Hello all. I’m starting this new thread as a central place to post updates on my dicey / AAR sim AACalc, aka Frood, found at http://frood.net/aacalc/
First order of business: I’ve added a new feature called “Att. abort threshold”. If you leave this alone, Frood will run as it always has, fighting a battle to the death. However, if you enter a percentage here, the attack will be aborted if the attackers unit count or punch drop below this percentage of the corresponding value for the defender.
Example: If you enter 100%, you’ll keep fighting as long as your force is stronger than the defenders. Suppose 10 Arm attack 8 Arm. The first round goes really badly, with the attacker scoring only one hit and the defender scoring 5. The attacker’s odds of winning have dropped from 88% to just 6%, with the defender likely to survive with 3 Arm or more. Faced with those odds, any sane player would cut their losses and end the attack rather than throw their Armor away. However, until now, Frood would happily keep throwing your precious tanks into the fire.
If you had entered 100%, the battle would end as soon as the odds shifted away from your favour.
When using Frood as an odds calculator, this will eliminate those results that would never occur because the attacker would call off the attack - you get to set your own threshold. Consider this: 20 Arm. v. 19 Arm
If fighting blindly to the death, the attacker has a 66% chance of coming out alive, with an average 3.5 tanks surviving overall - that one extra tank makes a surprising difference to the probability. The defender has a 32% chance of surviving, average 1.5 tanks left.
Now, if an abort threshold of 100% is added, the attacker survives 100% of the time, average 7.3 tanks left. Defender also more likely to survive, but the increase in probability is not as large: 46% survival, with 4.4 tanks left.
At 50 % threshold, the attacker keeps attacking with some disadvantage, with surprising results:
Attacker: 89%, 4.4 tanks
Defender: 33.1%, 1.8 tanks
The attackers results improve significantly from the no threshold result (66% to 89%, and 3.5 to 4.4 tanks left, while the defender’s survival rate does not improve.
At 75%:
Attacker: 96.7%, 5.2 tanks
Defender: 35.3%, 2.5 tanks
Interesting to note that defenders survival rate is almost unchanged, but surviving tanks increases noticeably. Attacker’s survival rate approaches 100%.
Again, at 100%, results were:
Attacker: 100%, 7.3 tanks
Defender: 46%, 4.4 tanks
And at 0% (default)
Attacker: 66%, 3.5 tanks
Defender: 32%, 1.5 tanks
I think this adds a new level of accuracy to AACalc as an odds calculator, because it takes into account that realistically, certain battles would get aborted, and you can specify your own “pain threshold” - how much are you willing to bleed before you decide to live to fight another day?
Also, it could accelerate the use of AACalc as a dicey - you can send the whole battle once, having decided ahead of time that it will be cut short if it gets to a certain point.