here is some statistic on what people bid in bm306-03.PNG
Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
@barnee Thanks!
@victoryfirst said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
@barnee No, I don’t have TableTop. I played the game on my OOB G40 board.
right on thats what i meant. Physical board not computer. : )
Hey, I really dig the Pacific too. Did you buy those cheap Ftrs ? That can’t fly as far ?
Right on Brother ! Keep the game reports coming :)
Hi Victory,We’re happy that you experience the same as all our players.
That’s the whole idea:relaxed:
UK Ftr Lend Lease lol
oops Can’t see the ftr lol It’s there :)
@the-captain Can New Zeland have Fortifications ?
New Zeland cannot be fortified… I’ll specify the islands that can be fortified in the next Rules Clarification update:+1: :+1:
@the-captain just to double check, a Waffen Army can have it’s Arty support inf while the Army is formed correct ?
I have Oberst, 2 inf and 1 arty. Arty and Oberst roll twice and arty can still support 1 inf to hit at 3.
All Waffen units obviously
You got it right:+1:
@the-captain Sweet ! First time to rd 5 ! I Dig It ! lol
Think I went a little light on the Eastern front but we’ll see. 26 peasant inf about to show up. The Italian para just picked up it’s 3rd kill lol. You really gotta pay attention to those guys.
So unlikely it would happen but can UK or USA do all the lend lease ? Doesn’t have to be split 3 and 3 ? Any combination of 6 ? 2 UK ftr and 1 USA ftr and 3 USA tanks for example.
@the-captain so you can build a SS inf same turn the Oberst replaces the inf but does that apply to all SS units ? I replace 3 PanzerGrenadiers with SS units, can I also buy 3 more PGs that same turn ? Or is it just for Ober ?
Yes, UK & US Lend-Lease forces can be split by the players choise.
Players can even choose to have USA to send all Lend-Lease units to USSR.
Or the United Kingdom could send them all - and USA none…
Yes, you can purchase new Panzer Grenadiers in the same turn that you convert Panzer Grenadiers to Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadiers.
By the way - that would be the optimal choise, since you want all your Panzer Grenadiers available on the game board:+1:
@the-captain right on well I think it would be good to add a clarification to the next rule update. I know you don’t want to overload the initial rules, but that is quite key and worthy of specific mention imo.
Gonna fire up the test game in a bit :) Think I’m gonna add to the notifications when new stuff is available, that our Scientists and Engineers are also working on the next available units and should be ready in the next rd or 2 or whenever.
Ideally one should just print the time sheet and have it handy, but this may prove useful as having enough dudes in Berlin to build with is key.
Really wanna just keep playing, but I think there’s enough for the update. Gonna finish rd 5 then update and Then start on Basic :)
yea yea i really will this time lol
Yes, you’re right - the Timetable is essential to keep track of when special units can enter the game.The Timetable should be printed and kept next to the game board. We always use it in this way, since it helps to have an overview - especially during a hectic game when crucial tactical decisions are made.
We’ll discuss where to inform about those certain episodes - as when you are replacing regular units with Waffen-SS units etc.
It might be a separate section - attached to the Strategy Guide thread.
As part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, today the United States Strategy Guide will be posted in the Strategy Guide thread.
Later this year, the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion rulebook will be updated with information concerning the Strategy Guide as well as Rules Clarification.:+1:
Rules Clarification has been updated with islands that can be fortified.
Hi Sgt,What’s the status on the enlarged G40 game board?
Do damaged Capital ships need to be adjacent to a naval base in order to get prepared?
No, they must be repaired by paying 3 IPC for each damage hit. They are repaired anywhere on the game board.
Just to double check, you can’t purchase landmines in India. UK/London only correct ?
Next rule edit you may want to consider moving this closer to the beginning of the landmine rules
“Mines must be produced in a Capital belonging to
the Nation that produces the mines.”For example here instead
“Mines are purchased in the Purchase & Repair
Units phase and can be placed (dug in) in the
Mobilize New Units phase in that same turn in the
territory where they are produced.”Just a thought : )