@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
Markers from HBG
Hi can someone based on experience give me a heads up on what a good number of markers would be for V3.
And do I just need damage, CAP, convoy disruption, under construction.
I have all the 3d printed sub and sea plane bases, major and minor dock yards, major and minor ports, and air fields.
Cheers -
I think that you can manage with 5 of each markers that you mentionned. Add a few railroads and damaged railroads.
@noneshallpass ok great wasn’t sure if I need more than 5 cheers
HBG sells a set of their markers just for that purpose: BASE SET OF MARKERS FOR GW1936V3
https://www.historicalboardgaming.com/Base-set-of-Markers-for-GW1936v3_p_3700.htmlThey want $59.95, plus shipping, for their set. They claim it would cost $70.20, plus shipping, to buy the same markers by themselves.
My 2 IPPs,
Also, HBG has a full-up list of everything that you need to play 1936v3, as a three-page pdf file linked from their website:
https://www.historicalboardgaming.com/assets/images/HBG/GW1936v3/Accessories/Needed Units for Global War 36V31.pdfThat should let you know exactly what all you need to get started with 1936 v3.