@squirecam Us:China Witt2 .tsvg Thought it was weird that you had left Chjina have plus 6 income. Forgot i needed Burma too!
PTV OwenToo vs max334 (Axis)
Are you still in this game? Just wondering if you lost excitement for it?
@max334 Never fear! I have only begun to fight!
Actually it will be a very good learning experience in PTV to see if the Russian Bear can deal Germany a death blow in retribution for SeaLion. I feel I am very much in this game. Fight on!
@owentoo ok we will press on. I wasn’t actually worried about the European theater I just saw that your Pacific fleet is exposed without any blockers. Haven’t looked at it carefully, but it’s in danger of annihilation
@max334 It all depends on the dice… are you feeling lucky today?
@owentoo lol… Your kind of funny, but i think your game involves a little more than just luck of the dice
@max334 Well, my exposed fleet, if attacked, could be a disaster for the Americans, or it could be a disaster for the Japanese, depending on the first round dice. SZ 55 is friendly to the Allies, so I will have a place to land surviving aircraft, and you will not.
@max334 If you decide to attack the fleet, save the game after your first round, so I can pick the hits and name my OOL
@owentoo I guess that’s the nice thing about being the attacker If the first round doesn’t go well you can always retreat.
@max334 That is very true, but if your dice go badly and the defender’s dice go well, you can’t retreat far enough to escape the inevitable counterattack.
@owentoo nah that never happens to me The dice love me
@max334 :face_with_head_bandage:
@owentoo I had a little difficulty with the set up. For some reason the AI wouldn’t let me land my sz35 planes. Shouldn’t they still have 2 moves left if they survive? 12 Jan 21.tsvg
@max334 The problem is you have 8 aircraft attacking and only 3 CVs within range to land them. So that is illegal.
You have already brought in 2 aircraft from elsewhere that must land on that CV in 35, therefore the planes from 35 must go somewhere else and not participate in the battle in 55
@owentoo I have the carrier in Japan that can reach Caroline islands and pick up two planes that have two movements left
yes, but the CV in 35 must come closer to the battle or participate in the battle to receive the aircraft with 1 or 0 movement left. It should be able to do that in NCM. What is the program not allowing you to do?
I loaded the game, and it seems to work. Just click “Done” on the combat move. Scramble the 2 fighters in Queensland, and let 'er rip. OOL is damage all capital ships, then sub, CVs DDs, CAs, BB
o yeh, take tac and Fighters after the CAs, before the BB
@owentoo just to be clear the ftr and tac from sz35 can land on the sz7 carrier and the sz35 carrier can pick up any other surviving planes?
@max334 Yes, it appears to be that way to me, as long as the SZ35 carrier can move during NCM