@bokrel We do not comment on bans in public. You can file a ticket at https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us and I’ll explain why you’ve been banned.
endless bombard crash loop help - ranked game
I’m playing a ranked game as Japan and doing a bombard with 2 BB and after switching to disengage with a lone transport in the seazone I am moving to to bombard, my game crashed. It has an endless crash loop every time I reload, having to do with bombard.
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog Can you take a look, please?
Yeah, this is a crashing loop. Please send me your Commander Name, ID and the game’s title so that I could remove the match.
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog Thanks I appreciate it
Commander Name: Shazbot
ID #: 2991 (I think since this is what is says in my profile)
game’s title: Victor Perimeters -
Match deleted!
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog Thank you!