• Quote
    If the allies control the sea zone with just one ship ( not tranny) the ipc cannot be collected by say japan.
    if UK controls East Indices Sea zone
    the 4 IPC in East Indices can still be spent on East Indices itself right?

    if yes, then its quite similar to the convoy sea zone rule and we won’t need explicitly say a isolation rule for islands

    if not, then I feel its too powerful…one naval unit to stop all 4 IPC from Borneo?

    Yes one ship can stop the IPC from flowing from Borneo to japan or another Japanese factory. Japan must protect her shipping lanes with a picket line of warships. Remember they don’t have to attack the Soviets in the 39 version.

    In the other versions, this is what happened, and remember only UK/ USA subs in Pacific can do the 1 ipc thing.
    Do you think Japanese subs should be able to take off UK income in Indian/ pacific?

    Their is a reason why we never attacked Borneo, because this was heavily guarded by Japan because it was valuable. it must be this way in the game too. It will create a real American commitment to the pacific to stop the Japanese.

    plus each US sub or uk sub in the pacific takes one ipc off japan. So japan needs to protect the sea zones that surround her Japanese holdings.
    I guess you are referring to a specific case of convoy sea zone rule
    the convoy sea zone rule is generic, logical, and not arbitrary

    This convoy sea rule is the thing we were talking about regarding the german subs and ships in atlantic reducing 1 ipc from uk or lend lease aid, and UK/ USA subs in pacific reducing Japan by 1 ipc, then yes its the same rule.

    Phase 1: Collect Income

    Add up values of territories and subtract loses due to economic attacks in enemy’s last turn. No territory’s income can be reduced below zero.

    Production Interruption
    A territory’s income is reduced if it was attacked last turn. For every cycle of combat the income is reduced by 1 IPC.

    Pay 1 IPC for every unit to be offloaded in amphibious assault or airborne drop []. Pay 1 IPC for every land unit to enter desert terrain or remain on a transport at end of the turn. The amount is refunded if these actions do not happen.

    Spend or Save
    IPC to be spent must have a path from the original territory to the destination territory. IPC to be saved must have a path from the original territory to your capital. IPC that are not spent and not saved is forfeited. This also applies to lend-lease.

    US player may send up to 12 IPC Allies between Soviet Union and or UK.

    IPC Path
    A path can consist of territories which your land units may go through as well as any sea zones. It can enter the sea from the original or adjacent territory, then uses the shortest path via sea to the destination territory or your capital. A closed canal [] and Strait Interdiction [] prevents the IPC path.

    you should explain these terms at some level, rather than introducing a new idea… people don’t follow what your saying when you just drop these terms and provide no explanation whatsoever. All the rules that bring up something must either 1) tell you were to find out more info ( the page #) or 2) explain the idea in the next section

    Convoy Sea Zone attacks
    **German surface warships and submarines can reduce 1 IPC from the British player directly, or Lend Lease aid that is sent to either Britain or the Soviet Union ( if they are at war).

    British and American submarines only can also reduce Japans income by 1 IPC for each submarine located in the Pacific, within 1 sea zone of any Japanese controlled territory.**

    I really have no idea why this cant be written. Its totally clear what the hell were talking about. What you wrote could mean anything. Anybody who read this ONE time would never forget it. The way you write its like a head scratch from reading a IRS form.

  • Yes one ship can stop the IPC from flowing from Borneo to japan or another Japanese factory. Japan must protect her shipping lanes with a picket line of warships. Remember they don’t have to attack the Soviets in the 39 version.

    though it would make sense the flow is prevent in both directions
    hence we can include it under convoy sea zone rule
    4X stronger at island sea zones

    now its effectively the same
    yet don’t need another rule
    yet its realistic (easy to hunt shipping from an island)

    and you can tune it if you want, to say 3X if you like

    Do you think Japanese subs should be able to take off UK income in Indian/ pacific?

    if Allies take Borneo, they too need to protect the Borneo sea zone

    you should explain these terms at some level, rather than introducing a new idea…

    yeah it feels like a new idea called “IPC Path”
    I’ll word it different
    IPC Path shouldn’t be a separate heading, it really is only an explaination for the “Spend or Save” heading

    I’ll get rid of the shortest path thing
    lets just say oil was relatively cheap and costs of diverting to a longer path is insignificant
    you want it simpler anyway

    I really have no idea why this cant be written. Its totally clear what the hell were talking about.

