Help me secure an Allied victory?

  • Moderator

    One problem is, it can be hard to follow other peoples games since we can’t see the map and stuff, so it is hard to account for everything.

    Sometimes the individual battle aren’t really that important to your overall plan.  I look at a few things, Economics, Military (unit count), and Position.

    Economics is sort of obvious, you want to collect more IPC than your opponent.

    Military Units is fairly obvious as well.  Do you have more units on the board.

    Now comes the tricky one, Position.  Since about 90-95% of the games revolve around Germany-Moscow, that is where the focus should be (EE, Kar, Ukr, Cauc).

    As Germany since you aren’t going to be able to kill Moscow with-in the first 3-4 rds so you want to preserve your army and give time for Japan to build up.  This is where Afr comes into play for Germany and Asia for Japan.

    Yes, Africa is important, but you want to make sure you are not putting more troops there then you are getting IPC in return.

    Trypically you won’t be able to keep your German BB and trn alive for more than 2-3 rds anyway.

    And with the Aliied IC there, it would be better to try and exploit the Allied focus there by perhaps gaining the advantage in Ukr or Cauc, with the ability to hold them.

    Generally I’d advise you to always focus on Russia.  The Allied presence in Afr won’t do much good if the Germans have Kar and Japan has Novo.

    Ideally what you would like to do (with Ger), is move from EE to Ukr while Japan positions itself to take and hold Novo.  THEN German attacks Kar (or moves to Cauc) and Japan takes Novo and this puts Russia in the position of only being able to attack 1 army but in the process would lose Moscow to the other.  Or if they just sit back and defend now Ger and Japan can pickup loose IPC’s while building up their armies for the 1-2 punch on Mos.

    Don’t get me wrong, this can be very hard to do, but THIS should be your focus, so losing an inf here or there becomes less relevant as you gain a superior positon.

    Hope this helps.

  • Maximus,

    thanks for the advice and input.  Alot of what you suggested, and a few others here, is pretty much the way it played out.

    I just took Russia with a Jap assault!

    The Allies just wouldn’t cooperate and focus on one Axis power (after their surprise factory in Kenya, they foolishly built another in Alaska to put “pressure” on Japan…too little, too late).

    I know, most of you reading that are saying “Seems like you didnt need any advice beating that kind of poor-quality of play.”  And maybe I didnt.  But it was good to hear from some of you on strategy and looking at the big picture.

    Thanks again, and good luck in your games!

  • Weve started again…and switched roles.

    I was looking around these boards for a good Allied plan on “KillJapanFirst” since my opponents are growing quite aware of the US shuck-shuch from Canada.

    Any pointers, or can you link me to some (since Im sure there is plenty on the subject here…I just didnt find it in my search).


  • This is a game that favors mass build-ups.  Mass is good.  It gives you great defence and protection for your high value pieces.  This is why inf is so important.  Many newbies get turned off by the low rolls they need to hit.  Most veterans know that inf is required to take and effectively hold contested ground.

    Thin troop defences are ineffective in holding ground.

    Thinly or undefended areas are ripe for mobility tactics and armor.

    Veterans often favor parking 4 or more Jpn trns to shuttle inf from Japan proper to mainland Asia.  This is done for a few rounds until Jpn income reaches 40+ which makes a IPC on the mainland useful for arm purchases towards the taking of Russia.

    The reason is that the IPC costs $15 and gets you 3 arm worth of reinforcements onto Asia. 
    2 transports cost $16 and are only able to transport 2 arm to Asia.

    The same IPC can only place 3 inf on to Asia, but
    the 2 trns can transport 4 inf.

    So Jpn should use trns to reinforce Asia with inf and
    IPC’s to build  armor

    Shuck-Shuck is all powerful and is way better than KJF for Allied victory.
    GBR1 buys a CV + trn.  US1 can move 2 ftrs and possibly a trn to the UK SZ with the US ftrs landing on the GBR CV.

    This sets you up to buy trns + inf /arm for a WE invasion. 
    If Ger heavily stacks on WE, 2nd ed rules allow GBR to invade Spain for $3.  The US can then reinforce.  Follow-up attack on WE should dislodge the Ger defenders in WE.

  • Start play with bids and Rus attack 1st turn when the games become too predictable.

  • '19 Moderator


    Weve started again…and switched roles.

    I was looking around these boards for a good Allied plan on “KillJapanFirst” since my opponents are growing quite aware of the US shuck-shuch from Canada.

    Any pointers, or can you link me to some (since Im sure there is plenty on the subject here…I just didnt find it in my search).


    The best plan for a kill Japan first game is kill Germany and then focus on Japan. ;)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Nah, my bro,in classic, always did a US build of 1 battleship, 1 fighter on round 1.  From then on he built a carrier or battleship every round until he had 3 carriers, 3 or 4 battleships then focused on transports. (ovbviously japan’s navy was nothing but a fond memory at that point!)

  • Meanwhile ger thrived. Well at least the us controlled the pacific ocean eh!

