A Portion of this post deleted due to highly questionable content… both in terms of flame and nature of the flame.
Watch it El Jefe.**
Okay, so the major contenders so far are(in no particular order)…
- TV,
- MS Windows(Any particular leading contender?[95?, 98?, 2000?, Millenium?, XP?]),
- Income Tax Withholding,
- Money(is the root of all evil…Error, error! Correct input required.),
- The _Evil_Â Spork,
- Video Games,
- Lazy Parents,
8 ) Capitalizm,
- Guns,
- Religion,
- Woman(though I think that falls under the “God/s” or “Evolution” category rather than a creation of MAN,
12, 13, & 14) _________________any I missed in a quick perusal of these 5+ pages.
Jen, I see your point about TV, but Uncle Milty, Lucille Ball and “Sports Night” make me vote that one out.
My vote would lean more toward “The TV Remote”(forefather of “The Universal Remote.”) It lead to surfing, more dictarorships of the TV viewing time and bigger couch potato(e)s. :-)
MONEY and CAPITALIZM, are both very high on my worst list. People who ain’t got money hate those who have money. Those who do have money feel guilty and want to destroy “The System” or find some way to make up for “The Sin of Being Rich.”
I kinda like the idea of some Polynesian islands…
the richer you were the larger the stones you had to carry in your pocket.
I recall seeing pictures of some chiseled round stones that hadta weigh a coupla hunert pounds.  :-D
RELIGION , Come on! We’e discussed this many times over. Hitler klled the Jews. He was working on the Catholics and Protestants, too. Lenin and Stalin virtuallly eliminated religion from the USSR(the State their religion.) China still persecutes religions to this day.
Muslims attacked nonbelivers. Convert or die! Catholics attacked in retaliation, not just to regain Jerusalem(the Holy Land.)
If they hadn’t you wouldn’t have a choice today!
IF you’re gonna say RELIGION, at least say RELIGIOUS FANATICS and be specific…not just MUSLIMS…
INQUISATORS(Jesuits…see Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio), JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES(only hang with their own), those LDS(Mormons) STILL PRACTICING POLYGAMY…would be examples I’d choose.
Jen, “Computer” was on my mind just prior to reading your note. Frightening eh?
But I’d still go back a step and say “Calculator”…as it took away many student’s ability to CALCULATE for themselves.
I got thru Math, Geometry, Algebra and Calculus without a calculator.
Pornography usata be about 90% of the internet. Now it’s down to less than 2%.
_Damn!_Â Just kidding…
I usta look at the Mags, but came to realize that it could be pics of my wife or daughter. Or someone else’s wife. daughter, sister, or mom.
Pictures could be posted wifout permision, too.
What NO call for…
Here’s two late entries…
- Vocalized Language(Homo Erectus Shoulda kept his mouth shut) and
- Hieroglyphics/Cuneiform/The Written Word(Homo Habilis shoulda stuck with the bison and mammoth.)