    I’ll word it in a similar fashion, but it will be generic and logical, not specific and not arbitrary
    also, the format you wrote it in requires a tedious listing of sea zones to keep the rules lawyer happy

    _Economic Attacks
    A territory’s income can be reduced due to economic attacks [ on page 14] in enemy’s last turn. No
    territory’s income can be reduced below zero.

    Production Interruption
    A territory’s income is reduced if it was attacked last turn. For every cycle of combat the income is reduced
    by 1 IPC. No territory’s income can be reduced below zero.

    Pay 1 IPC for every unit to be offloaded in amphibious assaut or airborne drop [ on page 6]. Pay 1 IPC for
    every land unit to enter desert terrain or remain on a transport at end of the turn. The amount is refunded if
    these actions do not happen.

    Spend or Save
    IPC to be spent must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (Industrial Complex or
    Victory City). IPC to be saved must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (your capital).
    This also applies to lend-lease. IPC that are not spent and not saved for any reason is forfeited.
    *A path is a chain of territories your units may go through. It may also consist of sea zones, entering the sea
    from the original territory or adjacent territory and leaving the sea at the destination. It may not go through
    enemy controlled canals and waterways [ on page 8] and enemy controlled straits [ on page 7]. Stalinist
    Xenophobia [ on page 8] and Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Co-operation [ on page 8] applies.

    Convoy Sea Zone
    A sea zone on a path* is a convoy sea zone. Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC.
    Damage is applied to IPC going through the convoy sea zone. Exception applies if its an island sea zone,
    where each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC.

    US may send IPC to Soviet Union and/or UK. A combined total of up to 12 IPC can be sent._

  • I’ve uploaded an update

    as you requested it is now only 30 pages (20 pages excluding NA and stuff)

  • Convoy Sea Zone
    A sea zone on a path* is a convoy sea zone. Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC.
    Damage is applied to IPC going through the convoy sea zone. Exception applies if its an island sea zone,
    where each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC.

    No no no.

    replace that with this:

    German surface warships and submarines can reduce 1 IPC from the British player directly, or Lend Lease aid that is sent to either Britain or the Soviet Union ( if they are at war).

    British and American submarines only can also reduce Japans income by 1 IPC for each submarine located in the Pacific, within 1 sea zone of any Japanese controlled territory.

    USSR cant build a ship and reduce German income
    Italy cant reduce American income


    Its not at all the case where anybody can attack anybody on the high seas. Its only a Germany thing against UK/lend lease and a UK/USA sub thing against Japanese holdings within a sea zone.

    Its too harsh against Italy in the 1939 scanario, and its too harsh against UK if Italy can do this, and Its too harsh for the Soviet to use their fleet to attack german IPC, Its too harsh for USA and UK to build a fleet and do this against the Japanese.

    Secondly, where does this 4x thing come from???

    My god!

    This is what you will write:

    In the first case convoy disruption:

    German surface warships and submarines can reduce 1 IPC from the British player directly, or Lend Lease aid that is sent to either Britain or the Soviet Union ( if they are at war).

    British and American submarines only can also reduce Japans income by 1 IPC for each submarine located in the Pacific, within 1 sea zone of any Japanese controlled territory.

    In the second case naval blockade:

    Any island that is inside of a sea zone can be economically isolated by direct occupation by enemy surface forces. The owning player is deprived of income until he removes this threat with air/naval combat.

    thats it nothing else.

