Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Backup spot in case the above post maxes out :)

    UK 4

    UK builds there Army, along with a Ftr for the RAF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-44-59.png

    Yunnan is Attacked from FIC and Burma. Air from India also Attacks.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-49-11.png

    Middle East Forces, along with a Tac from India, combined with a Naval Landing from S AF, attack Iraq.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-51-46.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-53-20.png

    Norway is attacked by Paras with RAF support.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-55-59.png

    The Norway Attack is successful and the RAF Ftrs land in Karelia as LL Units.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-57-21.png

    Sudan is reinforced via Rail from S AF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-00-07.png

    Strong Forces are moved to Burma.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-01-23.png

    The upgraded Fctry in S AF produces 2 Tanks and 2 INF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-02-33.png

    Airborne and RAF Units are deployed in England. They finish with 56 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-04-23.png

    I 4

    Italy buys for there Army and a Air Trprt.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-38-55.png

    They make a minor Attack to undefended Jordan.

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    A INF is transported via Air to Egypt.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-21-21.png

    Alexandria Air moves to Egypt. Trans-Jordan is reinforced from Greece.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-25-29.png

    They place there builds and finish with 23 PUs.

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    ANZAC 4

    ANZAC purchase a Trprt, 2 Tanks and an INF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-32-39.png

    No Combat takes place. NG is reinforced.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-34-35.png

    A CA sails to block 55. They lose 4 to Blockades and end with 25 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-36-21.png

    F 4

    They make no moves.

    End RD 4

    Allies 236 PUs
    Axis 149


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    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-42-08.png

    Early 1942

    G 5

    The Deutsche build heavy for there Wehrmacht. Some Air and Naval builds are also produced.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-23-36.png

    2nd Waffen Forms in Germany and Leads the Attack on POL.
    AG Center attacks Bessarabia.
    Norway is attacked with Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht Units transported by the Kriegsmarine.
    Bulgaria and E POL are also attacked as well as a US DD in 104.

    A Massive Bombing Raid is sent against England.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-32-53.png

    Massive Damage is done to the London Fctry.
    The yank DD is sunk.
    E POL Attack fails while all other succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-41-09.png

    Rail movement supports Normandy and Slovakia.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-44-38.png

    German replacements deploy and they end with 66 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-48-45.png

    R 5

    The soviets spend 5 PUs for much needed Lend Lease Units and begin Mass Conscription. Able or not, men are Forced into the Red Army.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-59-02.png

    American LL tanks are delivered.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-02-15.png

    British Ftrs also convert to russian control in occupied Finland.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-03-33.png

    With new LL UK Ftrs, Finland is successfully attacked.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-06-12.png

    A Ftr Bmbr reinforces Caucasus from lenningrad.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-09-13.png

    Armor and INF move to the Middle East to support the UK and defend against Italian Axis Attacks.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-10-50.png

    Communist Forces Concentrate in Bryansk. They finish with 47 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-14-09.png

    JPN 5

    Interservice riavlries continue and the IJN and Army divide resources.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-23-30.png

    Yunnan, Java and the Trprt off NG are attacked.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-29-09.png

    All Attacks succeed. A Major Naval Presence is established off the Marshall Ilands.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-31-16.png

    They end with 65 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-34-32.png

    USA 5

    Uncle Sam goes with a heavy Naval buy.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-03 00-50-58.png

    They successfuly Attack S FRA.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-04-33.png

    GIB is reinforced as well as the Aleutians.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-08-05.png

    A NB is constructed in Dutch Harbor and strong Naval builds deploy off the West Coast. They end with 85 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-10-21.png

    C 5

    Chinese Attacks agaisnt IJA all succeed. They end with 20 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-13-31.png

    UK 5

    Britain builds Air and Land and Repair Damage to the London Fctry.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-39-07.png

    They conduct Combats in SE Asia, Egypt and Paratrooper Attacks in Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-05-01.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-05-33.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-06-12.png

    The Egypt Attack fails. S FRA and N AF are reinforced. Armor deploys from S AF. They end with 55 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-11-02.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-09-28.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-09-42.png

    I 5

    Italia builds a CV and a Ftr.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-57-36.png

    They successfully Attack S FRA. The Navy moves to 97. Egypt is reinforced. They finish with 22 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-01-46.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-04-57.png

    ANZAC 5

    They build Army and Naval as well as Fortifications.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-20-27.png

    They conduct no combat. DNG and Queensland are reinforced. The Solomons are Fortified. They end with 22 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-23-27.png

    France continues to support there allies.

