Does someone know if there has been any progress so far? It’s a pitty we always end up having new iterations of the global maps or pacific/europe scenarios and not other theaters of operations.
What if the Soviet Union joined the Axis and Japan joined the Allies (well really Japan erupting into an Imperial Civil War)?
I made a mistake…
If we do the 14 victory cities requirement, the Axis actually only need to Operation Sealion and the invasion of the Philippines, North America, Australia, or the Japanese home islands.
Here is my feedback:
I think the victory city requirement is good, at least as easy as the normal Axis And Allies Global 1940 requirements, I think the Allied winning conditions might be too hard, maybe make it so that controlling all of Africa is an alternative to capturing a capital, as Italy is still quite hard to stop, especially as the Soviets and Germans can provide a lot of support though the Middle East. By the way, what is the “China continent” do you mean all Chinese territories? Thank you!
I think the Berlin Road is too overpowered, it’s quite tough to cut it. However, Japan can completely concentrate on China, so it might balance out, especially as the Soviets might not provide a lot of support if they approach India from the west though the Middle East.
Also, is the starting Flying Tigers unit for China removed from the game? If so, is it under US control, and if so, where? Or is it still with China? I hope you can answer these questions. Thank you!
I think the Soviet 10 IPCs national objective is too overpowered, maybe it should be Korea, India, the British Isles or the Japanese home islands then you can add some more national objectives for China.
I like the Ukrainian industrial complex movement idea, maybe you should do that to some other industrial complexes in the Soviet Union, and you should find some way to show when territories have their IPC value changed.
Is the 5 IPC national objective with the Axis not on any original Soviet territories, and sea zone 125 with no Allied warships basically the normal national prestige rule but reversed? Thank you!
Instead of your Trans-Siberian railway rules, why don’t you use this one (it’s also more clear)? It was originally a Soviet national advantage but it could easily be adapted as a rule:
Trans-Siberian Railway
The Trans-Siberian Railway ran across the continent of Asia, providing the Soviet Union with unmatched mobility across this vast and rugged terrain.
In the non-combat move phase, your infantry, antiaircraft guns, and artillery may move 3 territories per turn in either direction among these territories: Russia, Samara, Novosibrisk, Timguska, Yenisey, Yakut S.S.R., Buryatia, Amur.I would like to remind you that China is made up of more than 12 territories, including the ones Japan controls at the start of the game so please change that. Thank you!
I would also like to remind you that France does not have any bonus income, they only get extra units when Paris is liberated, so please change that as well. Thank you!
Finally, I would like to point out (as Google does, too) that there are numerous grammar and spelling errors, such as:
“Capital” is spelled with an “a”, not an “o”.
Infantry is the plural for infantry, as there is no difference for this word.
It is “Axis powers”, not “partners”.
Also, whilst the word “factory” is easy to understand, I recommend you to change it “industrial complexes”.
I hope you take all my advise. Thank you!
@superbattleshipyamato123 I’ll keep the grammar under advisement, thanks!
Yes the Chinese Flying Tiger is OOB setup, the Japan NO is considered All 18 territories of which is why I wrote Continent.
I don’t think the Berlin Road NO is overpowering, remember that China+Russia will be Fighting up to potentially 4 different Nations (Japan, UK Pacific, Anzac, US) when everyone is at War and Germany+Italy would be too far away to provide any Real help- Also they can’t cut across Soviet original territories, unless an Axis Capital fell.
The Siberian Railway is read Straight lined from Moscow to Amur, that should cover all the required territories that legal to Rail- although I should indicate it being in the non-combat phase.
More replies to your questions are coming your way! -
@superbattleshipyamato123 Yes the Soviet NO of 5 is reversed
I really don’t want to change territory value at the beginning setup, which is why I indicated when the Ukraine factory movement will also have the 1 Ipc transfer as well- that should be easy enough to understand me thinks
The Soviet NO of 10 is just a One Time deal for the taking of Manchuria, I wouldn’t think it be too overpowering and the Soviets will be needing that extra income for the fight against 4 potential Nations! -
Thank you for answering my questions.
The reason why I thought that the Berlin road was overpowered was because even though I read about European Axis units not being able to move into Soviet territories unless their capital fell, I did not think about both of them in play at once. Sorry about that.
Looking forward to more of your messages!
