VictoryFirst v Stucifer - Big World (1942,v3 ruleset)

  • Haha, that move was funny indeed! I will move into Moscow this turn now. The best of luck for both of us!

  • TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 7

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Big World : 1942 v3 Rules

    Game History

    Round: 7
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 12 halftracks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat Move - Germans
            4 infantry moved from Western Germany to France
            3 fighters moved from Western Germany to France
            4 fighters moved from Eastern Germany to France
            1 infantry moved from Southern Russia to Moscow
            20 armour, 9 artilleries and 16 infantry moved from Western Russia to Moscow
            1 infantry moved from Northern Russia to Moscow
            4 fighters moved from Eastern Poland to Moscow
            4 bombers moved from Eastern Germany to Moscow
            2 infantry moved from Southern Russia to Moscow
            3 armour moved from Ukraine to Moscow
        Combat - Germans
            Battle in France
                Germans attack with 7 fighters and 4 infantry
                Russians defend with 3 fighters
                    Germans roll dice for 7 fighters and 4 infantry in France, round 2 : 6/11 hits, 4.17 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 3 fighters in France, round 2 : 3/3 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    3 infantry owned by the Germans lost in France
                    3 fighters owned by the Russians lost in France
                Germans win, taking France from British with 7 fighters and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 21
                Casualties for Germans: 3 infantry
                Casualties for Russians: 3 fighters
            Battle in Moscow
                Germans attack with 23 armour, 9 artilleries, 4 bombers, 4 fighters and 20 infantry
                Russians defend with 1 aaGun, 14 armour, 10 artilleries, 1 bomber, 1 factory, 2 fighters and 26 infantry
                    Russians roll AA dice in Moscow : 2/8 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 fighters owned by the Germans lost in Moscow
                    Germans roll dice for 23 armour, 9 artilleries, 4 bombers, 2 fighters and 20 infantry in Moscow, round 2 : 21/58 hits, 23.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 14 armour, 10 artilleries, 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 26 infantry in Moscow, round 2 : 16/53 hits, 20.50 expected hits
                    16 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Moscow
                    20 infantry owned by the Russians and 1 bomber owned by the Russians lost in Moscow
                    Germans roll dice for 23 armour, 9 artilleries, 4 bombers, 2 fighters and 4 infantry in Moscow, round 3 : 17/42 hits, 19.50 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 14 armour, 10 artilleries, 2 fighters and 6 infantry in Moscow, round 3 : 11/32 hits, 13.67 expected hits
                    7 artilleries owned by the Germans and 4 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Moscow
                    6 infantry owned by the Russians, 1 armour owned by the Russians and 10 artilleries owned by the Russians lost in Moscow
                    Germans roll dice for 23 armour, 2 artilleries, 4 bombers and 2 fighters in Moscow, round 4 : 12/31 hits, 15.83 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 13 armour and 2 fighters in Moscow, round 4 : 9/15 hits, 7.83 expected hits
                    2 artilleries owned by the Germans and 7 armour owned by the Germans lost in Moscow
                    12 armour owned by the Russians lost in Moscow
                    Germans roll dice for 16 armour, 4 bombers and 2 fighters in Moscow, round 5 : 10/22 hits, 11.67 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 armour and 2 fighters in Moscow, round 5 : 1/3 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    1 armour owned by the Germans lost in Moscow
                    2 fighters owned by the Russians and 1 armour owned by the Russians lost in Moscow
                Germans captures 36PUs while taking Russians capital
                Germans win, taking Moscow from Russians with 15 armour, 4 bombers and 2 fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 64
                Casualties for Germans: 8 armour, 9 artilleries, 2 fighters and 20 infantry
                Casualties for Russians: 14 armour, 10 artilleries, 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 26 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Germans
            4 bombers moved from Moscow to Southern Russia
            2 fighters moved from Moscow to Southern Russia
            1 aaGun moved from Eastern Poland to Belorussia
            2 fighters moved from France to Hungary-Romania
            1 fighter moved from France to Hungary-Romania
            1 fighter moved from France to Eastern Germany
            1 fighter moved from France to Eastern Germany
            1 fighter moved from France to Eastern Germany
            1 fighter moved from France to Western Germany
            4 infantry moved from Eastern Germany to Western Poland
            2 infantry moved from Eastern Germany to Western Germany
            1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Libya to Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
        Place Units - Germans
            3 halftracks placed in Ukraine
            7 halftracks placed in Eastern Germany
            2 halftracks placed in Western Germany
        Turn Complete - Germans
            Germans collect 50 PUs; end with 86 PUs
            Objective 1: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 91 PUs
            Objective 2: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 96 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Russians regular : -6.83
    Germans regular : -8.17
    Russians AA : 0.67
    British regular : 1.00