    End RD 5

    Allies 229 PUs
    Axis 153


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    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-33-01.png

    Late 1942

    G 6

    The Reich perform extensive repairs to the Normandy Fctry and invest Heavily in the Kriegsmarine.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-44-20.png

    Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht units successfully attack against British Airborne Forces.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-46-56.png

    The majority of the German Fleet move to 104. Egypt is reinforced via ATrprt and Luftwaffe Forces move to S Italy from Jordan.
    They end with 61 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-56-41.png

    R 6

    The soviets continue to build the Red Army using Mass Tank Builds, while also activating Guard INF units and 2 Airborne Divisions.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-05-35.png

    They conduct no combat. W UKR is Heavily reinforced spearheaded by 1st AG. 3rd Corps moves to Belarus.
    More Troops move to Caucasus as well as Archangel and Scandanavia.

    They Finish with 42 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-15-49.png

    J 6

    Nippon builds are split between the IJA and Navy and they begin construction of a Minor Fctry in Kwangtung.

    They conduct Heavy Ground Attacks in china, as well as multiple Naval engagements in the Pacific against Allied Blockers and Trprts.
    A major landing against Sumatra takes place.

    All Attacks succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-25-36.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-30-42.png

    Hopei is reinforced via Air Trprt.
    The Naval Task Force off Carolines is strengthened.
    They End with 73 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-35-51.png

    USA 6

    Hmm … I guess I’m just not very good with brevity. : ) I will try to shorten some more :)

    The US continues to make Heavy Naval Builds to offset the sinking of the overconfident Halsey.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-03-04.png

    Small Naval Attacks succeed in the Pacific. Tobruk is taken unopposed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-10-11.png

    Using the newly constructed Harbor in the Aleutians, the Pacific Fleet sails to Pearl Harbor. The Fleet in the Med move to 92. GIB is reinforced.
    They End with 77 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-13-41.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-17-49.png

    C 6

    China builds 6 INF. They conduct no Combat. End with 8 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-28-35.png

    UK 6

    Britain continues repaires to the London Fctry as well as additional Air and Land Builds.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-33-05.png

    Combat is conducted in Asia against Singapore and Yunnan as well as a Airborne and Naval Attack against S FRA. Alexandria is liberated unopposed.
    All Attacks succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-35-38.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-37-27.png

    Egyptian Sudan and GIB are reinfoced. They End with 55 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-40-40.png

    I 6

    Italy builds 2 Trprts and ground troops for them.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-49-14.png

    A landing is made unopposed in Algeria, while Jordan is attacked from Egypt. The lone UK Trprt in 93 is also attacked.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-51-02.png

    All Attacks succeed. They finish with 17 PUs.

    ANZAC 6

    ANZAC build Naval and Army Forces.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-58-38.png

    They land unopposed in Java and conduct a combined Naval/Air attack on a lone JPN Trprt off New Britain.
    The Trprt surprises the Aussies with an unknown 4 inch gun and sink the ANZAC Submersible.
    The Ftr is able to exact revenge and sink the Trprt before being hit itself.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-00-15.png

    They End with 19 PUs.

    Free Fench Inf make a Daring Attack on Egypt and kill the Air Trprt and Flak Unit.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-12-34.png

    End RD 6

    Allies 204 PUs
    Axis 151


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    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-19-31.png

    Early 1943

    G 7

    It is early 1943 and the Major Powers have commited to Total War.
    The reich invests heavily in the Wehrmacht, as well as uprading the Berlin Fctry.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 18-20-00.png

    A Major Attack is launched against GIB and S FRA. E POL is also attacked. All attacks succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 18-24-23.png

    London is Convoyed. The Wehrmacht concentrates in Romania.
    11 Total War Inf deploy to the upgraded Fctry in Berlin.
    They End with 57 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 18-32-03.png

    R 2

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    This post is deleted!

  • @barnee

    Nice. Still looks even. Hope the Axis win!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    I don’t like how much space I’m taking. I’m going to create a “Detailed Game Reports” thread and link to it from here after a quick recap.

    People don’t wanna scroll through all this :) I’ll start now for the rest of this report.

    Here’s a repost from post 1 of this game.

    TLDR Version :)
    The Allies were Victorious. The Axis invested heavily in Naval Units and while the yanks were hampered, the russians were able to take Berlin due to a lack of boots on the ground.
    JPN eventually was overpowered in china.

    and the final save.

