP values?
I had them in the one column where are they supposed to be?
Did we change the AP value? It is still Attack 0 Defend 1 Move 2 right? Only they can be taken last as a hit.
Then the battle board is fine. I fixed the carrier however. will post
No we have changed it.
AP is now 0/0
CV is now 1/1