Game 15 was longest one yet.
Germany went after the USA fleet off GIB early. Ended up losing their Capital Ships and Strat Bmbrs. Heavy Ftr losses too. Italy did conquer though and got some extra dough but it did slow down the attack on the soviet union. Really missed those air units.
Rommel got established in N Africa and the Italians were able to support him quite well with Paras primarily.
Russia did pretty good early and had a chance after Conscription to go on the offensive. Shoulda went with a heavy Para build and blocked the Panzer Army in lenningrad from being able to counter attack against a Eastern Europe invasion. They actually had to go into the middle east and help contain Rommel when things went really south for the Brits.
JPN struggled a bit early. Fortunately Rommel kept the UK to busy to take advantage. The UK was able to support Yunnan early and trade some SE Asia TTys but never could really break out.
The USA and ANZAC kept them on the edge of losing the DEI but could never hold it.
USA spent a lot on N Africa. Rommel lived up to his reputatiuon though. Even after his Desert Army disolved, he kept the Allies at bay for another year and a half. Probably what won the war for them imo.
Anyway, ton of triplea fixes and clarifications to do.
Was way fun : )
EXP 7.41 Game 15 12-29-21 Error US 6.tsvg