New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)

  • (not picking a fight here)

    reading technical data isn’t a strong suit of mine sorry. On a diffrent note how much time do you think you have in creating this baby of yours?

  • @deepblue:


    All of Libya is now under Italian control.  Historically Italy lost Libya by now but the Germans had taken it back, minus Tobruk.  To support Italy as a viable player nation I left in the hands of the Italians.

    Under German Command it was taken back… Still over 75% of the force used were Italian.

  • Gentlemen,

    I think before we go any further with this project I should express what I am looking to get from this project, and my point of view.

    Lets start with what A&A is and isn’t.  A&A is a WWII game that is on a global scale but does not have much depth.  It is referred to as a “beer and peanuts” kind of game.  It’s for a group of people who get together and want to play a game for 4 to 6 hours have some beer, some laughs and a good time.  It is a very broad and general board game.

    A&A is not a game for hardcore gamers/historians that want to replay the historical battles of the war down to minute details.  Or people who want to make sure everything is absolutely correct and historically accurate.  There are other games out there (Europe Engulfed, Third Reich) for that sort of thing and I enjoy playing them as well.

    But this is A&A.

    I posted to this forum because I believe this is a worth while project and the group of people seemed passionate about it.  So I posted, offering some of my free time, to see this thing through and done right while meeting some people who are as fanatical about this game as I, to the point to pay 100+ dollars for a map.

    I did not post to be badgered, insulted or to listen to rude remarks.  I expect everyone to be cordial and polite, express their opinions and give suggestions that will contribute to the project not hinder it.

    For the most part I have found what I was expecting, a group of people who want to make a great map, but in some cases we have lost track of why we are here, and have forgotten that everyone involved is volunteering their time.


    If you agree, and want to continue this project let me know.  I am hoping we can work together to make an outstanding addition to the A&A legacy.


  • @Micoom:

    Under German Command it was taken back… Still over 75% of the force used were Italian.

    Thanks for the supporting info. Looks like we can leave Libya in the hands of the Italians.

  • Yes it was i who began the point about how the map was not historically correct. I am not advocating that the game plays out like the real war but it should be based on it in an accurate manner. People who actually read a history book will laugh at what constitutes German/Vichy and italian control for the period of dec 1941.

    Its fine to make something that will be enjoyed by others. I am just pointing out that its inaccurate and nothing can detract from that unless a number of small changes are made. However, if portraying a period of history is not part of the idea of the game then by all means that is fine as well. I was just presenting the facts in case you want to take the time to make it historically correct.

    Thats why some of us are posting… to help you out.

    But statement: “Or people who want to make sure everything is absolutely correct and historically accurate” is a bit in the other direction… nobody wants everything down to the finest detail… but they dont want the Germans controling madagaskar either :roll:… their has to be something thats even marginally realistic or the map might as well be Titan. ( joke)

  • Ok, hopefully this will be my final post on the subject of Vichy, Madagascar.

    We are rolling up Vichy into Germany for simplicity sake.

    Vichy controlled Madagascar until November of 1942.

    So Madagascar is grey (German Controlled) on our 1941 map?

    Imp, if you have a specific solution please share, or anyone else for that matter.

    My source:

  • Last current changes post.


    Vorkuta is now Komi-Zyryan SSR*
    Norilsk is now Krasnoyarsk*
    Kansk is now Southern Siberia*
    Kevenki SSR is now Yevenki
    Yakut is now Yakut SSR
    Vladivostok is now Primorsky*

    The border between Far Eastern Republic and Primorsky has been modified to reflect a more accurate presentation. (I hope)


    Peking is now Peiping.
    Chungking – Hupeh is now Hupeh*
    French Indochina border has been corrected. (Saigon was removed)
    New Delhi is now Delhi*

    The border between Korea and Primorsky has been corrected.  Manchuria is now land locked.

    Middle East

    Arabia is now Saudi Arabia


    Colombia is now spelled correctly
    Deep South is now Southern United States
    Finished Ontario’s boarder
    Northwest Territories is now labeled above Ontario
    Northwest Territories is now Western Canada


    Midway is now Midway Island


    Sea square 103 has been divided
    Sea square 26 as been reworked to make it more apparent that it connects with square 21
    Sea square 27 has been divided
    Black Sea square 43 has been divided


    Italian Roundel updated.

    I believe that is all the updates posted on this thread to this point.

    I hope to have a draft posted tomorrow.


  • Wikpedia is not a decent resource. Im looking at history books referenced from knowledge.

