Sendspace works as well. I don’t think china allows media fire. For our international gamer friends :)
Over The Top
New World War 1 based game on triplea. Here are Game Notes:
Welcome to Over the Top, an alternate scenario game loosely based on the various high-water marks of the First World War. It is important to note that this game does not reflect a specific point in time of the war. Factions and starting positions have been arranged and altered to allow players to experience many of the war’s iconic events that might not have otherwise occurred together in a more authentic timeline. While many aspects of Over the Top are kept to historical accuracy, much has been altered to facilitate a more enjoyable and well-balanced gameplay.
Large map tiles and unit images for high res displays
Ranged munitions for capital ships and heavy artillery
Trenches that provide hit points but are also capturable if undefended
Historical figures, like Lenin and the Red Baron
Dynamic African front with colonial powers
Western Front inset and dual Russian capitals (credit: Great War)
Railroads (credit: Civil War)
Research to unlock more advanced units (credit: Age of Tribes)
Unique path to war for the AmericansMap
The map is separated into 6 sections which include mainland Europe, the Western Front, North America, Africa and various colonial territories, as well as 2 insets that reflect the USA and Bolsheviks entering the war. The main portion of the map features the European theatre of war which extends from Siberia and the Middle East, across N. Africa and into the North Atlantic. The Western Front provides an in-depth tactical representation of that region and can only accessed by land from the borders of Germany and France; no amphibious landing points are provided for this inset.
The African theatre of operations reflect the European colonial territories and includes Western India and Australia. The vast impassable Sahara Desert facilitates only 1 land access point on either side connecting N. Africa to the central and southern regions of Africa. The African inset may be accessed by sea via the West African coastline, the Suez Canal, or the Ottoman controlled port of Basrah.
The North American inset features Western USA and Canada that are connected via sea-zones to the North Atlantic providing access to the European theatre of operations.
Splitting the map across the center are the ‘USA Path to War’ and the ‘Bolshevik Infiltration’ insets. They are not connected to each other but are accessible to North America and Siberia respectively. These two insets represent the rising tide of war fervor of the United States entering the Great War and the Bolshevik Revolution gathering momentum. The US infantry unit crosses along the inset one space per turn, simultaneously gaining economic value until it “captures” the neutral mainland USA thus prompting their full involvement into the war. The Bolshevik Infiltration inset represents the Russian territories in the far east that have fallen to communist control. The Bolshevik forces can build up strength within the inset and strike at 3 points along Imperial Russia’s eastern most territories thus opening another front.Rules
Base rules are WW2V3
Low luck is enabled by default
Two-hit units repair at the start of the next turn and only if certain “repairing” units are present
Producing fighters on carriers and producing new fighters on old carriers are both allowed
Partial amphibious retreat, air retreat, and submerging subs are all allowedFactions
Central Powers
Germans Imperial German Afrika Austrians Ottomans
French French Colonial Africa Russians British British Commonwealth Italians Americans
Bolsheviks AI controlled recommendedHow They Play
Germans - Imperial Germany is the leading faction for the Central Powers and controls the overall tempo of the game. Germany has many options at the start, but can really only focus on a single plan of attack. Trying to fight everywhere at once will only lead to disaster. Deciding which research and development option at the start is critical and should complement the overall strategy. Moreover, it is best to purchase only a single R&D as the finances are stretched thin the first couple of rounds. The Royal Navy poses a significant threat, and must be kept in check for as long as possible. Winning a complete naval victory is highly unlikely, and if pursued with too many resources will inevitably lead to loss of success on land.As in WWII, the Germans biggest enemy is time. The race to gain ground before the Americans can pull its’ full might against the Central Powers is the essence of their strategic struggle. Coordinating with the Austrians is essential, and if done incorrectly can lead to an overall collapse of the Central Powers regardless of how well Germany is performing. Germany’s greatest strength is the centralized railroad system. It is highly fluid and can move large amounts of units quickly to either front. Coordinating a steady stream of reinforcements via the railroad is an art in and of itself. Striking at the Russians is the ideal scenario. The Russians too have their race against time as the Bolsheviks will inevitable gain strength overtime. Taking advantage of this situation is Germany’s most logical play.
