Thank you!
Global 40 Expansion Boxes
Scotland bringing some Long Range Artillery offshore lol
1943 max out lol
Update to Version 1.717
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.717
Change “Free Ships” to Specify what Ships they are when you Hover on them. Fix China Units can’t move into Burma when UK and Japan not at War.DL Instructions
DL link, always same,
All right, back to work on BM for UHD :)
Update to Version 1.8
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.8
Fix Scotland 109 Sea Zone Connection.DL Instructions
DL link, always same,
Update to Version 1.81
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.81
Fix Northern Territory Connection.DL Instructions
DL link, always same,
@VictoryFirst I came up with a new idea for the overflow boxes. Instead of having them TTy specific, I made them owned by Changer. That way, everybody from any TTy can use them if wanted.
Right now I have the Changer icon just for testing purposes and I didn’t rename the Box either. Here’s a look. As you can see, the Changer “Rock On Dude” is in W UKR.
Go to Overflow Box and grab those guys in CM with edit. And they attack Bessarabia with there Buddies :)
So when you want to use them, send your overflow guys to the overflow box and edit in Changers Overflow unit to the TTy. Now one can see that that TTy has overflow.
When attacking you can move with edit. On Defense you’d have to place manually.
Anyway, when you get a chance, we need a couple names, Was thinking “Overflow” and “Overflow2” and a couple Tokens.
maybe you could just do something like
Flowand then use a different color for the 2nd one ? Maybe red and black ? Idk, just some thoughts.
I think this will work better instead of being limited, as well as not forcing one to use them :)
I think we’ll leave the last box empty for now until we play a game and see how they work. Most likely another overflow or a couple LMs. Maybe a decoration.
@Black_Elk try the upload chat thingy :)
Here you go
Here’s a gradient you can use to kinda ballpark
little lighter
little darker
a lot darker
near black
midnight blue/black
I think if you push much further, like into a true black it’d just flatten into a silhouette, but you’d have to check against the midrange background. I’d probably just crank the chroma a little so you’ll register a contrast there with the neutral gray being used for the German ownership hex here. But you’d want to try it in game to make sure it looks good.
slightly widened (more crouched)
Also here is an agent provocateur, handler, and assassin. In case anyone feels like coming up with rules for those hehe
@black_elk oh she’s not in red anymore :)
yea that’ll work Sweet ! :muscle: -
Yeah I feel like that should be a Maquis or Brit exclusive right? lol
@black_elk ha ha ha !!! Love it ! It’s the Aliens theme when 7 of 9 gets stuck in the halo deck by the prey dudes lol
@black_elk You think he differentiates enough from Inf ? Might just need an adjustment period. There stances are different
@Black_Elk here they are lol Gonna try a shade not so dark too, but think you can tell em apart pretty easily :)
@Black_Elk think we’ll roll with this one. I think he’s a lot darker. i can’t remember lol
@black_elk ye this will work nicely. Can tell em apart pretty easily, even if u haven’t played before I’d think. If not, learning the difference will be part of the fun :grinning:
Sounds good! Have fun! :)
@black_elk F yea on the Tanks. Well done.
The last 4 look Really Good.
Tuned the Flow Boxes a bit.
@VictoryFirst oh yea, while dickin with Boxes, I found that you can move in Edit during CM and NCM, any Unit. Just has to be a legal move.
Can’t move Germans to russia if not at war for example.
I’ll update Notes and the Notification as well.
Anyway, gonna dick with this some more before i do an update. :)
Also, You can have a “Decoration” which is a name, and a Unit, have the same name.
The “Misc” Folder has the “Decoration Image” and “units” folder has the “Units” name. Notice the Blue LM.
I would suggest against this, but the xml is already dialed in for them, so, f it lol
Anyway, just a heads up for a triplea map thingy :)