    EXP Game 1 Stahl R11 .tsvg

    I’ll finish the rest of the report on the new thread and link back to here.
    The rest of the report is detailed here:

    The Game Report has concluded :)

  • @barnee

    Looking good!

    Really dig that shade of green for the Americans.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The 3rd Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con has just been held in Denmark.

    Game Reports will soon be posted here at the Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Report Thread

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Game Reports will include pictures.

  • @The-Captain


  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • @barnee

    Nooo! Not the Axis losing again! Looks like you’re getting good. Yeah, it’s nice to not have to scroll though all of that. Good idea to have another thread.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    This Game Report shows the use of German Volkssturm units.

    Axis player: Heinz Kappel
    Allied player: Keld Rasmussen

    The game ended in Early 1945 after the United Kingdom’s turn, with an Allied Economic Victory at 198 IPC.

    Germany reached an IPC level at 21 IPC in Early 1945 - producing 10 Volkssturm units for the defense of Reichshauptstadt Berlin Defense Area.

    Japan was aple to fight on until Late 1945 an could inflict heavy casualties on the US Navy - but the outcome would have been the same - an Allied Victory.

    The pictures below show the Military Situation in Early 1945:


    Army Group North and Army Group South are both surrounded by strong Soviet forces:
    IMG_7077.JPG IMG_7081.JPG

    The German Kriegsmarine has developed Type XXI U-Boats - ready for action:

    The defense of Berlin is under command of Army Group Centre - supported by Volkssturm units, various combat units, Waffen-SS Paratrooper units as well as two Heavy Waffen-SS Panzer units - and the newest Luftwaffe Me262 units.

    German has destroyed all French factories & facilities - as well as the facilities in Western Germany and Southern Italy, to prevent these facilities from falling into enemy hands.

    The strength of the German Armies and Army Groups is impressive. As these pictures show, German King Tiger units are part of both Army Group North and Army Group South:
    IMG_7084.JPG IMG_7085.JPG IMG_7086.JPG IMG_7087.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Very nice!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 10 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 10 Game Report.

    The game was played during the 3rd Northern Europe Wiking-Con

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Cornelis Post

    From Early 1940, Germany launched U-Boat attacks on a massive scale in the Atlantic.
    The German U-Boat production in each round was kept at 5 U-Boat units from Early 1940 until Early 1942.
    At its peak, the German Kriegsmarine had a U-boat strength at 23 U-Boat units - and thereby totally dominated the Atlantic.

    In Late 1941 Germany attacked the Soviet Union along the entire Eastern Front.
    Strong German Waffen-SS Armies were the backbone of the massive German attack.
    Soviet units were eliminated or pushed back with no chance of any counter attacks.

    Soviet Union:
    As soon as the German attack on USSR started, the Soviets were forced to withdraw.
    Threatened by the advancing German Armies - and with no support from any Allies, the Soviets were under extreme pressure.

    In the east, Japan had eliminated all Chinese units - and were now marching towards the Soviet frontier…

    By Early 1942, Japan had defeated China.

    Japan also launched a massive offensive operation in the Pacific - eliminating all Allied resistance - and capturing all vital islands.

    A massive Japanese build-up of Infantry, Artillery and Tank units was planned to eliminate the last surviving British units in Asia - and launch an offensive against Russia.

    United States:
    In Late 1941 USA declared War on all Axis Nations - and attacked on all fronts.
    A massive effort was needed in the Atlantic to deal with the German U-Boats.

    This slowed down the advance against Europe and Africa.

    United Kingdom:
    Struggling with the German U-Boats the United Kingdom economy was heavily inflicted by massive losses, due to to Convoy disruption.

    The lack of support was soon felt all over the British Empire - and with the supply lines from Africa to Asia cut off by Axis forces in the Middle East, the UK frontline units had no chance against the overwhelming Axis forces.

    From Early 1940 Italy continuously lanched offensive operations against Africa, Gibraltar and the Middle East.
    Landing Craft units and Paratrooper units were supported by German Paratroopers and land based combat units during the offensive in the Middle East.

    The German Luftwaffe was supported by U-Boat units to keep the Mediterranian Sea clear of enemy naval units.

    This helped the Italian forces in their effort to destroy the British fighting forces.

    Troops from ANZAC were transported across the Pacific and Indian Oceans - and captured Persia in Early 1941.
    ANZAC built a Minor Industrial Complex there in Late 1941.

    The IC was under constant pressure from Axis forces - and ANZAC was forced to defend the IC.

