@Imperious-Leader I wasn’t aware that there was any other edition
10 video games to avoid
A) The US is a leading nation in recycling.
B) I believe in recycling when it’s cheaper because it is a capitalist idea.C) I have still never heard of video induced homicide being a viable defense. And believe me, it would be on Law and Order as well as every news channel the week it is successful.
D) I have heard of reports showing that violent movies and video games actually pacify people because it mentally vents their frustration, thus they are not frustrated as much and thus are less inclined to get into violence themselves. -
Jen “A) The US is a leading nation in recycling.”
I do not think I will ever try and argue or debate with you ever again Jen. You fail miserably at looking at America with critical analysis and admitting we are wrong on something.
Back on topic… video games…
Did anyone ever play Manhunt? That was one messed up game.
Jen “A) The US is a leading nation in recycling.”
I do not think I will ever try and argue or debate with you ever again Jen. You fail miserably at looking at America with critical analysis and admitting we are wrong on something.
Sometimes I wonder if people actually find facts or just use the crap they were fed by the media.
Top Recycling Nations in the World:
Rank Country Percentage of Waste Recycled
1 Switzerland 52%
2 Austria 49.7%
3 Germany 48%
4 Netherlands 46%
5 Norway 40%
6 Sweden 34%
7 United States 31.5%http://www.aneki.com/recycling_countries.html
Wow, not only one of the world’s leading recycling nations, but in the top ten of over 150 nations, recycling an estimated 31.5% (a 3rd) of our garbage, almost 7% more then waas thought possible in 1985.
Hmm….and the facts bite another liberal in the butt.
Did anyone ever play Manhunt? That was one messed up game.
That game was fun. Good stuff. Rockstar makes the best video games.
Its not really suited for young kids but it is only a big deal when someone tries to make it a big deal.
Has anyone played the new Scarface game? That game is like……wow. If you guys thought the GTA series was violent and full of sexual themes and cussing, you guys might want to rethink that with this game.
C) I have still never heard of video induced homicide being a viable defense. And believe me, it would be on Law and Order as well as every news channel the week it is successful.
Don’t quote me on this, but I think I remember a Law and Order case where video games came up.
Not that it isn’t a ridiculous defense.
yeah i saw that episode, don’t rembember who won the case though.
I love to reduce, reuse if possible, but i hate recycling.
its a huge pyramid scheme. you do all the work, some company picks it up, already pre sorted, and makes money off of your work. and we dont see a dime. screw doing someone elses work. those recylcing companies could go to the landfill and sort my garbage if they dont want to pay me.
wtf? Isn’t this supposed to be about video games to avoid? Why are we talking aboot recycling? :?
wtf? Isn’t this supposed to be about video games to avoid? Why are we talking aboot recycling? :?
MW- This side argument is because of Jennifer’s use of a “throw away” statement in an earlier post. (Did you like the pun? :-D )
And the award for failure to get the point of a rhetorical question goes to . . .
Well, really, we’re all winners here.
I saw a very similar list about two months ago. Speaking of Recycling, the list included the latest Grand Theft Autos, State of Emergency 2, the Soprano’s, the 360 version of Godfather, and Scarface. All of these were either sequels or license ripoffs of movies and TV shows.
I work in a video game store, and I’ve seen a lot of garbage over the last two years. Here’s some games that you should avoid because the hype is completely out of proportion to the quality of gameplay:
NBA Live 07 (Numerous, particularly XBOX 360 and PC): EA Sports has a bad problem with feature creep; taking a sports game, updating the roster, adding some little gimmick and charging you $50. The AI bugs on this version were inexcusable
Scarface (PS2, XBOX): The movie has generated a huge following from the 18-25 crowd, and the game is just an excuse to milk money out of those kids that have the poster up in their dorm room. This game doesn’t look any better than Vice City despite being produced five years later. The gameplay is repetitive and you wish you had a jump button.
25 to Life (PS2, XBOX): This piece of garbage was one of those urban crime games that followed in the wake of GTA:San Andraes. It’s barely playable.
Any game for the Wii or PS3 that was released for another system last year: See Blazing Angels, Godfather, College Hoops 2k7. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion for PS3 and Tiger Woods for Wii receive special exemptions.
Anyone down for 10 video games you should play? We could do recent and all-time…
Recent games you have to play?
Earth Defense Force for the 360. D3 makes games that aren’t flashy, but they’re loads of fun. I also recommend Cooking Mama for the Wii.
I know I would put Load Runner (commodore 64) on the all-time list. That game rocked!
I know I would put Load Runner (commodore 64) on the all-time list. That game rocked!
Lode Runner was a good one, too. :wink:
Just don’t say Pitfall, or I will shoot you. Seriously. :-P
How about NHL '95 for the Sega Genesis? That was a game ahead of it’s time.
How about NHL '95 for the Sega Genesis? That was a game ahead of it’s time.
You know what? It’s one of the few games I’ve got packed away with my Genesis somewhere. It was good, but I was disappointed in the lack of fights.
Anyone down for 10 video games you should play? We could do recent and all-time…
OK, here goes, in no particular order:
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Starcraft (and Broodwar)
Goldeneye (N64)
Gears of War
Super Metroid
FF6 (3 for SNES)
Chrono Trigger (Still haven’t beaten this one!)
Dune (Genesis)
Halo (1 and 2)
Toejam n’ Earl