Imperial German Afrika - Imperial German Afrika, predecessors to the infamous Afrika Corps. In this game, which has taken many liberties in terms of authenticity, provides the Central Powers with a formidable faction to match the Allied colonial forces. Speed and mobility is key to winning as much territory and income early on in order to sufficiently survive until Ottoman support is provided. Strong as they are, they cannot carry on by themselves for long. They are the thorn in the Allies’ side and if used correctly can tie up France and England’s colonial support indefinitely.
Austrians - The Austro-Hungarian Empire, like a fettered corpse dragged along by the strong arm of Germany is the weakest of the Central Powers. R&D is costly as it will eat a giant chunk from their low income. Therefore, it is best to purchase one at the start (if at all) and focus for the remainder of the game on low cost ground units. Naval strength is weak, and is primarily in place to support Ottoman fleet operations in the Mediterranean. Keeping Italy in check defensively is certainly achievable, however Germany is required for any long-term offensive strikes. Austria is in a precarious position and can either become Germany’s greatest asset or their greatest burden.
Ottomans - The Ottoman Empire aka “sick man of Europe”. The primary goal for the Ottoman Empire is to gain control of Gallipoli, securing the Black Sea as well as capturing the Suez Canal from the British. Cairo is the gateway to Africa. As long as Egypt remains in British hands, the German forces in Africa will remain cut off and are left to fend for themselves. Fighting the Russians on their vulnerable southern front is an ideal way to syphon their resources away from the Eastern Front. Ottoman naval power if used wisely, can create multiple offensive options against Allied forces in the Mediterranean and may prove crucial to ensuring Italy’s downfall.
French - France, L’avance, l’avance, toujours l’avance! France is very much a one dimensional faction. Gaining ground on the Western Front and forcing the Germans to retreat towards the interior is their primary purpose. Their supporting elements can be used to bolster the Royal Navy in the channel as well as securing Italy’s northern front. They have the benefit of a well placed and lucrative railway system. They are also economically sound and able to focus on R&D. As they are tied to their colonial counterpart, they can provide valuable technological upgrades to help turn the tide against Imperial German Afrika.
French Colonial Africa - French Colonial Africa, the French Foreign Legion on steroids. As with the Germans, the French have been provided with a formidable military presence in Africa. Because of their strategic location along the western coast, they have the advantage of security through distance. Coordinating with British colonial forces efficiently by way of ‘leap frogging’ attacks against the Germans is the surest way to victory and the conquest of the continent.
Russians - The Russian Empire, the bear caught between a giant vise. Their survival solely depends on Germany’s offensive decision. If the East is Germany’s main focus, then it will only be a matter of time till the czarist forces are inevitably driven back to the gates of Moscow, there to await their fate. The Russians must learn how to choose their battles wisely; giving up ground where they can and holding on to their most vital territories at all cost. The railways are the key to plugging the holes around their territorial perimeter. Research and development is highly discouraged as it will only allow the Bolsheviks to gain access to the same technological upgrades. Making the enemy pay dearly for every inch of sacred soil is Russia’s sworn oath.
British - Great Britain, will continue to rule the waves as ever before. Naval power and complete dominance of the Atlantic is what they built for. Their first priority is to rid their waters of the U-boat menace and then to challenge the Imperial German Navy into a final showdown. Once the German fleet is destroyed, the British can strike at the heartland of Germany by way of amphibious assaults. Supporting the French on the Western Front with a steady stream of forces ferried from across the channel is their second priority. Without British ground support in France, the Germans can easily overrun Allied Forces along the Somme in a flanking maneuver. Researching technological upgrades will benefit their Commonwealth’s interest more so than their own, so purchase them accordingly.
British Commonwealth - The British Commonwealth, the “Empire Down Under”. Holding Cairo at all cost is the key to victory in the southern hemisphere. The British Commonwealth control the gateway in and out of Africa. If it is lost, the Ottomans will spill into Africa and aid the Germans in their conquest of the continent. Their main focus should be to secure naval superiority in the Indian Ocean so that offensive strikes can be brought to bear against the Ottomans in the Middle East and the Germans in East Africa. British R&D can certainly give them an edge they so desperately need against the enemy.
Italians - Italy, “O Solo Mio”! Like their French neighbors, they too are a one dimensional faction. Their entire focus should be to break through the Austrian forces in the Alps and force the Germans to re-route vital forces to aid their allies. R&D is strongly discouraged as their funds are stretched thin. French reinforcements are absolutely essential to halt an Austro-German offensive.