For the Soviets moving industrial complexes, I think writing the IPC value changes for some of the territories who have their IPC value changed because of moving industrial complexes is good enough. What I really meant is that the Soviets should be able to move all of their industrial complexes (maybe not the Moscow one though) to territories east of Moscow, maybe the Soviets can move only one to China, which can produce Soviet units. Maybe changing the location of the 10 IPC national objective will balance it out (my real problem with that national objective was the location, not the national objective itself, which replaces the one for Berlin, you can see some of my suggestions in earlier posts).
Some ideas for Soviet industry (these were originally national advantages):
“Heavy Industry – Minor and Major industrial complexes may produce 1 &2 extra units per turn respectively. If you develop the increased factory production technique then they may produce 2 & 5 extra units per turn respectively. Additionally, minor complexes may be built on territories with an ipc value of one and major industrial complexes may be built on territories with an ipc value of 2. Furthermore, you may start the game with one free minor industrial complex that you may place anywhere that you choose.
Mobile Industry - Your industrial complexes each may move 1 territory during your noncombat move phase. They cannot move during the combat move phase. If they are captured by an opponent, that opponent cannot move them.“
Also, for the Mongolian rules, maybe it should be that the infantry won’t be mobilised if the Soviets attack any Japanese controlled Chinese territory bordering a Mongolian province (maybe this should only apply to Manchuria and Korea)? Thank you!
@superbattleshipyamato123 I would consider the France NO as bonus income, since it is 12 Ipcs to be spent even though it’s a One Time deal.
Of course these House rules would have to be playtested in order to find out if some rules would be overpowering or would break the game- thanks for your input, sometime in the future I’ll get a chance to PLAYTEST them!
Right now our group is currently playtesting my house rules of another G40 variation that’s been playing over the YouTube for almost a year now, by the end of Summer I hope to officially share it with the community afterwards!!! -
Thank you for answering all my questions!
I guess it makes sense that the extra units will be considered bonus income (in the rulebook, it is even under “bonus income”).
I look forward to the results of your playtesting!
@superbattleshipyamato123 I don’t like playing with Bids, I’m trying to stick with the original setup and so that’s why I’m not giving any Free factories to any Nation, I don’t want to get too ridiculous with the moving of Soviet factories which is why I recommend just moving One- however further playtesting might Force me to reconsider that aspect though!
Thank you for replying to my messages so quickly!
I guess we really should’t get too crazy with moving industrial complexes, there wouldn’t be as crazy of a need, as most of the fighting would take place out of Soviet soil (at least, not the European half).
Also, what do you mean by “Bids”? Thank you!
@superbattleshipyamato123 By Bids I mean giving One side extra units or facilities in order to potentially make the game More balanced between the two sides, I consider it an Unmanly Handicap that way and I don’t want to mess up the original setup as much as possible if I can help it- thanks for taking the time to hear this Ole Guy out!!!👍
I’m not a big fan of that either, unless they are small changes that are part of a national advantage that creates other changes in the game-for example:
“Atlantic Wall
Stretching from Bordeaux to Denmark and even to Norway the German Military made use of extensive defensive fortifications to keep the western allies off the continent.
During any amphibious assault your Infantry and Artillery defend on a ‘3’ during the first round of combat. Also, Germany gets a free AAA in any territory it controls during Setup.”Thank you for answering all my questions!
I am close to finishing my first game using these rules, but the Allies are going to win. If people request it, I will add a full battle report, but the Axis made some mistakes. Despite these mistakes, to balance it out, I am adding this rule (I am adding this to my first post as well):
Germany can move troops into Finland in their first turn-Germany therefore gains the IPCs from the territory. At the start of Germany’s second turn, Germany must move any units moved into Finland out of the territory, if possible (if possible, that action must be done). All mobilised Finnish troops will stay in the territory, and Finland will become a strict neutral, and Germany will no longer control the territory. If Finland is attacked, Germany will gain control of the territory for the rest of the game (the Soviets still don’t get their national objective relating to Finland).
@superbattleshipyamato any news?
Italy and Axis Japan are dead. Berlin is going to be taken on the next US turn. Leningrad is under siege and Stalingrad will fall to the British. Stalin will sue for peace after that.
I am adding the victory conditions for the Allies: Two minor Axis (Italy and Axis Japan) capitals have to be taken, and one major Axis (Germany and the Soviet Union) have to be held for one turn (they don’t have to be the same capitals).