    This is from another source:
    The Allies eventually captured the capital, Tananarive without much opposition and the town of Ambalavao. The last major action was at Andriamanalina on October 18. Annet surrendered near Ilhosy, in the south of the island on November 5.

    On a map these areas of battles deciding the issue had allready captured most of it (about 90%) by oct. Most of the fighiting was over by this period the last city to be taken was on the extreme southern point and this was decided on Nov 5th.

    Bottom line: It was never an issue of German control ever. I dont know why you need it to be “german” its Vichy

    The Allies suffered about 500 casualties in the landing at Diego Suarez, and 30 killed and 90 wounded in the operations which followed September 10.

  • Imp,

    Let my try this again, I must not be making myself clear.  I think we are talking apples and oranges.

    Vichy was in control of Madagascar, and Germany never had control.  This is a true statement that I have never disagreed with.

    I am not saying Germany had control.

    With that said lets go to our game map.  On our map we do not differentiate between Germany and Vichy they are both Axis and both fall under the umbrella of Germany for our game, just like in the current AA game.  So all the assets of Vichy will be colored gray and be controlled by the German player, including North Africa and Madagascar.

  • On our map we do not differentiate between Germany and Vichy they are both Axis and both fall under the umbrella of Germany for our game, just like in the current AA game.

    Yes and the only thing im saying is Vichy and germany need to be seperate and not german controlled ( hence no money to germany). IN revised only southern france is german controlled along with the 2 upper african territories and NOT the entire african sub continent… IN revised Madagaskar is British as well and NOT Vichy.

    I dont know how you can say its just like The “current AA game” bacause its not.

    But its fine if its not accurate because its not a concern or at least thats what i gather from this.

  • Gentlemen,

    It’s finally here, my first draft!

    I believe to be as productive as possible we should focus our discussions.  The draft posted below is to help us decide on land territory attributes, such as correct name, color, allegiance, borders, etc.  Once we have agreed on this topic we can move to a different topic such as ocean squares, etc.

    So try to control your ADD. :-D

    When reviewing the map please consider both historical accuracy and game play. 
    The image has been reduced by 50% to allow for faster download times.  Also, elements have been removed to help us focus on the task at hand.

  • I think the map looks awesome.

    I had two questions:

    1. will access through the great lakes be possable (historically Detroit moved a lot of shermans)?

    2. this question is unrelated to the map but it was a setup question I was wondering about. You folks said that some areas were under German controll but were occupied mostly my Italians. So will the set up reflect this? Maybe having both German and Italian troops in the same starting territories?

  • P.S. I was wondering what will the dimensions of the map be when finished?

  • My first thoughts are WOW.  Well done.  Here are the errors I picked up at first glance:

    1. Yucantan should be Yucatan
    2. Romania could be called Rumania (not really picky on that one, some places refer to it as Romania, other Rumania during the War era)

    3. Following territory names are missing:
    Ceylon (not sure if we really want to name the island, it is something that Craig brought up as well before, it seems like a place you could go to).

    4. What of the victory cities, I kind of liked the named cities that were on the map.

    5. I posted the roundel of China as well, that would be nice touch (for example AA Pacific has it).  There is some justification to include it since China, although controlled by USA, has a separate way of acquiring armies, it is played like a separate nation.

    6. I’m not sure if this is the place for it, but Burma Road, Trans-Siberian and Trans-Continental railroads are still nice touches.

  • OK heres a few more things:

    replace kashmir with Baluchistan… kashmir is much more north of india.

    Manchuria was called Manchukuo in this period.

    Tsinghai should be Koko nor

    northern manchruia should be called Heiho

    the empty 2 territory should be called Hopei

    chahar should be called Hingan …chahar is south west of where you have it. Currently you got suiyuan in its position.

    everything else looks good…

  • Yes, I agree with Imperious, the one to add is that Victory cities are put in, then Peiping can be one of those  (in the Hopei territory).

  • Hsinking was the capital of Manchukuo which is in the Kirin province ( south of Heiho and Hingan)

    thus its in what is labeled Manchuria. “Following the Mukden Incident, the Japanese Kwantung Army occupied Manchuria and established the puppet state of Manchukuo on February 18, 1932. Japan pressured China into recognising the independence of Manchukuo.”

    Peiping is in Hopei

    the capital was called  Hsinking, Changchun is what the chinese used to call this city before 1932. the japanese renamed it Hsinking which translates to ‘new capital’

  • The map looks fantastic.  I’m not one for 100% historical accuracy.    I am more interested in a very playable, versatile map.  This map, so far, looks like it delivers.

