Was USA Useless in WW2?
This is largely comedic, however, it does shine light on how America’s help in ww2 was limited to propaganda…
This is a fake conversation between a random person (Man) and someone who knows basic ww2 history (Historian):
Historian — “Did you know that America won the war for the allies…HECK!.. the entire world in ww2!?”
Man — “Really?! Who did they verse?”
Historian — “the Third Reich (Germany)”
Man — “they must have been powerful!”
Historian — “they were one of many world powers!”
Man — “wow! who were the others?”
Historian — “Britain, France, Soviet Union…”
Man — “the Soviet Union? aren’t they near Germany?”
Historian — “yeah, they were very close”
Man — “well I guess they were neutral…you know…because if they were powerful and were very close to Germany yet did not ‘win the war’”
Historian — “NO! they were certainly a part of the war, they played a key role defeating the Germans”
man — “sooo, USA won the war while across an ocean?! and the Soviets only helped…while right next to Germany?!”
Historian — “yeah”
Man — “how many Americans died?”
Historian — “400,000 precious lives!”
Man — “WOW!”
Historian — “the Soviets lost 30 million”
Man — “…”
Historian — “do you finally understand what I am saying?”
Man — “so the soviets lost 30 million lives and the Americans lost just 400,000…in comparison, it ain’t that much! I bet with 30 million dead they managed to kill just as many!”
Historian — “the Americans also helped the war effort by supplying much of the allied nations including the Soviet Union”
Man — “oh I see”
Historian — “they were a lifeline for Britain and crucial suppliers to the Soviet Union”
Man — “what did they supply?”
Historian — “to Britain: food, equipment, trucks, tanks, planes, ships, etc.
to Soviets: trucks, tanks, planes, food, minerals”Man — “I remember that Britain was not going to be invaded…you know, after they won - by themselves - the Battle of Britain, and they had enough food to last without the need for assistance from USA {this is true, there was an Oxford study done which proved this}. meanwhile, by the time a significant amount of lend-lease aid arrived in the country they had already halted the Germans”
Historian — “true, however, the American threat caused the Germans to divert a huge amount of supplies to be wasted on the western front’s defences, leading to the germans failing to invade the Soviet Union and ultimately losing the war”"
Man — “not only was that partly Germany’s poor strategic decisions, but overall the Soviets would never had lost, rather they would keep retreating”
Historian — “true, but ultimately the shear intimidation proved too much for Germany”
Man — "[silence], I think the Soviets won the war, the Americans spread propaganda, the Germans were doomed from the start and USA did little to ‘win the war’ "***
***this is what the Man would say having heard what the historian said, it does not represent in anyway how I necessarily view America in WW2
@king_of_tanks What is the point of this senseless drivel ? The whole World would be speaking German if it wasn’t for the US of Fckn A !!!
Cold War USA Win
lol is right -
@barnee Why am I so wrong? first of all, It was light hearted, not entirely serious! secondly you have no reasoning
please explain
also, saying USA won ww1 is insulting! they did fund the war however, which could be argued as “winning”. but it is not direct“USA won the Cold” is just plain wrong
the USSR simply fell, there are still the same nations fighting the same way today -
US did not win World War 1.
During World War 2, The US contributed many soldiers and equipment, especially heavy vehicles and ships.
The US had the biggest industrial capacity of all the powers.
The US was not useless. Here’s what I say whenever someone makes fun of a country’s participation in World War 2:
“Every Nazi/Japanese killed is one more the other powers didn’t have to kill.”
I know USA was not useless in the war
I know they did prevent the allies from fighting for possibly decades longerthis “conversation” is comedic while also making light of the fact that USA did not “Win the war” as so commonly depicted
I acknowledge that USA was a significant help and THE reason why the Allies won when they did
I am not making fun of USA’s efforts during WW2
I am making fun of the quick-thinking, lacking-reason, patriotic Americans who disrespect the nations who were on the forefront of the conflict while USA was relaxing far away from any danger -
Definitely. I hate those people.
But yeah, that last sentence works for any country like France, Yugoslavia, Greece, and China.