Americans - The United State, a.k.a “Murica”. The Americans have a small lending hand towards the Allies at the very start of the game via a small expeditionary force on the Western Front. Not sufficiently sized enough to mount their own offensive but may prove very useful towards exploiting gaps in the German lines. America’s entry into to war is fixed on the 6th turn when the infantryman completes its long journey towards “capturing” the hearts and minds of the American war effort. However they choose to complete their first initial “big purchase” depends on how things have played out until then. They are complimented with a sufficient transport fleet (if properly defended by the Royal Navy) to send the first batch of ground forces to the European theatre. Let their arrival not be too late!
Bolsheviks - The Bolsheviks, “workers of the world unite”! The Bolsheviks are placed in their own separate faction category. They are at war with the Allies, but at the same time on un-friendly terms with the Central Powers. If AI controlled, the Bolsheviks will act as a wild card. Naturally they will fight the Russians but they cannot be counted on for coordination efforts with the Human player controlled Germans. On the other hand, if the Bolsheviks are human controlled, then they can be strategically coordinated by the Central Powers players to bring a quick victory in East. The drawback is that though the Bolsheviks are fighting a common enemy (The Allies), they cannot gain access to Central Powers’ territory. In other words, their movement and conquering ability is restricted to territories captured from the Allies, hence they cannot travel via Central Power’s boundaries.
Turn Sequence
Purchase Phase
This phase is for purchasing units as well as technological upgrades which are then placed at the end of the round. To research a new technology, simply purchase the ‘develop-unit’ icon and then place it in a factory upon the placement phase. Access to researched units will occur at the start of the following round. The exception to this is for the Colonial Factions; they will be able to benefit from the researched technology given to them by the ‘Mother Country’ the very same round as they are followed immediately afterwards in the order of play.Combat Move 1
This phase is primarily reserved for moving battleships, battlecruisers and railguns into position to fire their munitions. All units moved during this round will be permanent and must committed to the battle to which they are engaged, no retreat will be allowed. The exception to this is if additional units are moved into the same territory during the second Combat Move phase. This will in turn unlock the ability to retreat the entire force as a whole.Combat Move 2
This combat move phase is for all other units to be moved to adjacent territories to engage in combat. Upon the start of this phase any and all ‘munition carrying units’ will spawn their shells in the territory to which they were initially moved. The player may then move those shells and disperse them to other adjacent territories to support attacks or conduct bombarding operations. If the shells are left in the territory in which they were spawned, then they will automatically be engaged towards any enemy units within that territory.Non-Combat Move
This phase provides the player with the ability to move all units that have not been previously engaged in combat, with the exception of aircraft that require a friendly territory to land. Trains may not pass through territories that were captured during the combat phase and must wait till the following round to gain access.Placement Phase
This phase allows the player to place their purchased units or R&D into any owned territory containing a factory, with the exception of enemy territories containing a factory that was captured that turn. Naval forces require both a shipyard and a factory in order to be placed into the adjacent seazone. Trenches do not require a factory and may be placed in any territory owned at the beginning of the turn.Units
Bomber Unlock with Develop-Bomber
Requires research to unlock production Bomber may carry out air raids as well as providing ground support to all infantry and cavalry units by way of 1/1 air/ground unit +1 attack factor. Bombers may not land on carriers. Requires friendly territory (previously owned) to land after combat phase.Fighter
Fighter planes are available at the start of the game, but do not provide ground units with any supporting elements. Requires friendly territory (previously owned) to land after combat phase.Zeppelin
Zeppelins are expensive and weak on attack but have the ability to move vast distances and conduct raids as well as provide support to various ground and naval forces. They may provide 1 Spotter Power to 3 allied cavalry, destroyer, elite-offensive-infantry, infantry, mech-infantry and submarines.Naval
Battleships are a 2-hit naval unit and have the ability to fire 2 munitions at adjacent territories. Damaged battleships require a shipyard to repair and will return to full strength at the beginning of the next turn if conditions are met. Battleships have the unique capability of engaging naval and ground forces as well as facilities in adjacent territories. This simulates the advantage of ranged attacks provided by their heavy naval guns.Battlecruiser
