Burma declare war against the allies.
Wang Jing Weis-China to.
Laos and Cambodja was independent states in august 1945.
Are this states axis?
New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)
If so I have created an icon to represent this on our map. (See attached)
Let me know if you want to see this rule and what territories should be consider for Oil territories.
Oil centers at:
Polesti ( romania)
Mosul ( Iraq)
Georga-- Baku
Hungary (possible) it was secondary source for hitlers oil
Dutch east Indies,Sumatra, Borneo, Java… if thats too many then remove borneo
VenezuelaWhat about Texas?
yea forgot! add it.
I think we are getting too bent out of shape over this port issue. Deep blue is right, and I agree with him wholeheartedly. The port belongs to the territory, not a specific city within the territory (unless of course, the city is the territory ala Hong Kong). So the port in western US, can be any damn city you want it to be. The point is, it is in western us. Now, I have no problem with being historically correct, so a port in Abbyssinia, as you suggest Imperious Leader, we can do with out, but the port in western us should stand as is. It makes no difference for game play if the port is in the middle of the territory or the bottom of the territory if it is connected to the same sea zone.
if your adding Puget sound it may help to seperate them a bit
Soory, I can not see the map in IE.
Can somebody please just post an image, not a link
Tanks folks
Glad to see some people are actually reading the threads.
Ports without historical foundations have been added to enhance game play. I did not just randomly place ports on the map.
“does not exist†and “never existed†are not reason enough to remove a port. If you don’t like a port I have added tell me why. I am looking for discussions that provide insightful feedback not simple statements.
Abyssinia’s port does not have historical foundations, true. The port was added to enhance game play and to add a new dynamic to the African Theater by allowing Italy (if the Axis control the Suez) to move troops to its holdings in Africa, giving the Suez farther reaching tactical value and allowing Italy to defend one of its VCs.
It also gives the Southern Italian port a place to go. (Remember ports need pairs so without it we lose the Italian mainland port as well)
So… If my reasoning does not persuade you to keep the Abyssinia port on the map, that is fine, tell me why.
Not all elements of this map require historical foundations. This is a game map, “based†on a historical war.
Does anyone else like the “OIL†rule addition? Or has “constructive†feedback.
I provided a list of oil centers … what are the proposed rules?
Oil Centers
Each enemy oil center can be either captured or bombed in a similar manner as Strategic Bombing run. If you capture an Oil center roll one D6 result equal’s number of IP you gain each turn. If you decide to bomb it you then roll one D6, equals the amount of IP that is lost from a player’s base total. If you capture an enemy oil center, the original player cannot then bomb his own oil center (even if you control it) allowing him to roll one D6 against you. -
Does anyone else like the “OIL†rule addition? Or has “constructive†feedback.
I’m not fond of the various “OIL” rules I’ve seen, but they are very easy to ignore if I don’t want to play with them, so I’ll just remain quiet on the question. :)
Issue with Ceylon Island Port (SZ64)
Players will use the port to reach SZ 64 but then unload directly to India and not Ceylon island.
sure why not? Ceylon could also be a base where indian fleets can be built rather than calcutta.
I could live without oil rules. If you ask me the game will be complicated enough already - with the addition of ports, airfields, and convoy boxes, there are plenty of new strategic targets on the map.
If someone can propose a good ruleset for oil then I would vote for including it. IL’s suggestion is pretty good but incomplete. It seems to me that you could abuse it as per original unlimited SBR rules. Also you would have to come up with a way to track how much oil production you have, and do your original oilfields produce IPC for you as well? If no, that’s a bit strange. If yes, then how much do they produce?
At 1D6 per oilfield, own 3 oilfields and you could generate 18IPCs per turn… seems to me too powerful, and would become too much of a focal point for control.
And why can’t players bomb a captured oilfield? You can bomb a captured complex.
ok simple modification:
Oil Centers
Each enemy oil center can be either captured or bombed in a similar manner as Strategic Bombing run. If you capture an Oil center roll one D6 result 1-2=1 ipc , 3-4=2 ipc, 5-6= 3 ipc you gain per oil field. If you decide to bomb it you then roll one D6, equals the amount of IP that is lost from a player’s base total. Loses of oil center cannot exceed the value of the territory. If you capture an enemy oil center, the original player cannot then bomb his own oil center (even if you control it) allowing him to roll one D6 against you.does that work…?
Anyway, you can list the link to the map again, i have been looking through the various links, and not sure what the latest one is.
Much appreciated.
Anyway, you can list the link to the map again, i have been looking through the various links, and not sure what the latest one is.
My signature has a link to all the drafts.
Has anyone printed out this map, at a size large enough to get all the pieces on it? if so did you use a plotter? any suggestions? i know that Super Fly and I are anxiously looking forward to playing, and I was just trying to figure out the best printing method, i assume this map is going to be around 4-5 feet by 2-3 feet. any suggestions?
its not even done yet. Every week it gets changed thats why their no official draft… wait a few months and perhaps it will be ready.
Link, sorry to be a pain, i was looking for the Rar file link, i think that one had better resolution, and something i can play with.
ITS ON PAGE ONE but it looks nothing like the current map which is not yet availible until its finished in a few months when you can then play it at that time with your friends once the rules have been written for it. Sorry for the bad sentence structure.
Great map, pals
How do you treat canals and straits ?
Of course Suez canal and Panama canal is as usual, but what about Bosporous Strait ? Do you need to control Turkey in order to move navy from sz 54 to sz 56 ?
I think English Channel, Gibraltar strait and the strait between Denmark and Sweden, could be closed if one player who controll an adjacent territory to that strait, place an Blockhouse in that territory. Blockhouses will have big guns that covers the strait, remember the Royal Navys attempt to cross Bospurous strait during WW I, they got bottomed by the Turkish Forts.
Look at this funny link
http://www.civilization.ca/cwm/disp/dis003_e.htmlPlace a Blockhouse in France and Royal navy can not sail from sz 18 to sz 17, or if it do the blockhouse may roll a dice
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