• I just got the game, i played germany for the first time, and i found the perfect strategy. Trouble is, i think i’l missing a rule or something.
    Anyway here goes:
    First turn Germany buys 4 transports, and 2 destroyers
    it attacks the english fleet with it’s subs and attacks the english fleet at strait of gibraltar with the battle ship and the destroyer and a transport loaded with 2 infantry from tyrrhenian sea.
    germany also uses it’s air force in the first attack on the north sea english channel and celtic sea
    german subs do not take any convoys.
    Now that england effectively has no navy (except the one in canada and east med) it leaves england extremely vulnerable. Move infantry from the interior of the axis to germany and poland
    place transportsin baltic sea.
    2nd turn buy 4 more transports
    and load 8 men onto the first 4 and attack england unloading 10 men, and bombard with 3 destroyers and 1 battle ship. Also use the air force in the attack. If england holds(most likely doesn’t not unless us and uk work together to put all their forces in uk and build all infantry there, then move more men in to netherland, and france.
    3rd turn invade again, england will fall for sure, and you will be able to hold ityou can also put subs in mid atlantic and halifax and denwark strait, to slow the ship ment of american troops to england one turn.
    It’s over how can allies win? uk starts with 4 infantry.

  • I have re-thought this problem, and i have come to the conclusion that if uk gets the bonus 12 dollars, then germany can’t invade, there is a 20-30% chance that they will, but if they don’t they lose.
    Also if germany places 5 transports and a destroyer on danish sea or baltic sea, then they can trick the allies into buying infantry, effectivly wating uk’s money and the bonus 12 for that turn, then germany can transport into leningrad or move them to celtic and effectively fork us and uk, wasting the us’s dollars on infantry, while germany can buy stuff to attack russia.

  • You just going to leave the russians alone with their vast number of infantry? If your evacuating the front the russians would be perfectly happy to rid you of the burden of having those pesky teritorys just lying around. This could give the russians the much needed boost nessicarry to start a very quick and ultimately terminal offensive.

  • I realized that, but i also saw that the russians need at least 2 turns to mobalize, if they attack poland at first, they will get it, but i can stack quite a few infantry on germany from surrounding regions
    i only need half of my military power on the continent to overtak the uk if i use my navy just right. the rest can defend germany, i don’t need any money, i can get uk in 3 turns bu taking all it’s convoys, and invading, if i take all it’s convoys, it con only stack so many infantry on it’s capital (3+recaptured convoys) and if i get unlucky on the first attack, or second, i can do up to 3 invasions. and russia can’t take me by the third or 4th turn.

  • with that many invasions the british and americans are allowed a good opertunity to kill off a lot of your transports with their combined airpower.

  • Yeah your right, they could do that, you can still use your transports to take archangel, or iceland i think the atlantic is too small, look at the med, maybe it’s cause i’m part german… And, ur right, germany can’t invade england, as long as us and uk work together for the first few turns. I think taking and holding the convoys are more important now, like destroying uk’s fleet, you can still build the transports, to waste uk’s money and later use them as fodder in the atlantic. if you get a battle ship and a transport on ever convoy, you win. or even just the uk ones. also i think that middle east looks good, because of the +8 and caucasus +4
    if germany places a uboat on the coast of the us, can us not build there?
    i think battle ships are key in this game.
    anyway, i’ve changed my mind, allies can win.

  • Very indecisive, aren’t we?

  • UK bonus? whats that?

  • The Allies get 12icp to spend between the 3 countries anyway they see fit.

  • where in the rules does it say that?

  • The allies get 12 IPCs just like germany gets them (at the very beginning of each game) and i think the rule that lnx missed, was that the game isn’t over once germany controls any allied home, it’s only moscow that wins.

  • Anon, ju r wrong! On page 2 ofthe rulebook, under object of the game… any one capital, plus Germany, held until the the Axis players’next turn wins.

    …and now let’s play…
    “God is dead.”
    “Nietzsche is dead”

    FUZZY PICKLE! I hope they don’t notice the clue!


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