The battlecruiser is a cheaper, and less armored alternative to the battleship. They may engage enemy targets with only 1 munition but have a better attack capability in close quarters combat than that of the battleship. This is supposed to simulate their lighter armor/weaker guns but with the advantage of increased maneuverability over their heavier battleship counterpart while attacking.Destroyer
Destroyers are primarily used for escort operations in coordination with sea transports as well as providing anti-submarine abilities. They may block passage of enemy submarines as well as surface vessels.Submarine
Submarines have “first-strike” stealth capabilities towards all enemy naval units with the exception of destroyers. They may also pass safely through seazones containing enemy naval units as well as mines unless of course enemy destroyers are present in that territory.Freighter
Freighters have a carrying capacity of 3 and are used to transport all ground units with the exception of heavy artillery. They are provided with a defensive factor of 1 but do not possess any attack capabilities.Troop-Transport
Troop Transports are a heavy sea transport with a carrying capacity of 8 that may carry any and all ground force unit types. They do not possess any attack or defensive capabilities.Carrier Unlock with Develop-Carrier
Requires research to unlock production Aircraft carriers may carry up to 2 fighter planes. They are provided with a defensive factor of 1 but do not possess any attack capabilities. They are highly expense to research and are most beneficial to securing allied naval superiority and conducting air support to amphibious assaults.Harbor-Defenses
Though they are illustrated as mines they are meant to represent coastal defenses such as various harbor defenses, shore artillery, mine-laying vessels and patrol craft. In this respect, they have the ability to engage surface vessels as well as air units. Harbor Defenses can pe produced in any seazone provided there is a factory and shipyard in the adjacent land territory to which they are placed. They are restricted to placing 2 at a time/per territory with a maximum of 8 (including allied mines). They have a defensive capability of 1 and do not possess any movement or attack capabilities.Land
Infantry are inexpensive and are the backbone of the ground forces. They are used primarily as the ‘meat-shield’ of attacking armies but may receive +1 attack factor provided by various supporting artillery and air units. They are required to be present in any territory to which the player wishes to build/repair their own trenches. There is a 1/1 infantry/trench building and repairing ratio i.e 2 inf builds/repairs 2 trenches.Elite-Defensive-Infantry Unlock with Develop-Elite-Infantry
Requires research to unlock production Elite defensive infantry represent the engineer/heavy-weapons infantry type and specialize in defensive operations given their 2 defense capability. They may repair up to 3 trenched/per unit at a time as well. Like their light infantry counterparts they may receive attack bonuses from artillery/air units.Elite-Offensive-Infantry Unlock with Develop-Elite-Infantry
Requires research to unlock production Elite offensive infantry represent the “shock troops” of the army and can be highly effective in offensive operations provided with artillery/air support elements.Mech-Infantry Unlock with Develop-Mech-Infantry
Requires research to unlock production Mech infantry epresent the swift and lightly armored vehicles with troop carrying capabilities. They are the modern equivalent to the cavalry and predecessors to the APC (Armored Troop Carriers). They also have land transport capabilities and may load 1 of any infantry type and carry them to their destination. This can be very advantageous towards a blitzkrieg type offensive approach. They also provide +1 support to bombers.Cavalry
Cavalry are swift moving and have the same defense/attack capabilities of the infantry. They are numerous at the start of the game but more expensive to replace losses. They also provide +1 support to bombers.Field-Artillery
Field artillery represent the lighter artillery type units of the army and are primarily used to bolster the attack capabilities of the infantry. They are relatively inexpensive compared to their heavy artillery counterparts but cannot shoot long range munitions.Heavy-Artillery Unlock with Develop-Heavy-Artillery
Requires research to unlock production The “King of Battle”, heavy artillery have the unique capability of shooting gas munitions against adjacent land territories. They are expensive to both research and produce but are highly effective. They are also very heavy to transport provided their enormous size; they cannot be loaded onto freighters. Like the field artillery, they can be brought directly into battle and may support various infantry/cavalry units with a +1 attack bonus.Railgun Unlock with Develop-Heavy-Artillery
Requires research to unlock production Railguns are essentially heavy naval guns on a railway and can shoot 2 munitions against adjacent land/sea territories. They have zero defense capabilities but are ideal for bombarding enemy fleets along the coastline or striking at neighboring enemy production facilities.Heavy-Artillery-Emplacement Unlock with Develop-Heavy-Artillery Upgrade Heavy-Artillery with Emplace-Heavy-Artillery