This shall be added to the main rules.
@superbattleshipyamato Sounded like fun though, do you believe if the Axis had tried something differently then the war would go more in their favor?
6 IPC’s Germany - Eastern Persia is controlled by the Axis - Caucasian oil fields out of range from Allied bombers and critical infrastructure leading to Germany is secure
Each turn of play there is a brief “influence” stage where the Axis and Allies chip in IPC’s to let Spain join the war
If Spain gets 70 IPC’s (Not play-tested, you can change this number or alter this all together) by round 6 they either side they join sides of that country
If they don’t then at that “Influence” sequence, roll a die. If the die rolls 1-3 then Spain turns ALLIED. If it is 4-6 then Spain turns Axis
Unfortunately, this also brings Portugal into the war against Spain.Place a minor factory on both Spain and Portugal.
Spain: 5 infantry Starting IPC: 15
Portugal: 3 Infantry Starting IPC: 125 IPC’s United States - If either United Kingdom or United States has at least 1 land unit in Portugal or Spain. - Supporting allies in need
Spain and Portugal are prohibited to build aircraft and naval units
Portugal does not join the war if the influence IPC’s were added up
In the Influence Sequence, Axis goes first in placing Influence IPC’s on the table as their proximity allows easier access to diplomatic missions with Spain
The Axis (and Allies) made some major mistakes, so I think the Axis could have definitely won-China was a major factor in being a black hole for Soviet resources, and Axis Japan lost their capital the first time in the second or third round, a major loss in the Pacific, and the fact that when Shanghai was captured, the minor industrial complex would be destroyed. Even if Axis Japan got Shanghai back, that’s several turns of saving up before anything new comes out.
In regards to your house rules, I don’t think there should be an industrial complex in Portugal, in keeping with the rules of not allowing industrial complexes on 1 IPC territories. I especially like your IPC bribe of Spain. I just think 70 IPCs is far too big of a bribe-it still shouldn’t be too easy though, so to be more historical it should be 50 IPCs at most. Perhaps American and Soviet IPCs will only count half as much when it is still neutral. How would you track it though? Thank you! I also think that the starting amounts of infantry should be the same, and that they when they join either side, it should simply be that they are a pro Allies or pro Axis neutral, instead of being their own powers. Finally, only powers in Europe (not China or either Japan) should be allowed to give IPCs to Spain.
I think that if Spain joins the Allies, a dice should be rolled. A 1-3 Portugal joins the Axis, 4-5 Portugal stays neutral, whilst 6 has Portugal joins the Allies. This represents Portugal’s long alliance with the UK.
@superbattleshipyamato Okay thank you :grin: trying to refine these rules and yeah I did kinda forget about the one IPC province in Portugal but maybe when it starts it turns to a 2 IPC province. Also historically, Mozambique and Angola belonged to Portuguese until they fought their way to independence. I also think maybe some of the countries in South America turns Pro-Spain or Pro-Portugal which would bring the war to The Americas and prevent an American-occupied Brazil from happening.
But that is in the “worst case scenario” if Portugal joins the Axis and Spain joins the Allies in the influence phase. Germany moves first (Spain and Portugal moves after Europe UK) so Spain might often die round 1
So maybe the both “strict neutrals” can have a military presence (maybe 4 land units per country) but once you give them a “military presence” you cannot move anywhere else until the war starts. If if the country you have a military presence with becomes against you, the units will perish.
I am making these rules because I bought the G36 roundles for the Spanish Civil War and a thought came in my mind about Iberia. So I gave myself until December 25 to come up with balanced and agreeable house rules for my G40 board :kissing_smiling_eyes:
As noted, I just don’t think Spain and Portugal should be their own powers-their colonies should be on the same side as their home countries though. South American counties shouldn’t join the Iberian countries-I doubt that they would have liked to be recolonised. As the territories of Mexico and Central America show (and Brazil in other versions) Latin America would have turned to the US for protection. Again, Spain and Portugal shouldn’t be seperate powers, and they should simply tirn into pro Axis or pro Allied territories. Rio De Oro should be part of Spain as well.
A military presence for Spain should be part of the IPC bribe, simply the IPC value of the units. They can be placed anywhere, including each country’s colonies.
@superbattleshipyamato Okaysie- no alt-history then? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :upside_down_face: