• First i would like to say hello to everyone on the site, i’m new to the site and fairly new to Axis and Allies… I have owned AA Europe for a couple years now and just picked up AA Battle of the Bulge which i think is excellent.

    I have some questions regarding the rules which kind of stumped us last night during a game… I am still learning this game and have not yet gone through a complete game, mainly because i hate playing these games without knowing 100% that i’m playing the rules properly or not LOL…  anyways here are my questions, hopefully somebody can answer them.  :?

    1.  If only 2 units are in a hex and are retreated a hex back from combat leaving the hex empty does the attacker move into that empty hex right after combat even though the units weren’t destroyed?  And if so do you wait till the movement and reinforcement turn to take over the hex you defeated or does that happen immediately after combat?

    2. If you get attacked and have units pushed back due to retreating can those retreated units be attacked in the same turn if your opponent attacks the hex in which you retreated them to ?

    3. When you deploy offboard reinforcements is the supply truck needed to bring in the reinforcements like artillery and Infantry? And what about the reinforcements from the charts, do you have to use the supply trucks to move artillery/infantry from the charts?

    4. If you attack a hex and win do you immediately move into ther hex you just defeated?

    5. Can you be attacked in the next battle(same turn) after taking the new hex over or does the infantry in a hex become idle after being used once in a turn?

    6. If you can’t move into a hex that you just defeated until the movement phase due to supply issues can that empty hex you just won be taking over from your opponent by them retreating a unit into it from a different battle in the adjacent hex?  We need to know what to do with these empty hexes after combat?

    7. If there is an empty hex next to my units can i move my units into that hex to take it over even if that hex is in the enemie’s ZOC?  Or what if i was in the enemies ZOC , can i take that empty hex in the ZOC while being in the adjacent hex which is also ZOC?

    LOL  that’s all the questions…  I apologize for all these questions but maybe others can benefit from the answers as well… Maybe i’m making it more difficult than it is…?  my brain hurts lol  The clearer we understand this game the better the gameplay is.


  • You are making this more difficult than it is.

    Combat and Movement are separate.

    The only units that move during combat are units that have been forced to retreat. A unit must retreat to a hex that satisfies these conditions:

    1. It is not in an enemy ZOC.
    2. Adding the units to the hex will not violate stacking limits. A unit can’t be the 13th or higher unit into a hex or be the 7th INF or ARM or 4th ART in a hex.

    A unit that can not find such a hex is destroyed. Units do not have to all retreat to the same hex.

    During your turn to move you may move into any hex with friendly units being mindful of the stacking limits or any hex that is empty being mindful of the stacking limits.

    That should clear up most of your questions. Be sure to check out the FAQ.

  • I have read the FAQ but these questions don’t seem to be covered,  unless i’m missing it ?

    I don’t get how your answers clear up most of my questions??

    so you’re saying that  after i attack an enemies hex and destroy all their units or make them retreat  i do not move into that hex until the movement and reinforcement turn?  So i leave that hex empty for the time being ?  damn this is confusing me

  • @GenBiggunz:

    so you’re saying that after i attack an enemies hex and destroy all their units or make them retreat i do not move into that hex until the movement and reinforcement turn? So i leave that hex empty for the time being ? damn this is confusing me

    Yes, you do exactly that.

    You may move into that hex during movement. You do not move into it during combat no matter what is or isn’t in it after you resolve your attack. (questions 1,4,5,)

    Combat and movement are separate–except for units that must retreat.


    During your turn to move you may move into any hex with friendly units being mindful of the stacking limits or any hex that is empty being mindful of the stacking limits.

    Questions 6 and 7


    The only units that move during combat are units that have been forced to retreat. A unit must retreat to a hex that satisfies these conditions:

    1. It is not in an enemy ZOC.
    2. Adding the units to the hex will not violate stacking limits. A unit can’t be the 13th or higher unit into a hex or be the 7th INF or ARM or 4th ART in a hex.

    A unit that can not find such a hex is destroyed. Units do not have to all retreat to the same hex.

    When what I’ve said about where you can retreat to sinks in you will have your answer to your question 2.

    I haven’t really hit no 3 at all. You will need to use trucks if you want to move INF and ART from the chart to a hex other than one on the corresponding map edge. Supplies always need a truck to be brought on. INF and ART do not.

    I don’t know what other A&A games you might have played but forget all of them when you play BOTB.

    Don’t worry we’ll get you cleared up. Patience, Grasshopper.  :-)

  • GenBiggunz, how’s it coming? Are things any clearer or are you still suffering some difficulties?

  • frimmel,  thanks for the replies.  I think i got it figured out  but there is one question i have regarding enemy ZOC…  Is it still enemy ZOC at the front line directly across the enemy or does that not count because it’s the front line?  im unsure of that…  Especially on the truck movement phase… If a truck is right behind the front line(your furthest hex) can you still return it or because the enemy is on the other side of the front line thats considered enemy ZOC…  am i making sense or not explaining properly?  lol


  • A unit exerts ZOC over the six hexes adjacent to it. If another unit is in one of those hexes they are in each other’s ZOC. The only ZOCs that effect movement are those coming from enemy units.

    A US truck adjacent to a hex with Germany units is in the enemy’s ZOC, whether or not there is a Front Line marker anywhere on that hex. The front line markers are there only to determine what cities are in German hands. It is a reference more than anything. They don’t exert any ZOC of their own, only units do. Frankly I think they threw the thing in because it looks cool.

  • I have a shorter question re ZOC.

    If a unit is forced to retreat, and there are friendly units directly adjacent that it could retreat to, but that hex is also in the enemy ZOC… in other words, is retreating verboten into joint ZOC’s, even if there are friendly units in the target hex? Whatever the answer, is this made explicitly clear anywhere in the rules?

    – rob derrick

  • It is made explicitly clear in the rules in that Zone of Control is defined and it is stated that units can’t retreat to an enemy ZOC. It does not say a hex ceases to be in an enemy ZOC if it has friendly units in it.

    I tend to think of it like this, “You may not retreat into a hex adjacent to enemy combat units.”

  • '10

    I got this game last week and I’m having some trouble wrapping my head around some of the rules.

    Are the units that fought in combat allowed to move during the movement phase, or is the combat considered as their movement for that turn?

    When attacking a hex with supplies, does a hit on the supplies mean that only one supply token is destroyed, or is the whole stockpile destroyed?

    I’m sure I’ll have some more q’s once I play through the game for the first time…

  • All units may move during the movement phase regardless of whether they did or did not participate in combat.

    Each die that ends up in the supply address destroys one token.


    In case you haven’t come across the FAQ yet.

    Something to remember- the only units that move during combat are units that are forced to retreat. You do not move units into a hex you are attacking. Units move during the movement phase even units that were forced to retreat.

    Your question’s wording asking if combat uses up movement has me making that reminder.

  • '10

    Thanks for the quick reply, Frimmel.  Your help is much appreciated  :-)

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