    Do you think Japanese subs should be able to take off UK income in Indian/ pacific?
    if Allies take Borneo, they too need to protect the Borneo sea zone

    ok expand then the rule to include German ships in any ocean zone, and expand to include the Japanese can attack and be attacked in Indian ocean.

    Economic Attacks
    A territory’s income can be reduced due to economic attacks [ on page 14] in enemy’s last turn. No
    territory’s income can be reduced below zero.

    Production Interruption
    A territory’s income is reduced if it was attacked last turn. For every cycle of combat the income is reduced
    by 1 IPC. No territory’s income can be reduced below zero.

    Pay 1 IPC for every unit to be offloaded in amphibious assaut or airborne drop [ on page 6]. Pay 1 IPC for
    every land unit to enter desert terrain or remain on a transport at end of the turn. The amount is refunded if
    these actions do not happen.

    Spend or Save
    IPC to be spent must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (Industrial Complex or
    Victory City). IPC to be saved must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (your capital).
    This also applies to lend-lease. IPC that are not spent and not saved for any reason is forfeited.
    *A path is a chain of territories your units may go through. It may also consist of sea zones, entering the sea
    from the original territory or adjacent territory and leaving the sea at the destination. It may not go through
    enemy controlled canals and waterways [ on page 8] and enemy controlled straits [ on page 7]. Stalinist
    Xenophobia [ on page 8] and Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Co-operation [ on page 8] applies.

    Convoy Sea Zone
    A sea zone on a path* is a convoy sea zone. Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC.
    Damage is applied to IPC going through the convoy sea zone. Exception applies if its an island sea zone,
    where each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC.

    US may send IPC to Soviet Union and/or UK. A combined total of up to 12 IPC can be sent.

    ok this is better.

  • your stance was not consistent across the post
    which is often what happens with these large posts
    even I do it sometimes
    anyway my reply…



    its not just generic, its also about not being arbitrary

    I see we have a very different philosphy
    to me we don’t want historic replay
    if the war went differently, it would be a different situation

    but I see I’ve even gotten you to say this:

    ok expand then the rule to include German ships in any ocean zone, and expand to include the Japanese can attack and be attacked in Indian ocean.

    Its too harsh against Italy in the 1939 scanario, and its too harsh against UK if Italy can do this, and Its too harsh for the Soviet to use their fleet to attack german IPC, Its too harsh for USA and UK to build a fleet and do this against the Japanese.

    actually its hardly harsh now, recall I got rid of the tedious “shortest path” rule

    harsh again UK:
    in 1939 scenario you made it Italy navy can’t leave Med Sea until it satistify the condition…so it won’t be hitting UK shipping anytime soon…

    harsh for the Soviet to use their fleet to…:
    soviets hitting Germany? that would be very late game…Germany is just like US and USSR…the start up situation is one lump of land…hardly any shipping (besides US lend-lease)

    harsh for USA and UK to build a fleet and do this against the Japanese
    is this a typo? this is precisely what you wanted in your nation-specific convoy rule

    Secondly, where does this 4x thing come from???

    4X as in 4 IPC
    4 IPC is the value of the largest islands
    that way we don’t see a separate isolation rule
    I justified it here:

    yet its realistic (easy to hunt shipping from an island)

  • Convoy Sea Zone
    A sea zone on a path* is a convoy sea zone. Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC.
    Damage is applied to IPC going through the convoy sea zone. Exception applies if its an island sea zone,
    where each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC.

    This is how i read this:

    on a path*

    1. what does “on a path mean”

    Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC.

    1. so everybody who has a naval unit can kill one ipc from the enemy. This means that Soviet ship that survives can take one ipc from Germany every turn costing about 13 IPC per game. Thats not historical.

    Damage is applied to IPC going through the convoy sea zone

    1. damage? going thru what now? What does going thru mean?

    Exception applies if its an island sea zone,
    where each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC.

    1. OMG what is he getting out now? he just said it destroys one ipc, and the next sentence he says it destroys 4 ipc. Which is it?

    Conclusion: This AARHE thing makes no sence to me its written like bollocks…ill use other house rules that are less scientifically written like a stuffy old professor

    This is how a common person reads that paragraph.

