Let me know how it goes (I never tried this before, I’ve been a bit busy)!
AARHE: Rule files
another update uploaded
we are close to finishing phase 2 -
another update
full unit name mentioned with abbreivations
one column format -
have we got a background picture yet?
are we releasing phase 2 yet? -
So you’ve download the latest file in one column format, put on the background picture, and releasing a pdf? :-D
Can someone please satisfy my appetite and give me a link! :-D
Its allways on the bottom of Tekkys signature.
They are all .rtf files, and you have a .pdf hidden somewhere… :| and I have downloaded the most recent one, which was made on 9/25…
so hows that coming along?if you’v got graphics already you are in the middle of making a pdf?
I stickied this for obvious reasons… Any moderating objections?
id make a post to skicky just the current version of the rules rather than all the back and forth.
first post edited to be clearer
latest file
…past files
… -
Imperious Leader can you tell us whats happening with the pretty background version? or graphic version.
I am actually waiting for your version with background to continue compiling. Though only a little bit to add to the draft. But we are marking end of phase 2.
Its ok I can install Adobe Acrobat to edit pdf if its pdf.
Its done for some time except for the tech boxes of what each player starts with which will be in lower right corner.
ill get that done
so just player aids or are we also releasing a slightly graphical version of phase 2 draft document?
if the prettified draft is done then can you email that to me so I’ll continue my compiler job
OK then i ask you to finish and resolve the convoy rules your currently discussing with GG. They are going into phase 2 i suspect. I will then take the finished ruleset draft and add “spice” and proper accoutraments.
On the player aids ill add the boxes and such and email everything back to you.
Actually if you look that is a Phase 3 Income discussion, unless you are referring to the individual “idea” being in phase 2… I think we will have it complete by the end of next week or earlier…
ok we’ll finish off the convoy rule soon
do we leave “National Build” and “National Attack” as it is? or do we remove them?
it stays for now
ok I’ve uploaded phase 2 and emailed it to you
spice it up!