  • @VictoryFirst I appear to have forgotten to move those Russian fighters during NCM, I wouldn’t have left them to die. They were supposed to fly back to Leningrad. If you are feeling gracious and want to allow an edit, let me know.

  • @Stucifer Of course! I thought you weren’t able to move them for some reason., but Russia literally goes before Germany which I didn’t think about. In that case I would have walked one infantry into France and the other three to Berlin. The fighters can stay where they are.

  • @VictoryFirst Thanks! I think my misplay in Russia was going after Norway and trying to hold Leningrad in hindsight. Especially since I had plenty as USA/UK to take Norway. Liking the map dynamics quite a bit though!

  • 2024 2023

    Game History

    Round: 7
        Purchase Units - British
            British buy 3 artilleries, 1 carrier, 1 fighter and 7 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat Move - British
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Eastern Germany: 3 infantry
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Leningrad: 3 fighters
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            1 armour moved from Leningrad to Northern Russia
                  British take Northern Russia from Germans
            1 armour moved from Northern Russia to Western Russia
                  British take Western Russia from Germans
            1 infantry moved from Leningrad to SZ 12 East Baltic Sea
            1 battleship and 1 cruiser moved from SZ 12 East Baltic Sea to SZ 17 English Channel
            1 infantry and 1 transport moved from SZ 12 East Baltic Sea to SZ 17 English Channel
            1 infantry moved from England to SZ 17 English Channel
            2 fighters moved from SZ 12 East Baltic Sea to France
            2 infantry moved from SZ 17 English Channel to France
            3 fighters moved from England to France
            1 infantry moved from Syria to Egypt
            2 fighters moved from SZ 57 Arabian Sea to Egypt
            1 infantry moved from Syria to Egypt
            1 infantry moved from Burma to Thai-Malay
            2 fighters moved from Burma to Thai-Malay
        Combat - British
            Battle in France
                British attack with 5 fighters and 2 infantry
                Germans defend with 1 infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 battleship and 1 cruiser in France, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 5 fighters and 2 infantry in France, round 2 : 2/7 hits, 2.83 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in France, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in France
                British win, taking France from Germans with 5 fighters and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
            Battle in Thai-Malay
                British attack with 2 fighters and 1 infantry
                Japanese defend with 1 infantry
                    British roll dice for 2 fighters and 1 infantry in Thai-Malay, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Thai-Malay, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Thai-Malay
                British win, taking Thai-Malay from Japanese with 2 fighters and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
            Battle in Egypt
                British attack with 2 fighters and 2 infantry
                Italians defend with 1 infantry
                    British roll dice for 2 fighters and 2 infantry in Egypt, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 1 infantry in Egypt, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Egypt
                British win, taking Egypt from Italians with 2 fighters and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Italians: 1 infantry
        Non Combat Move - British
            2 fighters moved from Egypt to Syria
            2 infantry moved from Iraq to Syria
            1 aaGun, 6 armour, 2 artilleries and 3 infantry moved from Burma to Calcutta
            2 armour moved from Calcutta to Bombay
            2 infantry moved from Bombay to Calcutta
            2 fighters moved from Thai-Malay to SZ 57 Arabian Sea
            1 submarine moved from SZ 59 Northeastern Indian to SZ 57 Arabian Sea
            2 infantry moved from Southern Africa to Rhodesia
            1 armour moved from Kenya-Tanganyika to Rhodesia
            1 aaGun moved from Leningrad to SZ 12 East Baltic Sea
            1 aaGun, 1 carrier, 2 destroyers and 2 transports moved from SZ 12 East Baltic Sea to SZ 17 English Channel
            1 aaGun moved from SZ 17 English Channel to England
            1 aaGun moved from England to Scotland
            5 fighters moved from France to SZ 17 English Channel
            1 fighter moved from SZ 17 English Channel to England
        Place Units - British
            1 carrier placed in SZ 17 English Channel
            1 artillery and 2 infantry placed in England
            1 infantry placed in Scotland
            1 artillery and 1 infantry placed in Iraq
            1 artillery and 1 infantry placed in Southern Africa
            1 fighter and 2 infantry placed in Bombay
        Turn Complete - British
            British collect 53 PUs; end with 53 PUs
            Objective 1: British met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 58 PUs
            Objective 3: British met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 63 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : -0.33
    Japanese regular : -0.33
    Germans regular : -0.33
    British regular : -2.50


