Thank you!
Global 40 Expansion Boxes
Update to 1.685
@Black_Elk decided not to move anything. If overflow boxes don’t work well, I’ll just remove there placements in future and they can be decorative.
I guess just kinda roll with the TTy owners for relief. The SZ 113 flow should be an ocean tile. idky it’s not working. Maybe I jacked something in the xml.
The two blank spots, I guess just throw w/e you think for a background.
For timetable, will just roll with Changer/Neutral color. Idk how to really do any of the decoration stuff, so if you have any better ideas, we can roll with them :)
Anyway, think it should be ready for Relief :)
I’ll take another look at SZ 113 Flow. It’s the white spot above Greenland. Seems like if it’s a SZ it should auto to that color ? -
Well i jacked with 113 some more. Got rid of the flow tile and just made it part of 113. Added placements. Those work but still no color change.
Also forgot boats place at a 100 so only room for 3. I might just dust it entirely. Idk gonna work on something else for a while.
I guess, just leave it blank for now or paint over it with some blue and call it good.
hmm … I think I screwed up Nenetsia. Try another poly grab see if it fixes
yea I did. Heres fix to update map version so oh actually I did. 1.686 :) hopefully thats it. I’m cruising through the oceans and border TTys for place right now but @Black_Elk should be good to roll with relief :) I think lol
Hmm … I wonder if that’ll jack with the boxes. I saved the SZ just in case. well it looks ok with details off, so should be ok
yea we should be good. Went through all the border TTys and Oceans. Start redoing the boxes now
@barnee said in Global 40 Expansion Boxes:
LM 1
LM 2
LM 3
LM 4
LM 5
LM 6
LM 7
LM 8
LM 9
LM 10@VictoryFirst we can nix the LM s. Gonna just go with a roundel or maybe just the lettering idk
with LM OR for orange. Maybe make it orange or just the OR part. Only need LM GRN and LM BLU for what I came up with.We’ll see how they play and adjust as needed. I’ll just use the existing names for TTy
I guess you could spell em out too. Probably go
ORANGE or something then -
@VictoryFirst so I just hacked this together but was thinking something like it
You see the orange LMs in Belarus, check LM boxes for Belarus orange and it gives ya E POL
Finished the LM Places. We’ll swap roundels out when they become available. Went 48x48 on them. Did the two Flow Boxes also. We’ll have to playtest those. Can always change em for LMs or something if we want.
Think I’ll make a single generic timetable token to get the place down ,so the dudes show up same as Captains next. Or maybe D-Day lol
Heres a quick look at Timetable. Probably change UK Commando at some point. You hover and it tells what he is though. I’ll look through Brown folder.
Have to add everybody to Changer or Jerry and Tommy breakout on each other lol
yea @VictoryFirst probably shrink em down to 42x42. This will take a bit to get shit to place correctly. w/e :)
Gd it forgot those islands in Hudsons bay lol
I even remembered how todo it lol
@VictoryFirst Kickass D-Day Looks just like the Captains. Since were in UK tho, wdyt about going maybe a heavy brown ? Sets it off enough to distinguish, but not to aggressive.
D-Day only happens once a game. Actually, i’ve never done it other than testing :)
Heres latest
Forgot to document in notes. 1.691 is it tho lol
Gonna roll on some xml work next. Add the new Icons, connections etc … @Black_Elk if you still up for it, you can run your ElkStar relief :)
@VictoryFirst you up for doing the names ? Need a few tokens for timetable too. I’ve never done em, but I might try and hack something as I go as I find it easier to work with :) Names that is :)
P Out
@VictoryFirst just gonna roll with this
Gonna lighten it up a bit more. Usually won’t even see it lol
There ya go. I would consider changing the Hex color for changer to something more midrange so it’s more in line with the value of the other National Hex colors. That way your bleed on the boxes will look more consistent. Right now it’s the same for all, but the Changer color is considerably brighter than the others, so you’ll notice that more. I’d try just dialing down the brightness for that color till you have something you like.
You can paste over any graphic for deadspots. Not sure what you want. I just used a quick placeholder…
When you know what you need for icon graphics and where you want them to go and I can try to make you something for that and the labels. For the labels I’d rescale or abbreviate them so you don’t strike across the line with those. I’m not familiar enough with the game to know what you’d need, so you’ll have to let me know.
Reworking your units graphics will take longer. That’s a more ambitious project, but I think you could bring them all in line and it wouldn’t be too hard. Just need to remove your dropshadows and correct some of your tints. Colors/shapes for some your unit icons or the LMs etc. Anyhow, for another night. Just wanted to get you something a bit tidier for now :)
@black_elk Sweet ! I Dig it :)
I’ll play around with Changer. He’s the same color as Neutral. Yea the LMs I just hacked something so I’d know how they place.
Yea all the boxes are basically there own little TTys. They can’t be conquered except for the two overflow boxes, Bessarabia and W UKR. Idky I can’t get the third one ,SZ 113 to show up as a sea tile.
I looked at the xml again, but still don’t see anything wrong. I thought I could add it like an island to 113. I will try again. Idk if it’s really needed or will play that good anyway. Regular overflow should work.
Might just dust it and add a couple more LM spots if I can’t figure it out.
I’ll post the Names in a bit since it sounds like maybe you’re up for it ? If not, me n Victory can roll with it. :)
Thanks again :grin:
@black_elk hmm … well I changed it from d to e at start. e8ba7c now. Seems a little darker but borders still brighter. Idk. I really don’t know how todo this stuff. If you just wanna roll with what you think looks best it’s cool with me :)
Yea Idk if it did anything. here’s f
Well just gonna let it ride for now.I think names are ok. Bessarabia and pripet marshes spill over anyway, as well as a few others.