"Tall Paul's" RUSSIAN units, detailed & painted by the "WARMACHINE Team"

  • Customizer

    Fellow A&A Gamers,

    ––This thread will eventually contain ALL of the Russian units that I’ve had detailed & painted by the “WARMACHINE Team”.

    ––So far the list contains:


    Russian Infantry
    ––Russian (Infantry, Rifle)…Summer scheme…(Starting at message #1)
    ––Russian (Infantry, Rifle)…Winter scheme…(Starting at message #10)
    Russian Artillery
    ––105, towed


    ----Here’s a pic of the Russian Infantry units that Chad Coffman,
    a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” painted for me. This artist’s talent is amazing. Notice the three color shoulder tabs on these guys, and the intricate national ensign painted on their bases, Wow! Enjoy!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Love their shoulder boards!  And btw… did you ever notice how much more uhh… ‘fit’ the Russian infantry got after AA50th?  They’re taller and more muscular - fitting for your Russkie infantry Paul!

  • “V”,

    ––Yep, it seems that not only I, but almost everyone I’ve talked with who is either a painter or piece junkie, have developed a ‘knowledge’ of almost all of the different A&A pieces. I certainly wouldn’t claim to be an expert, but have noticed many things along the way.
    ----And even though I’ve never owned or played the BOTB version of A&A, I’ve bought some of the German & American trucks off of HBG’s website whenever I’ve found them. I like these 2 1/2-ton Jimmy’s much better than anything else that has been produced so far. It doesn’t hurt that my Dad drove one of these Jimmy’s whenever his unit re-deployed in WWII. He drove from Normandy beach all the way through France, Germany and into Austria where WWII ended for him.

    ––And it looks like the Anzac “Diggers” in the 2nd Edition really ate their “wheaties”, too. They’re even taller than the HBG U.S. Army Paratroopers!

    “Tall Paul”

  • “V”,

    ––I’ve also noticed that the plastic that HBG uses is a bit “stiffer” than that used in the OOB units. I like this feature, and it makes re-bending the few that need it much easier, using a little hot water and a little patience.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Im so amazed the way he painted the bases. is there a tecknique or pure skills?

  • georgemak1,

    ––You can read his very long thread where he shares all of his techniques and answers many other questions. It’s in the A&A-Global (1st Edition) thread, at the very bottom of page 31, and titiled “Accurate Miniature Equivilents for custom painting your 1940 E&P”.
    ----To be honest, IMHO, his talent is the type that you must be born with. He is an Artist, no doubt about that fact.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Wow… your dad knows that Jimmy well I imagine Paul.  I can only imagine the tales you’ve heard. My own late father didn’t talk about the war too much - until I went with to one of his army reunions… whew.

    In regard to mini knowledge… yeah, a painter will acquire.  Heheh - I could do a blind sight test and tell ya what edition.  Huh, memory.  And then I turn around and forget my own home phone number… (to be fair, I rarely call it).

  • “V”,


    Wow… your dad knows that Jimmy well I imagine Paul.  I can only imagine the tales you’ve heard. My own late father didn’t talk about the war too much - until I went with to one of his army reunions… whew.

    ––Yeah, like most combat vets, my Dad kept a lot of it bottled up, although we always enjoyed sharing war movies and some of his stories about Gen. Patton. After I took him to see “Saving Private Ryan”, I could see he was “dealing” with a lot of things. It lead him to revisit all his “combat baggage”. He started remembering things and writing them down. He then wrote them up as articles in the country newspaper he publishes. They’ve added up to a book size collection of his experiences. We’ll publish them after he “polishes” them a bit. He and all his personal relationships are much richer now.
    ----You know, at one point, he drove Dinah Shore around in his ‘Jimmy’ for about a week. I bought him one of the BOB Jimmy’s to serve as a tiny memory for him when he plays America in our A&A global games.

    “Tall Paul”

  • " I bought him one of the BOB Jimmy’s to serve as a tiny memory for him when he plays America in our A&A global games."

    That is awesome.

    Yeah… Saving Prvt Ryan shook up my dad pretty bad as well, but actually it was Schindler’s List that really got to him, his tank division was the first to reach one of the larger concentration camps (name is written down but I can’t place it… not Dachau… anyways).  Apparently - and perhaps rightfully so - that was harder for him than some of the combat situations.  I recall him saying that they were scared sh!tless the first time they encountered a panzer - it was during the German counter-offensive, his Sherman even took a glancing hit.  But it was numbers and air support that won the day.

  • “V”,

    ––Yep, my Dad almost came face-to-face with a Tiger that was annihilating everything in the closest village to them at the start of the “Battle of the Bulge”.
    Scary stuff!
    ----My Dad was an enemy artillery spotter, using ‘sound & flash’ methods, and was always close to the front lines. Sometimes even inside the German lines. But he, and everyone in his unit, felt complete sympathy for the regular riflemen. Anytime they encountered the Infantry they always asked them what they needed. Dry socks, cigaretes, whatever. They all traded their only clean pair of socks to the infantry for their ‘shreads’ of socks. When my Dad and his buddies went to their supply sergeant to turn them in for new socks the supply guy balked. My Dad is about 6’-7" or so, and at the time very muscular. He leaned down to the supply sergeant and demanded clean replacement socks as they were intitled,…and he “changed his mind”. My Dad has a LOT of respect for the regular riflemen. They had such a bad ordeal.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    ––Well, our intelligence officers are telling us that a group of twenty(20)
    Russian Rifle Infantry (Winter scheme) have just completed training(painting) and are ready for deployment in Siberia or elsewhere in NorthEast Asia. Some might get transferred to Scandinavia, at least until HBG releases their 'Winter War" expansion set for their Global Warfare 1939 game. IMHO “Allworkandnoclay” did a gret job on these soldiers. Enjoy!

    “Tall Paul”


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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