    Just write things in a manner where “what your getting at is exposed” and not hiding in the corner of the closet.

    This is a true attempt to obfuscate the reader and please some idea about ‘rule Lawyers’

    This is for normal people, not those types.

  • on a path*

    1. what does “on a path mean”

    ok instead of “on a path*” I should say “part of a path*”

    come on
    you saw the *
    it is explained at the *, no ?

    *A path is a chain of territories your units may go through. It may also consist of sea zones…

    Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC.
    2) so everybody who has a naval unit can kill one ipc from the enemy. This means that Soviet ship that survives can take one ipc from Germany every turn costing about 13 IPC per game. Thats not historical.

    you asked already and I answered already
    it doesn’t happen

    I self quote

    soviets hitting Germany? that would be very late game…Germany is just like US and USSR…the start up situation is one lump of land…hardly any shipping (besides US lend-lease)

    maybe you don’t understand this
    the rule don’t let you park your naval units at home (eg. Baltic) and start destroying enemy IPCs
    you have to be located where you can hit shipping (eg. Altantic) and even then you can’t hit non-existent shipping

    Damage is applied to IPC going through the convoy sea zone

    1. damage? going thru what now? What does going thru mean?
      damage is referring to the last setence (the 1 IPC)
      instead of “damage is applied” I’ll say “this this applied”

    “going thru the convoy sea zone”…I’ll word it differently…“going via the path”
    read the * if you haven’t already

    1. OMG what is he getting out now? he just said it destroys one ipc, and the next sentence he says it destroys 4 ipc. Which is it?

    maybe you didn’t see it but it says Exception applies if its an island sea zone
    so its normally 1 IPC
    but for islands, isolating them is easier, so its 4 IPC

    anyway I’ll make word it as “4 IPC instead”

    This is a true attempt to obfuscate the reader and please some idea about ‘rule Lawyers’
    This is for normal people, not those types.

    its not like that
    LHTR increased the level of satisfaction for both normal people and rule lawyers

    if rule lawyers find something wrong, it is only a few more games before normal player would complain too

    but it seems you dont yet understand the functionalities aspect
    after you misunderstand the rule, you’ll be able to sugguest how to change the wording

    _Spending or Saving IPC
    IPC to be spent must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (Industrial Complex or Victory City). IPC to be saved must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (your capital). This also applies to lend-lease. IPC that are not spent and not saved for any reason is forfeited.
    *A path is a chain of territories your units may go through. It may also consist of sea zones, entering the sea from the original territory or adjacent territory and leaving the sea at the destination. It may not go through enemy controlled canals and waterways [] and enemy controlled straits []. Stalinist Xenophobia [] and Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Co-operation [] applies.

    Convoy Sea Zone
    A sea zone part of a path* [see Spend or Save] is a convoy sea zone. Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC. This is applied to IPC going via the path. Exception applies if it is an island sea zone, then each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC instead._

  • A)

    Convoy Sea Zone
    A sea zone part of a path* [see Spend or Save] is a convoy sea zone. Each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 1 IPC. This is applied to IPC going via the path. Exception applies if it is an island sea zone, then each hostile naval unit (except Transport) destroys 4 IPC instead.

    Spending or Saving IPC
    IPC to be spent must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (Industrial Complex or Victory City). IPC to be saved must have a path* from the original territory to the destination (your capital). This also applies to lend-lease. IPC that are not spent and not saved for any reason is forfeited.
    *A path is a chain of territories your units may go through. It may also consist of sea zones, entering the sea from the original territory or adjacent territory and leaving the sea at the destination. It may not go through enemy controlled canals and waterways [] and enemy controlled straits []. Stalinist Xenophobia [] and Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Co-operation [] applies.


    Convoy disruption:
    German surface warships and submarines located in the Atlantic or Indian ocean can reduce 1 IPC from the British player directly, or Lend Lease aid that is sent to either Britain or the Soviet Union ( if the latter is at war).

