@CrazyIvan Also for playing online you might want to check out our TripleA forum, especially the stickies there: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/28/triplea-support
Global 1940 and 1943 Expansion for use with TripleA
The Waffen SS formed an Army and decided to take it to the Commisar boys.
It was a Bloodbath
But they prevailed with Heavy losses
Made an adjustment to Commandos and Marines. Artillery will boost an inf 1 as well as a Commando/Marine 1 if all three present. If no inf, they’ll get boosted 2 and attack at 3.
This will be in the next update. Probably a couple days.
The Wehrmacht formed a Panzer Army in Romania. A couple Panzer Grenadiers have been attached as well. They plan to attack the Russian Tank Army in Eastern Poland. They have another forming in Austria.
Russia is forming a Tank Army in Moscow also. lol
Italy and Germany are Allies no more
Looks great,
When did Germany take over Italy?
All Italian tty should become grey (German controlled) when the Take Over happends.
Great work:+1:
@the-captain yea i was just testing. Triplea will require the conditions to be met before giving you the option to take over Italy. It will also charge you 5 bucks for doing so but you’ll have to use edit and manually remove/replace the Italian units and change the TTy ownership. This shouldn’t be too bad, as there probably won’t be a lot of Italian TTys and units. If there are, you probably don’t want to take it over and you’d want to keep the ability to canopen anyway.
You’ll also need to edit their bank account to Germany. I thought about letting Germany take over Italy once they’re at war so they’d auto collect the capital cash but it’d require more edit than just doing it directly.
The objectives and Advanced production all auto work. The extra para and LCV capacity do as well, although you’ll need to player enforce the limits if Rome falls. It will stay with the extra 4 a piece. Which reminds me, can Germany place more than 4 Paras and LCVs in Rome ?
OKay, great.
If Germany takes over Italy, and makes a Heavy Industry 1 Unit upgrade to the Rome IC, the Germans can place 4 units in Rome.
If Germany wants to place more than 4 units at the Rome IC, an upgrade to Major IC must be made. In that case, Germany can also upgrade the Major IC to Heavy Industry 2 Units.
@the-captain yea I spaced it was a minor.
Rules Clarification: US National Guard.
The rules have been clarified, to avoid confusion in terms of Japans move “…or has taken other agressive steps that bring USA into the War…”
This sentence has been replaced: see attached file.
The rule now reflects it’s original intention: to activate the US National Guard if Japan takes any agressive steps that would threaten any US interests.
While Factories continue to Tool Up for Total War and despite the desperate pleas for Air Transport, Albert Speer and the Reich have improved Strategic Rail Movement.
Total War is kicking my ass. Giving The Pacific a run for it’s money lol.
Luftwaffe has got it going on now. The rest will fall in line :)
Total War is done. It was a fckn cksckr. Actually, after I do Air Transports, I’ll have to do it some more lol
Air transport is now available. Only the Germans may Air Lift their Panzers. Player Enforced.
Well another 3 hour burn. But it will burn me no more. Hopefully. Yea right, lol
Gotta do Game Notes and then upload to git so tomorrow or today ? lol About 12-24hours. There we go :)
Almost got it done before the game. At least the AV’s kicked major ass. lol
Update to version 4 aka section 4
So I spaced activating “Mechanized Infantry” tech so the the Rail movement units will work. You have to turn on tech activation in map options before game start and then use edit to activate.
I’ll put a fix out in a bit. Wait a few and see what other fckups I got lol
Hi barnee,
Remember - this couldn’t have been done without you - so a few fckups - as you so gently describes it - is acceptable :relaxed:
@the-captain heh heh yea it’s a family site. I need to clean it up a bit : )
I think optional rules will roll out a little quicker, even though there’s more of them. But I’ve been overconfident before lol