Requires research to enable upgrade Emplaced heavy artillery shoot 2 long range munitions per turn (like railguns) but lose their ability to mobilize and fire gas munitions. They also gain an additional hit point, which makes them ideal for defending your front lines while softening up the enemy’s. Once per turn per territory, you may place a special “upgrade” unit that will convert an existing heavy artillery into an emplaced artillery.Tank Unlock with Develop-Tank
Requires research to unlock production Tanks are the ideal solution to assaulting heavy fortified territories. Strong on the offense and given their 2-hit capabilities, they can provide shielding to accompanying ground forces, and perhaps produced in enough quantities can break the stalemate of trench warfare. They require a factory in order to repair, therefore choose your damage options wisely as they may be vulnerable to counterattack
Infra- structureTrain
Trains provide an efficient means of transporting ground forces, however their routes of approach may be cut off or blocked if the railway territory is in enemy hands (each railway is a “canal” in TripleA rules). They are vulnerable to air attacks and munitions and have no defensive capabilities. However, they may “eliminate” enemy trains that have been left isolated in a friendly territory (they cannot be captured). Because of their +6 attack capability they will automatically destroy the enemy train/trains (unless enemy armored trains are present) when moved into that railway system, but cannot continue to pass through in the same turn. They must move during the combat phase in order to transfer ownership of the railway. This simulates the need to repair and “assimilate” enemy controlled railways in order to gain access. If an enemy armored train is present, then there will be combat and the attacking train runs the risk of being destroyed. This “battle” represents sabotage and construction of new infrastructure when subduing newly captured territories, not actual combat.Armored-Train
Armored trains provide defensive support for vulnerable trains and railguns from air assaults. They also have a carrying capacity of 1.Trenches
Trenches are a 2-hit defensive fortification and are ideal for providing cover for ground forces of all types. They are capturable if there are no enemy forces occupying them (including AA guns) and require 1 infantry per damaged trench to repair, with the exception of elite offensive infantry, which have the ability to repair 3 trenches per unit. Battle calculator: Because undefended trenches are capturable during combat movement, they do not show up in the battle calculator. For this reason, there is one Trenches-If-Defended (with 2 hitpoints) unit always on the map for each faction so that you can re-add the correct number of trenches to your battle simulation. Unfortunately, certain scenarios can’t be perfectly simulated (for example, a territory with a damaged trenches and two undamaged trenches).Factory
Required to produce all units (with the exception of shipyards, munitions and trenches) up to territorial value in which it is placed. They may be captured as well as damaged by enemy air raids. They have a 2 max operational damage, with a total damage of 3x territorial value; is destroyed if max damage is reached. Can repair damaged tanks.Shipyard
Required to produce all naval units up to territorial value, but must be accompanied by a factory as well. They can repair damaged battleships. They have a 5 max operational damage and a 10 max total damage. It is destroyed if the total damage is reached. Can be placed without a factory.AA-Gun
Anti-Air defense weapon with a 1/6 AA for up to 3 targets (planes) in the first round. They cannot combat move or capture territory and can be destroyed during normal combat.Special
Munitions are shells that can be shot from heavy artillery, battleships, battlecruisers, and railguns. They are a 1-use attack element that engages in the beginning of a combat phase and can be used to strike at any land forces, ships, or production facilities in range. They are “loaded” during the first combat phase and can be “fired” during the second combat phase (and moved independently from the unit that fired them).Munitions
Gas shells can be shot from heavy artillery only and are used to as a first-strike element towards infantry/cavalry units. They bypass enemy trenches and directly engage soft targets in the territory. Unlike munitions, they have no movement and so heavy artillery must be committed to the battle for their gas shells to have an effect.Lenin
As the leader of the Bolshevik revolution, Lenin spreads his communist philosophies wherever he goes. Each turn, he recruits a new infantry to the cause and, while lacking any attack or defense himself, he inspires up to 10 infantry with +1 support.Red-Baron
If you can keep Manfred von Richthofen in the skies on the Western Front, he is all but guaranteed to score combat victories with +2 attack and +1 defense over normal fighters.Credits
by DK (design, artwork, GenerationKILL) and JD (design, implementation, jdimeo) Inspired by many other great maps on TripleA, like Great War, Civil War, Age of Tribes, and Middle Earth Please report any bugs or suggestions to
0.0.1 - Initial release 0.0.2 - Fix file name capitalization 0.1.0 - First public release under triple-maps 0.1.1 - Remove deprecated isTwoHit 0.1.3 - Changed repository layout to follow conventions and move supporting files to separate repository -