    British and American submarines only can also reduce Japans income by 1 IPC for each submarine located in the Pacific, within 1 sea zone of any Japanese controlled territory.

    Naval blockade:
    Any island that is inside of a sea zone can be economically isolated by direct occupation by enemy surface forces. The owning player is deprived of income until he removes this threat by eliminating the enemy naval threat.

    So the question becomes which A or B makes the idea more clear on whats going on in the game?

    I choose B

    If i saw A: I would 1) i would either stop reading AARHE or  2)not play with that rule.

    If anybody is reading this besides us please vote on which sounds easier to figure out>

  • B) is purely about naval
    A) has other rules in it

    but saying I choose B are you saying you want to get rid of the land restrictions?
    business as usual when a territory goes under blockade? I hope not

    you’ve voiced concerns about existing system being unrealistic, I’ve answered them and explained to you why what you said can’t happen…because the rule is logical and keeps it real
    (eg. US is one lump of territory, so don’t worry! you can’t really hurt them in convoy raiding unless US takes more islands, even then its proportional, you can’t BANKRUPT the US by hitting one small island like Hawaii)

    I don’t know what you stopped the discussion
    has my last post has addressed all concerns you had and you have no more concerns?

    lets be productive

    its simple
    1. decide on the functionality
    2. adjust the wording

    if you want
    after we decide on the functionality, YOU write the wording ok?

    If I saw B) I also would not play the rule

    its like OOB German NA
    the arbitrary nature of the rule makes this…

    *US controls Phillipines and has a fleet at z49, Japan does not have enough force to take it but blockades Phillipines by controling surrounding sea zones…somehow nothing happens, Phillipines IPC unrestrictively goes towards US home

    *Japan takes Madagascar, far away from Japanese colonies UK has 5 submarines adjacent to it, they hit Japan for 5 IPC per turn

    *5 Germany destroyers at South America (the other sideof the globe) hits UK shipping and lend-lease for 5 IPC per turn

    damage should be related to shipping, you can’t just BANKRUPT a player by hitting non-existent shipping

    been there, done that
    this is why we created the AARHE convoy system (from 2006) in the first place, how can you forget?
    it keeps convoy raiding true to actual shipping

    its logical+flexible rather than arbitrary+static
    so not only is it more realistic, but if the game turns out different to actual WWII…the rule continues on and no funny situations

  • Ok lets have you finish everything and we will have a look.

    Make sure to add the 1939 set up and include one extra UK infantry in India and Transjordan

    Also give the US player one destroyer to the south west of Hawaii to block Japanese from going from the south to attack the American carrier group. ( its a block)

    Give France 2 extra Infantry in france.

    Thats the balanced fix on the setup.

  • Ok lets have you finish everything and we will have a look.


    Still open to idea on simplifications. But prefer rules that remains realistic even if players fought differently to history.

    For AARHE for dummies, methodology is important.
    At this stage my take is that dummies should be both for simpler gameplay as well as potential stepping stone to full AARHE.
    That means it should be a subset rather than a modification.

    First we decide which phase and victory condition to disable.
    Then inside the phases that remains we decide which heading/paragraph to disable.

    Make sure to add the 1939 set up

    last time we discussed packaging files together we’ve only agreed on
    *player aids in 1 file
    *all of a particular variant in 1 file

    I did not come to agreement with
    *putting 1939, 1941, 1942 Italy, and future maps info in the main rules file

    the reasoning was…

    Earlier I spend some time to achieve your other request of shrinking the document and its now just 30 pages.
    (20 pages excluding NA and NVC)
    Lets continue to have the 1939 variant rules (and 1942 Italy…and other future maps…) separate from main rules file to not ruin that.

    Adding 1939 setups (and 1941 and 1942 Italy and other future maps…) to the main rules file is going to make the document long again.

    Also its better to have the 1939 setups next to the 1939 rules isn’t there anyway. So I feel they should be inside the variant’s rules file.

