Clarifications about the map design
I have three questions about the map design (of the V3) that aren’t clear for me and my friends.
- Whats the purpose of the “Qattara Depression” in Western Egypt, that is marked “impassable” ? The Sahara Desert is alredy marked impassable.
Maybe is it to forbid planes to pass from Western Egypt to Sudan or Nubia directly ? and force them to pass by Cyrenaica or Estearn Egypt.
If its for this last purpose so why could you fly over Himalayas ? (correct me if I’m wrong, but you can fly over these mountains as the optionnal rules 1.24 on page 12, only add a risk to lose the aircraft when passing).
About Himalayas, can you enter Yunnan from Burma on a combat or non combat move ? Because it seems that there is a passage beetween the two provinces.
Maybe it’s an impression error and the black traits that mean “impassable” aren’t drawn properly ? -
Is there a link between Szechwan and Hopei, in China ?
Thanks for your help.
I’ve actually not really understood the point of the Qattara Depression either to this point. It doesn’t make any different to land unit movement with or without it. The rules say air forces can fly over impassable terrain, but not allowing air to fly over the Depression is the only thing of substance I could think of, but I don’t think that’s written in the rules anywhere.
I see the “passage” you’re referring to, but I think the answer is no. The only movement from Burma to Yunnan is via the Burma Road rules at 1.17.
Yes, Szechwan and Hopei are connected, unless I too have misinterpreted the connection!
@chris_henry Correct all around. The Quarta depression is just for flavor.
Thanks for your answers !