japanesse IC in brazikl i8s devestating, US ic in Norway is evil
Actually did buy ic´s for japan in folowing places in one game (i won)
IC: Fic, manchuria, sinkiang, kwangtung, china.
I am not new to Revised, but new here. I have been trolling the board for a while
I like the PBF area.
who are some of the better player so I can follow their games
thankz for ur replies
Darth Maximus , JWW, Ncscwitch, Rising Dragon, Gamer and Jennifer are just a few of the fairly accomplished gamers on this site. Look through some of their games and you should be able to view some good tactical games amongst them. If your looking to join, and want to play some quality games, head to the league and join up, but be warned, you will get hooked. 8-)
welcome to the board.
Darth Maximus , JWW, Ncscwitch, Rising Dragon, Gamer and Jennifer are just a few of the fairly accomplished gamers on this site. Look through some of their games and you should be able to view some good tactical games amongst them. If your looking to join, and want to play some quality games, head to the league and join up, but be warned, you will get hooked. 8-)
ya what he said.
Thanks for your replies.
I will check those players out
I am not new to Revised, but new here. I have been trolling the board for a while
I like the PBF area.
who are some of the better player so I can follow their gamesthankz for ur replies
Trolling rly?
Also, on the off chance that you haven’t heard of TripleA, it’s a free program that runs all kinds of games, including Revised, and it has a server where people play all the time. Hop on there and you can watch people play just about any time of any day.
I am not new to Revised, but new here. I have been trolling the board for a while
I like the PBF area.
who are some of the better player so I can follow their gamesthankz for ur replies
Trolling rly?
it IS almost fishing season!