this doesnt make any sense at all
If germany doesnt buy any infantry for 2 turns, the allies walk all over them RUSSIA IN PARTICULAR
after 3 turns, germany would be in such bad shape, it would fall easily
this doesnt make any sense at all
If germany doesnt buy any infantry for 2 turns, the allies walk all over them RUSSIA IN PARTICULAR
after 3 turns, germany would be in such bad shape, it would fall easily
Alright to start, sorry for my spelling for all the places
ive been playing for almost 4 years and have developed this plan, that only loses when the axis get REALLY lucky in a few battles.
To start, russia play russia restricted, so only leave 3 infantry in cacus moving the other 2 to karilia. move everyone off of russia, sending 2 infantry to the east, and the rest to karillia. end the turn placing 8 infantry on karillia.
Britain starts off bying a carrier and transport, assuming the fleet has been distroyed, because it should have been. bomb germany, and go over and pick up the tank from canada. if you have any units left in africa, use them wisely (different all the time, depending on what germany does.)
the usa buys 3 transports 4 infantry. Move the bomber to britain, send 2 infantry to aferica, and the fighters land on the aircraft carrier. If you have guys left in china, meet them up with the russian forces.
This is just the first turn, because after this, i play only depending on waht germany and japan does. What i always do is counter attack with russia in the east with only those guys, putting all infantry on karilla. This makes the game a race between USA and JAPAN. If the us gets to germany before japan gets to russia, then allies win. I also do a lot of attacking with russia, in order to take eastern europe. ONce this is done, then germany has to defend 3 places(germany, south europe, and west europe) and it cant keep it up. the way the game turns out, it takes japan 5 turns to get to russia, while it only takes USA and britain 4 turns to take germany, thus winning for the allies. ONce germany falls, then its a huge push east, and the allies will always win 3VS1.
what do you think?