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 7

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Big World : 1942 v3 Rules

    Game History

    Round: 7
        Purchase Units - Italians
            Italians repair damage of 3x factory; Remaining resources: 23 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
            Italians buy 1 armour, 1 artillery and 4 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat Move - Italians
            1 armour moved from Anglo-Egyptian Sudan to French Equatorial Africa
                  Italians take French Equatorial Africa from British
            1 armour moved from French Equatorial Africa to Belgian Congo
                  Italians take Belgian Congo from British
            1 armour moved from Anglo-Egyptian Sudan to Kenya-Tanganyika
                  Italians take Kenya-Tanganyika from British
            1 armour moved from Kenya-Tanganyika to Belgian Congo
            2 artilleries and 5 infantry moved from Anglo-Egyptian Sudan to Belgian Congo
            1 battleship, 1 carrier, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 fighter, 1 submarine and 3 transports moved from SZ 23 West Mediterranean to SZ 26 Central Mediterranean
            1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Italy to SZ 26 Central Mediterranean
            1 artillery, 1 battleship, 1 carrier, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 fighter, 2 infantry, 1 submarine and 3 transports moved from SZ 26 Central Mediterranean to SZ 28 Eastern Mediterranean
            1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry moved from SZ 28 Eastern Mediterranean to Egypt
            1 fighter moved from Italy to Egypt
        Combat - Italians
            Battle in Egypt
                Italians attack with 1 artillery, 2 fighters and 2 infantry
                British defend with 2 infantry
                    Italians roll dice for 1 battleship and 2 cruisers in Egypt, round 2 : 3/3 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 2 infantry in Egypt, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the British lost in Egypt
                Italians win, taking Egypt from British with 1 artillery, 2 fighters and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for British: 2 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Italians
            2 fighters moved from Egypt to SZ 28 Eastern Mediterranean
        Place Units - Italians
            1 armour, 1 artillery and 4 infantry placed in Italy
        Turn Complete - Italians
            Italians collect 21 PUs; end with 23 PUs
            Objective 2: Italians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 28 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : 1.33
    British regular : -0.67


  • 2024 2023

    TripleA Turn Summary: Chinese round 7

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Big World : 1942 v3 Rules

    Game History

    Round: 7
        Purchase Units - Chinese
            Chinese buy 1 artillery and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Non Combat Move - Chinese
            1 aaGun moved from Eastern Sinkiang to Western Sinkiang
            2 armour and 8 infantry moved from Eastern Sinkiang to Western Sinkiang
            3 fighters moved from Burma to Iraq
        Place Units - Chinese
            1 artillery and 1 infantry placed in Western Sinkiang
        Turn Complete - Chinese
            Chinese collect 4 PUs; end with 6 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Japanese round 7

