a.) for comfort zone, is there a reason why the borders are double white lines instead of black like in revised?
++++ they are like revised. its a white line with a dark grey line in the middle.
b.) Denmark should you redraw the France/Germany border so Germany (rather than France) includes Denmark?
++++ yes
c.) “Turkey Canal”? That part of the map hasn’t improved in accuracy?
++++ what changes are you requesting?
1.) finland/norway: norway 2 IPC finland 1 IPC?
++++ other way around… finland =2
2.) values on the islands in pacific: I don’t mind giving Solomon Islands 1 IPC, but I remain on the thinking that Wake and Caroline should be taken for strategy not economy, our aircraft movement already encourage island hopping situation
+++++ ill give them one ipc, except for wake
3.) australia is two pieces: maybe not neccessary, but nothing wrong with it
++++ you sure? one entire continent as one territory?