Might be worth searching here:
Old version here:
In our 4 games, the Japanese have not exanded into Siberia/Russia. There is little income there. The usual path is to take China, India, and all the South Pacific Islands. In one game the Japanese took Australia.
At least in our games, a Japanese Soviet non-aggression pact would have no effect.
Is it the usual Japan expanding west into Siberia/Russia?
How about trying it with a Japanese/Soviet non-aggression pact?
Why was it decided to make it different point in time for europe and pacific theatre anyway?
Wikipedia has a animated timeline map for Europe threatre.
I wish someone could make one for world or Pacific.
Summer (specifically June 1st) 1942 is in my view the optimum start time for a World version.
The Europe game clearly starts with Barbaraossa in June '41, while Pacific begins with the massive Japanese expansion in December '41 to June '42. When dealing with these specific scenarios it’s difficult to argue against the chosen dates. An Autumn '39 start for Europe presents all the difficulties associated with the Germans and Soviets being Allies at this time.
I think it would be a neat game if Russia and GE had a slim chance to work out their differences peacfully
Yeah just depends how much diplomacy you want the game to have.
US+UK vs Germany vs Russia vs Japan
Don’t forget about Italy and China.
Hello folks, have been away for a long while……where are we at with the project. Is the last map that deepblue made the final product?? Are the IPCs sorted? Are there set up cards available as of yet?? My group is looking to play again, but I want to be sure that I have the most up to date material.
Oh I just realised there IS an animated world timeline map at wikipedia.
Theres a reference.
What happened to this prosject ?
Did AARHE take all the attention ?
Deep blue took off after we agreed that we were both passionate about this project. I fear he is gone forever on this one. :(
Shit happens :-(
He’ll be back.
Not at all.
This project paused for many weeks before ARRHE 1939 started.
I guess someone could obtain the vector file from deepblue and the community can continue from there.
No luck. I tried to get the file from him awhile ago but he didn’t want to let it go. This was back when he was actually working on the project though… perhaps he’d be more willing to relinquish it now.
Also, I don’t think it’s a vector file. Probably a high-res raster.
Yeah its been months since.
See how it goes.
Almost a year ago I was looking for a bigger playing board - ideally I wanted something that combined the look of both the A&A Europe and Pacific maps but in a whole world persepctive. Anyway I found a map on Axis&Allies.org made by the chap - Positronica. I downloaded it and there it sat on my computer for about a year while I played out a full A&A mini’s campaign using Europe and Pacific maps.
Anyway, two weeks ago I though our playing group needed a change and so I printed out positronica’s map on 20+ peices of paper and tiled them all together. The consenus was that the map was fun to play on but too small and too crowded. So I took I thought, “What would make a good sized playing surface?” How about a 8 foot x 4 foot map…
After some photoshopping and a trip to a local sign printer we now have what I consider one of if not the world best playing board for Axis and Allies.
See for yourself -
As you can see the map is wonderfully large! We used Positronica’s set up and we arn’t sure if it’s balanced or not - the Axis won but it might have been more to the ineptness of the Allies. What makes this map intersting -a breath of fresh air really, is that it makes fleets very important, and the sheer size and number of the territories makes standard stratagy ineffective.
The German tank army did 14 hits on the first round - ouch! Did I mention that I was playing Russia and we lost… Anyway for you viewing pleasure.
Cheers -Dave
We used Positronica’s set up and we arn’t sure if it’s balanced or not - the Axis won but it might have been more to the ineptness of the Allies.
We have played 4 games and found the Axis to be far too powerfull. Our current guess to try and balance the game is to remove 2 German tanks about 100 IPCs of Japanese Navy and Airforce.
I would be very interested in other peoples opinion of balance. Perhaps we are stuck in some sort of ‘group think’.
Once balanced, I think this map will be the best of all A&A variants. It is just awsome and well thought out with the navy bases, convoy boxes, and airbases. I think just the initial set up needs to be modified.
Can we get a larger picture?
also where is the photoshop file? can you make a link to it using some file uploading site?
need the player aids as well.
Thanks! I will print out a copy but id like the final version rather than an older version.
The man asked for a larger picture so here it is:
As for the orgional photoshop file - it looks like the link at the start of this tread is dead - I downloaded it before it went dead and have it on my computer - I’m working on getting it posted and will put a link up at that time. I’ll also post the player cards. As for the “updated” version that takes up pages 5-42 of this thread - I have no connection with that - infact I’ll just say that I really didn’t like the work done on that particular version. The orgional is waht I’ve got and what I printed.
Larger picture -
If you (or anyone) can post a vector file of the map you’re gonna be popular.
(You’ll get lots of karma overnight.)
The project has a large following (especially under deepblue’s work) but has stalled as of a few months ago.
As previous posts indicated the community is keen to continue the work.
I have to say that that is an older file because the latter files had the ocean lines in ‘dots’
i specifically remember alot of drafts going on after that point where he added ports.