    Thats the balanced fix on the setup.

    AARHE 1939 discussion back to AARHE 1939 thread.

  • ok thats fine.

  • I’ve placed the player aids in one folder.

    Its listed in the 1st post.

  • OK then its looks great BTW.

    Now we work on AARHE: Light

    Objective is rules in under 10 pages ( not including NA’s)

    what ideas should be included:

    I think the new pieces included
    historical diplomacy ( neutrals become allies on set turn)
    Historical tech ( same thing as above)
    Defender retreat
    simplify ASW rules
    victory cities used ( no historical Victory conditions)
    Some air missions dumped / modified
    In combat normal allocations
    Keep dogfights separate until sky is cleared
    Naval combat having some simplifications
    ON builds no variable costs except each player can build a set number of infantry at 2 ipc
    Keep Strategic Redeployment

  • we should keep the discussion simple and work purely in "heading"s
    avoiding modifications, cos that’ll make transition to full AARHE confusing
    (also we want to avoid arguing over rules, I mean we are not making to a new rule set…we are making AARHE Lite)

    actually its “Lite” not “Light” right?

    10 pages is still discouraging to new players
    how about 5 pages?
    (National Advantages and Strategic Redployment are optional anyway, so I think they shouldn’t be included)

    we start with BLANK and here we go…

    stage 1 - game sequence - I believe we are in agreement, if nothing this stage is complete
    *VCs, win via VCs
    *all axis followed by all allies, and special Russia opening

    stage 2 - turn sequence
    I am thinking same as AARHE except no diplomacy phase
    neutrals joining at set turn can quite funny, so migh as well leave them out

    stage 3 - individual game phases
    we must not spoil ourselves and add everything
    must be distinctly simpler from full AARHE
    I am thinking we’ll take turns to nominate 1 or 2 headings at a time
    each turn you really have to ask yourself what do you think is the most important…and then nominate it

  • how about 5 pages?

    That would be like a holy grail. Lets aim for like 5-8 pages.

    Ill compile some things and post. Lets leave out the neutrals unless its the 1939 version which should be historically scripted dip. and tech.

    It can be Lite or Light. In fact your in charge of what its called.

    The idea is to taste a weak version of many of the ideas written in 6th grade English so anybody can understand it. No explanations or references, each idea is self contained so you don’t need to cross reference. Lets keep the headlined concepts in and leave out chrome.

    It should be able to be read in 20 minutes.

  • Ill compile some things and post.

    don’t you want to do it like how I proposed it?

    it’ll be selection simple and robust

    to let “Lite” be a stepping stone to AARHE
    we need an easy transition to full AARHE
    that means modifications only when its really neccessary

    minimal changes, merely select rules to have

    I’ve copied the index to an excel file
    fill it in and we then compare our ranks


  • I had more playtesting recently. Hosted two sessions at home. These players were new to Axis and Allies.
    Now I am yet more feelings.

    Logistic costs are quite expensive. Maybe 1 IPC per land unit in amphibious assault is too much.
    How about 1 IPC per transport instead?

    I noticed Capture of defender’s retreating army to not affect gameplay much. You roll for each tank in excess of defender at 1…just doesn’t do much. Could consider removing it.

    Combat Reinforcement: Land Reinforcement has complex restrictions, and we are talking about a passive turn decision. Currently there is one cycle delay and if defender does not survive first cycle then its too late combat is over and the reinforcement have to go back where they came from. Now then you have to remember those units as they can’t do non-combat reinforcement.
    We have defender retreat already, so its not too bad to not allow land units ability to reinforce.
    I recall you didn’t like it much anyway.

    Air reinforcement (DAS) remains. But I am thinking to remove the delay (there is delay only when relocating from 2 spaces away). Or, only allow DAS a range of 1 (instead of the current 2).

