• Russia: 12 inf, 4 mech, 1 destroyer (60 PUs)
    Chinese: 6 inf( 18 PUs)
    UK: 10 inf, 1 mech (34 PUs)
    France: 1 inf (3 PUs)
    USA: 5 inf (15 PUs)
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Karelia: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Vyborg: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Novgorod: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Archangel: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Belarus: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Novgorod: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Eastern Poland: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Bessarabia: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Ukraine: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Western Ukraine: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Russia: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Volgograd: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Caucasus: infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Buryatia: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Sakha: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Amur: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to 127 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Suiyuyan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Shensi: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Kweichow: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Hunan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Yunnan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Szechwan: 1 infantry

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Alexandria: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Egypt: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Union of South Africa: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by UK_Pacific to West India: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by UK_Pacific to India: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by UK_Pacific to Burma: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by UK_Pacific to Malaya: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Gibraltar: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to United Kingdom: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Scotland: 1 infantry

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by French to France: 1 infantry

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Eastern United States: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Central United States: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Western United States: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Philippines: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Hawaiian Islands: 1 infantry

  • g1.tsvg


  • @arthur-bomber-harris My dice suck regularly so no scramble.

  • Fairly average dice for both of us on this opening. I added a few more infantry to your home countries just for some extra security.


  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    Might want to look at those dice rolls again. 111 was just okay. 106 was down the middle. 110, paris and yugo were all slaughters with the Gs losing 8 units and the Allies losing 21. 110 put a scratch in your fender. Am I off in saying that was a disaster? All four subs in 110 & 111 hit first strike.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

  • j1.tsvg

    Actual TUV swing on G1 was +114 vs expected of +106. The main place that came ahead was the extra surviving sub in SZ110. That sub likely will be sunk on UK1 with minimal casualties.

    Having an extra Scottish fighter would have been so useful. I would not have done the G1 SZ111 attack, saving a BB, CA, and DD for the United Kingdom. The fighter can also be used in counterattacks on UK1 so overall probably a +33 swing for the allies just in the first turn alone.

  • @arthur-bomber-harris Well, we just started the game. Please take off the three mechs in east Russia, pop the plane in Scotland and redo G1!

    I placed my extra units based on your comments in our last game around China and Yunnan and how significant that is for you as a Japanese player.

    Let me also say that I am going to try and focus on TUV and unit count and keeping the lead in those categories. I am also going to make Calcutta and Moscow costly, but not do or die. I am going to make the Middle East a stronghold for Operation Ricochet. Do these conclusions line up with your critiques of my play?

  • You still are missing out on the key part of the strategy for the Allies. It isn’t just about making it expensive for Moscow and India to fall, but to establish a foothold that is reinforceable and takes away from Axis income.

    it7 (2).tsvg
    Here is my last League OOB game where I gave up on turn 7.

    1. Western Europe had a strong Allied garrison that could not be dislodged
    2. Eastern China had been liberated
    3. I was starting to lose the exchanges in the Money Islands of SE Asia

    The match was hopeless for the Axis because I could not make progress in any of those three areas, plus my planned assault down to Iraq was stalled. Moscow was going to hold for a long time.

    Check out his bid strategy and what he did with the 42 PUs to alter the course of the opening few rounds. You have 88 additional PUs to set up a nasty situation for the Axis. I should be giving up on Turn 3 if you do your game correctly.

    3 subs 110, 111 and Gibraltar sz. 2 russian fighters so they can reach yunnan and 1 inf yunnan. 1 ipc to london

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    error msg.jpeg

    I’ve tried to study this game but I can’t see it. Can you link the thread?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    Thanks. Mulling on your crisp clear goal of making you quit by round 3.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

  • @crockett36 I’m tired and have a long drive ahead of me. Not sure how many this is, but it looks tough to beat.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    i’ll add it up tomorrow.

  • I add up to 159 PUs so needs a small diet. Most of the bid makes sense and is so much better than the previous version. A couple questions:

    1. Why the inf in the UK? Do you really think that I would try a Sealion against you after a 130 PU bid?

    2. Why the British Cruiser in 109? Seems expensive… a sub would be just as effective for half the cost.

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Belarus: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Novgorod: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Western Ukraine: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Bessarabia: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Ukraine: 1 armour
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Archangel: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Karelia: 1 armour
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Vyborg: 1 armour
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Russia: 1 armour
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Baltic States: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Eastern Poland: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to 127 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Volgograd: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Caucasus: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 111 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 110 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 91 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Yunnan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Scotland: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Hunan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Szechwan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Kweichow: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Shensi: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 106 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to United Kingdom: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 109 Sea Zone: 1 cruiser
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 39 Sea Zone: 1 transport
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to India: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Egypt: 1 infantry
    Russia: 5 artillery, 2 inf, 4 armour, 1 destroyer, 2 fighters= 79
    British: 4 sub +1 fighter + 1 destroyer + 1 inf +1 cruiser + 1 transport + 1 art=65
    Chinese: 5 inf =15

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    will do.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

  • Here is a breakdown of the units that will make an impact on the first two turns of play, and the units that will have little or negligible impact:

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 111 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 110 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 106 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Scotland: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 91 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Caucasus: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Volgograd: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Yunnan: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 71 Sea Zone: 1 transport
    Useful Turn 1&2: 80 PUs

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Gibraltar: 1 airfield
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Baltic States: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Eastern Poland: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Bessarabia: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Belarus: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Western Ukraine: 1 infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Archangel: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Novgorod: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Ukraine: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Karelia: 1 mech_infantry
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Vyborg: 1 mech_infantry
    Not useful turns 1&2: 50 PUs

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    I am meshing your instructions and Andrew’s and Garg’s. A said there are 4 paths for early Axis success. He evaluates 1. Sealion 2. Moscow 3. Calcutta 4 economic.

    The early placement is against 1. I will think some more.

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