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Big World : 1942 v3 Rules

    Game History

    Round: 7
        Purchase Units - Japanese
            Japanese repair damage of 4x factory; Remaining resources: 57 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
            Japanese buy 4 armour, 3 destroyers, 2 halftracks and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat Move - Japanese
            1 armour, 3 artilleries and 16 infantry moved from Kansu to Eastern Sinkiang
                  Japanese take Eastern Sinkiang from Chinese
            1 armour moved from Eastern Sinkiang to Novo-Sibirsk
                  Japanese take Novo-Sibirsk from Russians
            2 infantry moved from French Indo-China to Thai-Malay
            2 fighters moved from French Indo-China to Thai-Malay
            1 infantry moved from Yunnan to Burma
                  Japanese take Burma from British
            1 submarine moved from SZ 86 West Pacific to SZ 99 West Pacific
            1 infantry moved from Vladivostok to Okhotsk
                  Japanese take Okhotsk from Russians
            1 infantry moved from Northern Manchukuo to Amurskaya
                  Japanese take Amurskaya from Russians
            1 bomber moved from Szechwan to Thai-Malay
        Combat - Japanese
            Battle in SZ 99 West Pacific
                Japanese attack with 1 submarine
                Americans defend with 1 transport
                    1 transport owned by the Americans lost in SZ 99 West Pacific
                Japanese win with 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for Americans: 1 transport
            Battle in Thai-Malay
                Japanese attack with 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 2 infantry
                British defend with 1 infantry
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 2 infantry in Thai-Malay, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 infantry in Thai-Malay, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the British lost in Thai-Malay
                Japanese win, taking Thai-Malay from British with 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for British: 1 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Japanese
            2 artilleries and 7 infantry moved from Szechwan to Kansu
            4 infantry moved from Shantung to Szechwan
            2 fighters moved from Thai-Malay to Szechwan
            1 bomber moved from Thai-Malay to Szechwan
            1 fighter moved from French Indo-China to SZ 86 West Pacific
            1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser and 1 fighter moved from SZ 72 South China Sea to SZ 86 West Pacific
            1 destroyer moved from SZ 72 South China Sea to SZ 86 West Pacific
            1 destroyer moved from SZ 86 West Pacific to SZ 87 West Pacific
            1 cruiser moved from SZ 86 West Pacific to SZ 81 North Pacific
            1 infantry moved from South Philippines to SZ 72 South China Sea
            2 transports moved from SZ 73 East China Sea to SZ 74 Sea of Japan
            4 infantry moved from Northern Japan to SZ 74 Sea of Japan
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Chosen to Vladivostok
            4 infantry moved from SZ 74 Sea of Japan to Vladivostok
            1 infantry and 3 transports moved from SZ 72 South China Sea to SZ 73 East China Sea
            2 artilleries and 3 infantry moved from Southern Japan to SZ 73 East China Sea
            2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from SZ 73 East China Sea to Shantung
        Place Units - Japanese
            2 armour placed in Kansu
            2 armour placed in French Indo-China
            2 halftracks placed in Chosen
            2 destroyers placed in SZ 86 West Pacific
            1 destroyer placed in SZ 80 Northwest Pacific
            1 infantry placed in Southern Japan
            Japanese undo move 6.
            Japanese undo move 5.
            Japanese undo move 4.
            Japanese undo move 3.
            Japanese undo move 2.
            Japanese undo move 1.
            2 destroyers placed in SZ 86 West Pacific
            1 destroyer placed in SZ 80 Northwest Pacific
            2 armour placed in Kansu
            2 armour placed in French Indo-China
            2 halftracks placed in Chosen
            1 infantry placed in Southern Japan
        Turn Complete - Japanese
            Japanese collect 53 PUs; end with 53 PUs
            Objective 2: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 58 PUs
            Objective 1: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 63 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Japanese regular : 0.00
    British regular : -0.33


  • 2024 2023

    I’m traveling the next four days and will have some crunch at work when I return. I was going to just pause this but I have a work trip again Friday - Tuesday starting next week. Just going to focus on my league games until the first weekend in October. I’m thinking I’ll concede victory to the Axis on this one, great game! Once I get caught up, I’ll reach out and see if you want to play again.

  • My apologies for replying to this so late! An excellent game this was, really loved the simplicity of the rules and the map, while still being quite in-depth in terms of strategic options! Power projection is really a thing in this game. I remember I was worried about the British fleet near Egypt because they could pose threats to Italy, but they could also make an unexpected landing in Sumatra because that’s two spaces away!

    I think this game is definitely an improvement to Anniversary. It feels better on all fronts. I am not interested in playing a new game right now because I am playing too many other games but perhaps in a month or two we can have a rematch 😀

    Thanks for the game!

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