To defend or not to defend, that is the question?!

  • Jenn, I like that approach as well.  In fact, I think we are saying some of the same things.  You do have to pick your spots as Russia.  It can’t be a tit-for-tit battle with Germany – not for long, anway!  But from earlier posts, I had a vision in my mind of two stacks sitting opposite each other swapping territory back and forth with tank blitzes.  I have NEVER seen that in any game I have played.  I guess as Russia I haven’t been fortunate enough to have a German player be so obliging in leaving territories open like that.  :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It happened a lot in Classic, but in Revised there’s almost always at least two ways to get where you want, usually 3 or 4.  (I think the only stumblers are Egypt/Trans-Jordan and Sinkiang/China.)

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