    Counter Air (CA) mission was actually used by people. Recall CA stops the defending air units from relocating to a different territory.
    Was it the intention that those defending air units can defending in the current territory?

    eg. UK performs CA mission at SEU so German air units at SEU can’t relocate to defend WEU. Now, if UK also invades SEU should the German air units at SEU be occupied by UK’s CA mission or should they be able to defend SEU?

    Ground Interdiction (GI) mission was almost not touched. It can be removed if we go ahead and remove the land units combat reinforcement.

    The simplified Naval Combat Sequence (from discussion season end of last year resulting in removal of screening and other bits) was under test. People still had a hard time getting the naval combat seqeuence.
    This one will require a discussion season of its own when we do nothing else about AARHE but this.

    I also wonder if In Amphibious Assault can be a bit simply. Its not thre sequence here. Its how only infantry fight in first cycle. Attacker needs to surive first cycle to offload tanks and artillery for second cycle. Its realistic to say they must secure the beach before offloading tanks but then again you wonder if its too tactical / below level of abstract.
    Arillery firing in opening-fire and infrastructure defence raising infantry defence by 1 is already giving defender nice bonus.

  • Logistic costs are quite expensive. Maybe 1 IPC per land unit in amphibious assault is too much.
    How about 1 IPC per transport instead?

    ==== What type of invasion occured? where and how much was landed? Did the landing team get to keep its territory or was it a ‘hit and run’?

    I noticed Capture of defender’s retreating army to not affect gameplay much. You roll for each tank in excess of defender at 1…just doesn’t do much. Could consider removing it.

    ============= im working on something and i also have this opinion. Lets get rid of it, but i propose this to replace it:

    If you capture a territory from the defender and you have armor ( units moving 2 spaces) and they only moved 1 space to enter combat, then they should be allowed to move and attack units in adjacent territory’s. This would be blitzkreig.

    Combat Reinforcement: Land Reinforcement has complex restrictions, and we are talking about a passive turn decision. Currently there is one cycle delay and if defender does not survive first cycle then its too late combat is over and the reinforcement have to go back where they came from. Now then you have to remember those units as they can’t do non-combat reinforcement.
    We have defender retreat already, so its not too bad to not allow land units ability to reinforce.
    I recall you didn’t like it much anyway.

    ============== thank god almighty you finally see my point!. Get rid of this idea ASAP. God i really hated it, but allowed it to remain because im a team player. I am sending you the Iron Cross with oak leaves direct from Berlin HQ

    Air reinforcement (DAS) remains. But I am thinking to remove the delay (there is delay only when relocating from 2 spaces away). Or, only allow DAS a range of 1 (instead of the current 2).

    =============== Lets make the range only adjacent planes can DAS. or we can say planes adjacent come on round 2, planes 2 spaces away come in round 3.

    Counter Air (CA) mission was actually used by people. Recall CA stops the defending air units from relocating to a different territory.
    Was it the intention that those defending air units can defending in the current territory?

    ================ Yes they can also perform defense. But only one offensive air mission and CA is one such operation. Im glad they see the value in this form of combat. Remember they fight at Air dogfight values.

    eg. UK performs CA mission at SEU so German air units at SEU can’t relocate to defend WEU. Now, if UK also invades SEU should the German air units at SEU be occupied by UK’s CA mission or should they be able to defend SEU?

    ==== thats what CA is. CA is an attempt to crush enemy planes. surviving planes can STILL perform DAS missions.Its just a forced dogfight.

    Ground Interdiction (GI) mission was almost not touched. It can be removed if we go ahead and remove the land units combat reinforcement.

    ================= You must try it. Its very valuable to prevent the reinforcement of the counterattack, especially when you have invaded and don’t want to get pushed off the continent by an attack.

    The simplified Naval Combat Sequence (from discussion season end of last year resulting in removal of screening and other bits) was under test. People still had a hard time getting the naval combat seqeuence.
    This one will require a discussion season of its own when we do nothing else about AARHE but this.

    ===== ok lets start one. Post how you like it revised and we will trim it.