  • It is so easy to defend against a US fleet… Because you know they are comming… So you can easily buy 4-5 subs at that time + your 2 BB’s, CV and planes => US fleet history… So you just wasted like 120 IPC’s for a useless fleet :P

  • 4-5 even is more than I’d put on it. I’d maybe get a couple, but focus my defense on mainly bombers and transports. Since I usually already have the transports sitting around (because I always get at least 6+ transports for Japan before ever building an IC), I can just focus on buying bombers. If the US has spent several rounds of purchasing on a west coast navy, not only will Germany be doing quite well, but they will be hard pressed to get anywhere near my transports, because if they do then I send off my transports as cannon fodder and use my airforce to do the heavy hitting. It may take me a round to replenish my tranports but in the meanwhile my expanded airforce is still useable. Or if the US keeps out of range of my transports, then I say let them use that huge expensive navy to island hop while I press towards Moscow, with less US forces helping Russia defend.

  • KJF is fun to play though. After a while we made it a house rule that the UK and USA could only help Russia with reinforcements, and had to kill Japan first. It is getting a real race against the clock then wich fun to play, because we all got bored because the shuck shuck was unbeatable… Only luck or extremely high bids could alter the game.

  • humm

    The key to winning with the axis in the world game is how well the japs do against russia. My game is to hold a large german front in e europe and constantly reinforce it, as there will be loads of russians stacked up on karellia round after round.

    Go south with the germans and take the money from the british empire in africa, hold a german fleet if possible off gibralter to prevent the americans form making a decisive landing on morocco. Even build a german factory on egypt and hold africa while the japs take oz and help out in the south. the germans as always are fighting on 3 fronts and need that extra african money.

    If the japanese get into a protracted battle with the usa in the pacific the axis will eventually lose, they have to send land units into russia, build a factory on manchuria and keep taking russian territory. Sooner or later the russians will need to pull back and defend moscow.

    The best first move for the uk is to build a factory on india, after that they have a serious foothold in asia, otherwise the japs will overrun the whole continent and be collecting tons of ipcs.

    The americans should only concentrate on the western / atlantic war defending the brit sea zone with a carrier and loads of transports…the germans cannot afford the air loses or the subs to deal with the sea battles. They have to hold, hold, hold europe and take african points, sitting tight until the japs arrive.

    I’ve played some games that end up with 5 jap fighters defending the german capital, along with a big stack of german troops and german fighters hanging on, while a big japanese army makes its way towards moscow from the east…

    Its rarely the germans who win, unless the russians don’t defend karellia properly. the war is usually won by the japs or by sheer american numbers, built up for 5 rounds culminating in a french invasion which is impossible to counterattack without huge and irreplaceable loses for the germans.

    We dont allow russia to attack 1st round, as its over for the germans and not an even game from the start. but weapons development adds an extra gamble to the game when someone is prepared to gamble. We also play the game that allows an allied country to buy any weapons developments from their ally for 5 ipc’s…If the axis get lucky with increased unit production or long range aircraft it makes an interesting, dynamic game. super subs are the throw one doesnt want in round 5 for any nation, as lets face it by then they’re all at the bottom of the oceans anyway!

    I should get tha pacific game as kamikaze fighters are allowed…yippeee!

  • @madman333:

    Go south with the germans and take the money from the british empire in africa, hold a german fleet if possible off gibralter to prevent the americans form making a decisive landing on morocco. Even build a german factory on egypt and hold africa while the japs take oz and help out in the south. the germans as always are fighting on 3 fronts and need that extra african money.

    Lol Germany hasn’t got the money to fight at 3 fronts. Wasting 15 IPC’s on an IC is GG for the allies!


    The best first move for the uk is to build a factory on india, after that they have a serious foothold in asia, otherwise the japs will overrun the whole continent and be collecting tons of ipcs.

    Japs take that fac in turn 4-5. Depends how the allies play it. Either way this is a sucker move, not worth it!


    We dont allow russia to attack 1st round, as its over for the germans and not an even game from the start. but weapons development adds an extra gamble to the game when someone is prepared to gamble. We also play the game that allows an allied country to buy any weapons developments from their ally for 5 ipc’s…If the axis get lucky with increased unit production or long range aircraft it makes an interesting, dynamic game. super subs are the throw one doesnt want in round 5 for any nation, as lets face it by then they’re all at the bottom of the oceans anyway!

    1. What I read is that you don’t play with bids either. So you are beginners at the game… Play with bids and balance the game.
    2. Weapon development is not aloud in tourneys. It just messes the game up.

    Furthermore thanks for stating the obvious… Way to kick in an open door.

  • How to win Classic:

    Allies:  Build some TRN, THEN INFANTRY!


  • Quote from MADDOG 333

    [[b]i]The americans should only concentrate on the western / atlantic war defending the brit sea zone with a carrier and loads of transports…the germans cannot afford the air loses or the subs to deal with the sea battles. They have to hold, hold, hold europe and take african points, sitting tight until the japs arrive.

    Good Analysis!!!  Thanks.

    Everyone interested in Classic would benefit with look at your entire post!!!

  • That quote came from MADMAN 333, not the great and immortal MADDOGG. Get it right ! I’m not the Maddog, only a reverent disciple!

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