Which direction in Japan's multi-pronged approach?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Forcing Russia to trade in North Asia is pretty good strat for Japan.  It splits Russia’s forces between Russia and Caucasus allieviating a lot of pressure on Germany.  And they trade units for almost worthless land. (1 IPC territories, primarily.)

  • Good point Jen, good point.  It seems when I play, I get back-handed whenever I go up the middle, usually because Novo is so close to both Russia and the Cauc, so a few armour and some inf along with airpower comes and strafes me or destroys me.  Going north where only units from Russia can come to play ball works for me.

  • Well, you can trade units all over Russia’s front while pooling a large force in Persia with Japan. Forces in the north alone for Japan is way less flexible- no pressure on Kazahk or the Caucasus.

    Kazahk is the Russian backside equivalent to W Russia as far as critical territories go. If the Axis gets into either territory in force it makes Russia have to make some unpleasant decisions. Staging Japan in the north allows Russia to defend itself from Russia alone, not both Russia and the Caucasus.

  • Allies start 96-70 IPC advantage.

    So what can the axis take to even this out, WITHOUT trading.

    Aus+NZ+hi = 4
    China+Sink+India+Bury+Yakut+SFE = 10

    Take all these, and the axis lead in IPC 84-82.

    Now, Africa income makes the axis stronger.

    For me, my “way” is dictated by getting “even” on IPC as fast as possible. After the axis break even, its just picking the easiest way, either through china, persia or up north…

  • Man, I don’t know what it is but I got burnt AGAIN while playing Japan.  My friend put in a KJF game plan which basically hemmed me in in both the north and south while building up the US sea power.  What really messed me over for the entire game was the VERY FIRST MOVE!!! I got my candy butt handed to me on an orange platter while trying to take China.  I lost 4 inf on the first go and that set the stage for my ability ( or lack thereof) to wage war.  I wasn’t even able to take Sink and only manage to attack it once.  Furthermore, an IIC was set up, and I couldn’t get it because I couldn’t muster enough forces on the ground.

    A few other variety of factors messed me up (and over) for the rest of the game, and  :oops: :oops: :cry: :cry: my home got taken away from me b/c of my lack of foresight.  :evil: But I kinda forgot to collect my income so when the US took Japan he only got 2 IPCs of leftover money.  Not too bad but then again, not really good either.  I think I’ll just stay with Germany or grounded countries in the future…

  • Moderator


    Allies start 96-70 IPC advantage.

    So what can the axis take to even this out, WITHOUT trading.

    Aus+NZ+hi = 4
    China+Sink+India+Bury+Yakut+SFE = 10

    Take all these, and the axis lead in IPC 84-82.

    Now, Africa income makes the axis stronger.

    For me, my “way” is dictated by getting “even” on IPC as fast as possible. After the axis break even, its just picking the easiest way, either through china, persia or up north…

    But don’t forget about the loss of Wrus, Alg, Lib, and Nor.  All should be in Allied hands and “untradeable” at about the same time the Axis take the territories you mention.  Which would make it:
    Axis  77 - Allies 89

    I tend to go more for Position over IPC, so I perfer the center for Japan.
    Once you control the center of the board Ukr [Ger] - Sin (Kaz/Novo) [Japan], the IPC’s will come b/c the Allies now have more pressing issues.

  • @DarthMaximus:


    Allies start 96-70 IPC advantage.

    So what can the axis take to even this out, WITHOUT trading.

    Aus+NZ+hi = 4
    China+Sink+India+Bury+Yakut+SFE = 10

    Take all these, and the axis lead in IPC 84-82.

    Now, Africa income makes the axis stronger.

    For me, my “way” is dictated by getting “even” on IPC as fast as possible. After the axis break even, its just picking the easiest way, either through china, persia or up north…

    But don’t forget about the loss of Wrus, Alg, Lib, and Nor.  All should be in Allied hands and “untradeable” at about the same time the Axis take the territories you mention.  Which would make it:
    Axis  77 - Allies 89

    I tend to go more for Position over IPC, so I perfer the center for Japan.
    Once you control the center of the board Ukr [Ger] - Sin (Kaz/Novo) [Japan], the IPC’s will come b/c the Allies now have more pressing issues.

    WRuss I will give you. Germany might be trading Norway if they bought a fleet.

    Algeria and Lybia I think will be Axis. I think Germany must continue to grab Africa territories and use Japan to help if needed.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I have to admit, Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar and Hawaii are usually not in my attack plan.  IF it appears feasible without effecting future moves or current needs, I’ll hit them, but usually, I’m more focused on completely obliterating the Allies in Russia then dealing with a few errant islands with Japan.

    Now Germany, on the other hand, is a different story.  If I can get Australia with Germany I’ll take it.  Free l3wt.

  • @ShadowHAwk:

    Australia and NZ can be good locations if you can get there without expending to much troops.
    It is easy IPCs and they wont take it back. Also it cuts away 1 of the allied powers concentrated.

    If you focus on 1 power it helps more efficient then on all powers.

    Especialy the turn you build an Ic you might not be able to build enough troops to use all 4 trannies if you move 2 south then ( to enforce FIC ) you can take Australia next turn without losing much transport power but cutting in 3 more ipcs from the UK who at that point has verry little IPCs and is losing afrika making it completely dependant on the US to do anything at all.

    Sure they’ll take it back . . . but only if it’s a KJF.  I assume this whole thread is pretty much based off a KGF assumption, because otherwise Japan should go inf/fighter turtle.

    My typical Aus/NZ/Hawaii plan uses ONE transport, BB support shot(s) and a carrier.  I use the infantry from the southeastern islands to replenish.

    Sometimes I can’t afford to go Aus/NZ/Hawaii depending on the India/Ssinkiang situation.

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