    I also wonder if In Amphibious Assault can be a bit simply. Its not the sequence here. Its how only infantry fight in first cycle. Attacker needs to surive first cycle to offload tanks and artillery for second cycle. Its realistic to say they must secure the beach before offloading tanks but then again you wonder if its too tactical / below level of abstract.
    Arillery firing in opening-fire and infrastructure defence raising infantry defence by 1 is already giving defender nice bonus.

    =======================ok we can reduce this to one simple sequence, but let defending artillery first in each round.

    post it and we will have a look.

    I am working on a new version using these rules for Axis and Allies Europe. Your part of this naturally. WE call it AAEHE


    Map is 85% done.

    I need the rules in word file sent ASAP. I will make the first effort to get things started and you will finish.

  • @Imperious:

    ==== What type of invasion occured? where and how much was landed? Did the landing team get to keep its territory or was it a ‘hit and run’?

    The invasion is amphibious assault.
    Doesn’t matter how many landed. The current rule is 1 IPC per land unit.

    You asked where was it landed.
    Are you considering making it different?

    Could make it…
    no cost for normal terrain. 1 IPC for mountainous terrain (and then get rid of mountainous offload limit).

    ============= im working on something and i also have this opinion. Lets get rid of it, but i propose this to replace it:

    ok so we remove Capture of defender’s retreating army

    If you capture a territory from the defender and you have armor ( units moving 2 spaces) and they only moved 1 space to enter combat, then they should be allowed to move and attack units in adjacent territory’s. This would be blitzkreig.

    Well there is a problem with letting Armor attack another space. It breaks the game mechanics of each unit only fighting in one space per turn.

    *if armor can attack multiple spaces per turn, then why not air units?
    *it could get in the way of defender retreats, requiring more complexity to the rule

    As you see if we break that game mechanics, it could gets messy.

    ============== thank god almighty you finally see my point!. Get rid of this idea ASAP. God i really hated it, but allowed it to remain because im a team player. I am sending you the Iron Cross with oak leaves direct from Berlin HQ

    hehe yep, Combat Reinforcement: Land Reinforcement is no more

    =============== Lets make the range only adjacent planes can DAS. or we can say planes adjacent come on round 2, planes 2 spaces away come in round 3.

    I go for only adjacent planes can DAS

    (rule is so much simpler not having to describe what happens in the different outcomes due to delay)

    ================ Yes they can also perform defense.

    note thats means attacking CA air units perform one thing (a cycle dogfight against the defending air units)
    while those defending air units perform two things (the dogfight plus normal combat in the territory)

    so the attacking CA air units perform less than the defending air units
    is that weird?

    ==== thats what CA is. CA is an attempt to crush enemy planes. surviving planes can STILL perform DAS missions.Its just a forced dogfight.

    oh…thats not the current wording
    currently defending air units targeted by CA cannot perform DAS this [passive] turn

    ================= You must try it. Its very valuable to prevent the reinforcement of the counterattack, especially when you have invaded and don’t want to get pushed off the continent by an attack.

    ah yes
    even though we are removing combat reinforcement of land units, it can still stop non-combat reinforcement

    ===== ok lets start one. Post how you like it revised and we will trim it.

    ok next thing to do
    (one thing could be get rid of allocating air units to CAP/naval attack/ASW
    air units in naval combat shall always dogfight if both sides has air units)

    =======================ok we can reduce this to one simple sequence, but let defending artillery first in each round.
    post it and we will have a look.

    ok next thing to do
    (probably not realistic to give defending artillery opening-fire in every turn)

    I am working on a new version using these rules for Axis and Allies Europe. Your part of this naturally. WE call it AAEHE


    Map is 85% done.

    I need the rules in word file sent ASAP. I will make the first effort to get things started and you will finish.

    Well its in Latex now. So I can give you a simple text file. A nice word file would take time me to format.
    Alternative we could look into PDF editor (eg. Adobe) or Postscript editor (another output of Latex).

    Or, you can use the program I am using. Lyx. Its a GUI for Latex.
    So the program looks like a word processor like MsWord.

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