    This meant that ANZAC was unable to launch any operations against the advancing Japanese units in the Pacific.

    By Late 1942, it was obvious that nothing could stop the advancing Axis forces - anywhere.

    The Allies surrendered by the end of Late 1942.

    These pictures display the situation at the end of Late 1942:
    IMG_7015.JPG IMG_7016.JPG IMG_7017.JPG IMG_7018.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Sweet ! What are the two big Tanks in Northern Iraq ?

  • @barnee

    Those Tank units are German Panther Tanks - transported by Landing Craft units to Syria in Late 1941.

  • @The-Captain ahh … so just regular Panzers then as far as gameplay ? They look badass :)

  • @The-Captain

    Exciting! Quick, too. Gotta say, I almost forgot how nice the board looks when no chips are used and only pieces are laid out. The sheer mass in some territories is always nice to look at (guess I’m too used to TripleA).

    As usual, you’ve proved yourself a master of these rules. Glad to see a game when the Axis win.

  • @barnee

    Yes - regular German Tank units.

    This picture display some of the hand painted German units:

  • @The-Captain

    That brings a smile to my face :)

  • @The-Captain

    I’m no photographer, but very exquisite. Love it!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 2 barnee vs Panzerstahl-Helm

    This was our 2nd EXP game. I was the Axis and Panzer was the Allies. It took till Late 1948 until Victory was decided. A epic 18 round match !

    Game: 1940

    Axis: barnee

    The Reich started out with heavy U-boat buys.
    JPN focused on china, while the yanks built there Navy.

    UK invested quickly in infrastructure, moving there Major Fctry in London underground, as well as building a Air Base in GIB and a Minor Fctry in Cairo.

    Italia focused on there Army and ANZAC there Navy.

    Although Italy was able to conquer a large swath of Africa, they were never able to take Egypt and were eventually forced from the continent, allowing a “Take Over” by Germany.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 01-04-56.png

    The Soviets withdrew from there border TTys with the Reich, resulting in a German invasion in Early 1941.
    JPN also Declared War on the Western Allies and conquered the PHI and Singapore.

    Jimmy Doolittle, seeking vengenance for his countrymen, successfully sinks a Trprt off of Kiangsu.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 01-22-26.png

    Major combat takes place on the Eastern Front, with Germany able to take an undefended Caucasus by a LCV attack.
    The Caucasus will continue to change hands for the remainder of the War.

    Russia is able to stabilize the Front with Mass Conscription in Early 1942.

    Late 1942 and Stalin does the unthinkable and attacks JPN in Korea, spearheaded by 3rd Corps and 18 Inf Divisions.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 02-32-25.png

    USA gains a toehold in Greece. One they will keep for the majority of the War.

    The Kriegsmarine continues to convoy Britain but remains in a defensive posture mostly, with a delayed launch of the Bismark, as well as sowing Mines.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 02-01-18.png

    A massive Luftwaffe attack along with a U-boat sink the poorly defended Allied Trprts off Greece.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 02-40-51.png

    JPN attacks Far East and Central Asia in retaliation of the communist attack on there forces.

    America builds max infrastructure in Greece, with the Fighters stationed at the Air Base making a potential Luftwaffe attack to costly.

    In 1944, Germany and JPN begin to strike deep into the Soviet Union. The Americans are able to take Carolines, but Russia is hard pressed.

    JPN is pressured from Burma, the Huge Allied Fleet that will eventually take PHI and Russian 3rd Corps.
    The Allies fail to coordinate and JPN hangs on by there eyelids.

    The Americans have a strong presence in Greece, including the formation of USA Army Group, but Moscow is under major pressure. Allied Air Units are preventing an all out German attack.

    A war of attrition ensues, with JPN evacuating the PHI and liberating Carolines.
    USA declares War on Turkey, we were using CDG Neutrals house rule ,which is not part ot the Global 40 Expansion Mod by the Captain and Company, (never used it before actually. Just like the way the map looks :)

    Russia is overpowered by Total War Bmbrs and Me262 Ftrs. As well as Massed SS Units and Tiger Tanks supported by Total War Mech Inf.

    Stalin is defeated in Late 1948 and the Allies sue for peace.

    Hitler has Stalin brought before him, where the two mass murderers proceed to get drunk. Well the Fuhrer doesn’t but allows it for his kindred spirit.

    EXP Game 2 Stahl G 18.tsvg

    @Panzerstahl-Helm and I will have a 3rd game , as we continue to test triplea improvements.

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