    My only question is about the Sea Zones.  They are currently unnumbered.    I assume this is because the original draft was missing a couple SZ numbers & the black sea has now been divided… changing the order entirely.    But just to be sure; the SZs will be numbered right?

    • Carl Gustav

  • Gentlemen,

    Thanks for the input.  It is all great advice.

    Those who like the map thanks for saying so, now I know I am on the right track.

    Some food for thought before I make the changes.

    Access through the Great Lakes.

    Well to be honest I have never thought of that.  I am not sure if adding access to the lakes would improve the game.  Group what do you think?

    Map Dimensions

    I was hoping to discuss this with the group in more detail later but just to give you an idea of what I am thinking.

    At the minimum 3 feet by 6 feet, maybe a bit bigger.

    Can’t believe I fat fingered Yucatan.

    Well I had a fifty/fifty shot with Rumania/Romania.

    Found this site that supports the “o” but I don’t care either way.

    Territory Names and VCs

    I left off the victory cites/territory names (which are also the names of the VCs) for two reasons.
    1. I thought it would help us focus on the territories. (Obviously I was wrong.)
    2. I am reworking their Font and was not finished yet, but figured you wanted to see the map ASAP.

    I was hoping we could hold off on the victory city topic until we are happy with the map itself.

    Will add Ceylon. Nice catch never even noticed it.

    China’s roundel

    I have mixed feelings about adding China’s roundel.  I have not played AAP so forgive my ignorance.  They can acquire armies themselves?  Please explain.

    My only concern with this is, map consistency, if China why not France, Australia etc.  My first reaction is to keep the roundels limited to the player nations. But this is not in stone.

    The Roads and Rails

    Currently I do not like the idea of having them.  This is why,

    Why just these?  Europe was covered in rail and the Germans used them extensively.  But they don’t have rail on the map.  I think we are getting to granular with this.

    I do like the idea of a strategic move, but may I suggest we borrow form Europe Engulfed and introduce a strategic non-combat move instead of having rail/road actually on the map.

    If you like my (borrowed) idea we can work out the particulars.  It is a simple idea that can be implemented easily.

    But if you really want the rail/roads I will be happy to make a version with them on it if you would like.

    Kashmir will be replaced.

    Manchukuo was a former state in Manchuria and both the AA and AAP maps have it as Manchuria.

    The only reference I have found to Koko Nor is that it is a lake within Tsinghai Province.

    Please provide more info on Heiho, I was unable to find any reference to a land area with that name.

    What empty territories are you referring to?  The circle (which if you guys have not noticed represents city areas) area is for Peiping.  I believe this is the correct spot?

    I don’t see the second empty area.

    Hopei is already on the map. Is it in the right spot?

    Charar on our map is close to what I have found…Yes it is not an exact match but close.

    Please provide info on Hingan.

    Sea Zones

    Yes, the sea zones will be numbered.

    Other things

    Is everyone happy with the remainder of the (land) map?

    I know there were some concerns about Italy.  Do you like its current holdings?

    How about city circles?

    Are there any other cities you would like to see have their own area like Tobruk.  I am not referring to VCs, just cities that should have their own area.  For instance Saigon, I removed it from the map because the border was incorrect, but if the group thinks it is important enough I could add it back using a circle area.  Don’t suggest cities just because you like them or live there.  Try to think of cities that had major battles but don’t warrant VC status.  Maybe a Free (green) Chinese city?  Thoughts?

    No one noticed any additional game play issues with the territories?

    Great, I will do my best to make these changes in a timely fashion.  Please feel free to provide more info and/or suggestions as they come to you.  After we finalize these changes I suggest we look at the oceans so I can start numbering the sea squares. (I am not looking forward to that.)

    Thanks again to all for the feedback, keep it coming.


  • deepblue,

    The way China acquires armies is that they get 1 if the Burma Road is open, and they 1 infantry for each point they hold onto.  So if Japan takes out a territory worth 1 IPC, then when China’s turn comes around again they recieve 1 less INF.  This is also from AAP.  I think the Burma Road definitely has it’s uses in the game, I not that interested in the rails, but I believe Burma Road is important if for nothing else to keep things consistent with AAP.

    The roundel for China is there since it is in effect a separate nation, it is controlled by USA, and the USA player plays China, but it is a separate nation (at least in AAP).  Since it is a different shade of green on the map, I thought it would be a neat touch, however, if the group is not in agreement, I can live with this.

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