The key to winning with the axis in the world game is how well the japs do against russia. My game is to hold a large german front in e europe and constantly reinforce it, as there will be loads of russians stacked up on karellia round after round.
Go south with the germans and take the money from the british empire in africa, hold a german fleet if possible off gibralter to prevent the americans form making a decisive landing on morocco. Even build a german factory on egypt and hold africa while the japs take oz and help out in the south. the germans as always are fighting on 3 fronts and need that extra african money.
If the japanese get into a protracted battle with the usa in the pacific the axis will eventually lose, they have to send land units into russia, build a factory on manchuria and keep taking russian territory. Sooner or later the russians will need to pull back and defend moscow.
The best first move for the uk is to build a factory on india, after that they have a serious foothold in asia, otherwise the japs will overrun the whole continent and be collecting tons of ipcs.
The americans should only concentrate on the western / atlantic war defending the brit sea zone with a carrier and loads of transports…the germans cannot afford the air loses or the subs to deal with the sea battles. They have to hold, hold, hold europe and take african points, sitting tight until the japs arrive.
I’ve played some games that end up with 5 jap fighters defending the german capital, along with a big stack of german troops and german fighters hanging on, while a big japanese army makes its way towards moscow from the east…
Its rarely the germans who win, unless the russians don’t defend karellia properly. the war is usually won by the japs or by sheer american numbers, built up for 5 rounds culminating in a french invasion which is impossible to counterattack without huge and irreplaceable loses for the germans.
We dont allow russia to attack 1st round, as its over for the germans and not an even game from the start. but weapons development adds an extra gamble to the game when someone is prepared to gamble. We also play the game that allows an allied country to buy any weapons developments from their ally for 5 ipc’s…If the axis get lucky with increased unit production or long range aircraft it makes an interesting, dynamic game. super subs are the throw one doesnt want in round 5 for any nation, as lets face it by then they’re all at the bottom of the oceans anyway!
I should get tha pacific game as kamikaze fighters are allowed…yippeee!