New York ‘lone wolf’ was one hour away from finishing his bomb
She also praised the New York Police Department, saying, “I think they handled it well.”
Officials with the NYPD, which conducted the undercover investigation using a confidential informant and a bugged apartment, said the department had to move quickly because Pimentel was about to test a pipe bomb made out of match heads, nails and other ingredients bought at neighborhood hardware and discount stores.
Two law enforcement officials said Monday that the NYPD’s Intelligence Division had sought to get the FBI involved at least twice as the investigation unfolded. Both times, the FBI concluded that Pimentel lacked the mental capacity to act on his own, they said.
The FBI thought Pimentel “didn’t have the predisposition or the ability to do anything on his own,” one of the officials said.
The officials were not authorized to speak about the case and spoke on condition of anonymity. The FBI’s New York office and the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan both declined to comment on Monday.
Pimentel’s lawyer, Joseph Zablocki, said his client was never a true threat.
“If the goal here is to be stopping terror … I’m not sure that this is where we should be spending our resources,” he said.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly defended the handling of the case Monday, saying the NYPD kept federal authorities in the loop “all along” before circumstances forced investigators to take swift measures using state charges.
“No question in my mind that we had to take this case down,” Kelly said. “There was an imminent threat.”
Added Kelly: “This is a classic case of what we’ve been talking about �� the lone wolf, an individual, self-radicalized. This is the needle in the haystack problem we face as a country and as a city.”
Authorities described Pimentel as an unemployed U.S. citizen and “al-Qaida sympathizer” who was born in the Dominican Republic. He had lived most of his life in Manhattan, aside from about five years in the upstate city of Schenectady, where authorities say he had an arrested for credit card fraud.
His mother said he was raised Roman Catholic. But he converted to Islam in 2004 and went by the name Muhammad Yusuf, authorities said.
Using a tip from police in Albany, the NYPD had been watching Pimentel using a confidential informant for the past year. Investigators learned that he was energized and motivated to carry out his plan by the Sept. 30 killing of al-Qaida’s U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, police said.
Pimentel was under constant surveillance as he shopped for the pipe bombmaterials. He also was overheard talking about attacking police patrol cars and postal facilities, killing soldiers returning home from abroad andbombing a police station in Bayonne, N.J., authorizes said.
Worst invention in man's history (and why)
You only use one hand?  :mrgreen:
Im assuming you are a switch hitter? :lol:
Need I expound further? Okay, how about creating an atmosphere that encourages children to let their muscles atrophy as their bellies expand beyond comprehension?
computer is definetly not the worst invention. i dont know if you are being serious with this or not, but the innumerable technologies we have been able to develop because of the computer make it one of (if not THE) best invention.
the problem you have listed is barely even an issue. and if you really think it is: be a parent, and limit your child’s computer time. -
I dont think I seen any of you idiots say guns are the worst invention. As for why guns are,thats apparent enough. Now…I will wait for Jennifer to chime in and say some dumb thing about guns and how they were beneficial to us and the world and blah,blah,blah…
If tyou think Guns are, you have never seen a Bow Specialist :-)
I know that only in hindsight does an invention show its benefits or faults,but it has to be guns–from handguns to the largest artillery pieces…The destruction they have caused is literally incalculable and dwarfs any benefit they have given humans. I bet for every animal shot for food with a gun,there have been five times as many people destroyed by guns during wars and in the commission of crimes. Atomic weapons are pretty bad too,but we have only used them twice,so I guess we will have to wait until after a few dozen cities are eradicated before we can say they are the worst invention. All we have to do is just wait.
The second worst invention is religion
As a Christian, I have found not a truer statement… Religion kills…
Ofcourse I think our definitions of Religion may be off… :wink:
OK, they don’t match :-D…
Religion is a pretty shitty invention, but not as bad as sporks. Sporks suck. And if anyone tries to defend the usefullness of a spork, the he or she is a card carrying communist. I said it, and what!! :-P
If we wanna get into theoreticals: Science has killed off more souls then any other act of mankind. Whether by incorrect administration of medicine or nuclear weapons/power, or biological issues or scientific accidents to technology used in an incorrect fashion and resulting in death.
But the number 1 killer of mankind? Life. No one has ever survived life (except Jesus and those two prophets from the Old Testament that were whisked to Heaven instead of dieing on earth, for those who believe the Bible.)
Religion := The belief in an afterline(heaven(reincarnation)/hell(reincarnation) ) for which a person must act according to the rules defined by a so-called supreme being or collection of these.
thats a pretty bad definition of religion. youve basically said the only three possibilities for a religious belief are: heaven, hell, or reincarnation.
has anyone said liberal socialist mindthought. quit dreaming, the world hates itself, and wont hold hands.
has anyone said liberal socialist mindthought. quit dreaming, the world hates itself, and wont hold hands.
With that attitude, maybe you are right. Gandhi, MLK, and others were all BSing us it seems.
once again quit dreaming. Wasnt martin king jr.'s line “I have a dream”. Gandhi was a huge huge racist, refered to blacks as caffers and said the race was lazy. They were bs-ing you, big time. all i’m saying if you believe in the everyone hold hands and dance in a circle crap, go to some mid-east countries or poor places in S america of africa and start talking to them friendly. They wont care if you are friendly, because they dont want to be your friend. They hate you and me. the middle eastern ones would love to kill us, no matter what we do.
I’m not asking anyone to hold hands and chant “We are the world.” I’m just asking people to grow up, stop the violence, and treat everyone else like human beings. Of course, that would cause such a major change in this nation that I don’t think anyone would be up for it. Perhaps people dislike us for what we DO, not who we ARE?
ORGANIZED religion would definitely be in the top 10 worst inventions.
small group of leaders controlling huge populations based on fear, myth and superstition
small group of leaders usign their populations to wage war on other competing leaders
small group of leaders taking power and wealth to themselves at the cost of their followersIt is a rare war or conflict that does not have a major religious component. The Trojan War is the only one that comes immediately to mind… that was over a piece of tail :-P
Really? World War I was fought over religion, huh? How about the French Civil Wars? Vietnam. Korea. Gulf War 1991???
I could continue. But I think I make my point in so much as all wars can be attributed to power hungry governments willing to sacrifice their followers in the name of personal and political glory. This is how Rome became, Alexander the Great, Ghengis Kahn, the Greecian States, Napoleon, King George III, Hitler, et al.
Vietnam and Korea were both wars fought by Good Christian “In God We Trust” Americans against the Godless Atheistic Creeping Monolothic Communist Bloc.
Thanks to Dr. Platt for the GACMCB reference.
Gee, and here I thought the despotic leftists were fighting a war to contain communism.