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  • '19 Moderator

    Your an Aartist IL, I plan to have my own game room in the near future.  Then maybe we can talk more seriously about some of those games you make.  By the way if I shoot you an email can you send me that large scale AAR map?  I had one, but alot of things get moved and lost in a year and a half.



    #51 on “Jens Worst People in History” list

  • This game looks nice, I like your rules for cavalry covering retreat, and some of the optional rules you made.

  • Tell what you didnt like so i can improve the game. Or how would you do it better? I am allways looking for a better approach.

  • I feel like artillery should defend on a 4.  Looking at the unit stats, I would ask them to attack on a 3, but that means theyre only as powerful on attack as cavalry.  Having attack on a 4 and defense a 3 seemed odd since a group of cannons on top of a hill firing at the oncoming enemy seems like it deserves a higher or at least equal power to one trying to shoot at fortified defenders.

    And I was a bit unsre if I liked the rule where the person losing more units has to retreat, it seemed like it would make a lot of the game haveing 2 big armies moving back and forth between a single space, but then I read on where the defender didnt have to retreat from a victory city, so that became fine by me.

    A few places seemed like they needed reworded in the rules, such as the victory conditions.  I assume you mean the south needs 10 more victory cities than they start with.

    Overall the game looks great.  Which side usually wins when you play?

  • ok ill look into those items. I cant have cavalry and artillery the same. Artillery has to have the best offense.

    The North usually wins, but of course the South if played correctly and getting some decent event cards can win as well.

  • IL, one thing that has impressed me from reading various historical novels about the Civl War was how these armies were moving all over the place using rail lines.  Did you incorporate rail movement into this game?  I’m just curious.  It seems to me that would be a key strategic component to any Civil War strategy game.  I would also love to see the CSS Virginia and CSS Arkansas incorporated as special pieces somehow (make them like self-healing BBs, say).  I know it probably breaks some gaming convention, but those were such special ships historically speaking and it would give the South some unique units to screw with the Yanks with.

  • on a compleatly diffrent note I just got back from a Civil War reenactment.  It was the battle of Olustee, near Lake City FL.  A CSA victory tho the battle had no effect on the war as a whole.  It was pretty cool.

  • IL, one thing that has impressed me from reading various historical novels about the Civl War was how these armies were moving all over the place using rail lines.  Did you incorporate rail movement into this game?  I’m just curious.  It seems to me that would be a key strategic component to any Civil War strategy game.  I would also love to see the CSS Virginia and CSS Arkansas incorporated as special pieces somehow (make them like self-healing BBs, say).  I know it probably breaks some gaming convention, but those were such special ships historically speaking and it would give the South some unique units to screw with the Yanks with.

    This is direct from the rules:

    3.1 Railroads:
    The Union had twice the Railroad capacity of the South and can rail up to 12 ground units across any Blue territories while the Confederate player can rail up to 6 units. This is done following all player movement activations. No units can be railed thru Brown Indian territories, Green or enemy territories. Generals cost one Rail point.

    Thus is kind of a risk idea where you can move within your own territories.

    Those units are in the game as other types of ironclads. I game has gunboats

    Here is how the naval combat goes:

    4.2 Naval combat:
    Naval Combat is performed when two opposing fleets are in the same sea zone or river. It is conducted in a similar fashion as land combat with the volley of combat rounds where each side exchanges “naval broadsides”. Ironclad naval units of the attacker followed by the defender always receive preemptive fire, followed by gunboats. Ironclads take three hits before sinking and if they take only one or two hits they can be repaired only if they return to a friendly port. Full repair takes one turn to complete. Gunboats only take one hit before sinking. After each combat round either player can retreat or move thru the sea zone into a new sea zone. All naval vessels can fire one free “salvo” at any enemy units adjacent from the river territory. These ground units cannot fire back unless they possess a “fortification unit” (see advanced game section).

    Under Optional rules we have:

    6.9 Confederate blockade runners:
    During the war The South used per position as “King Cotton” to sell goods to Europe in exchange for weapons and other war materials to sustain herself. This required the use of quick warships that could slip past the Union naval blockade of Southern ports.
    Procedure: The South allocates at least one gunboat (not Ironclad) and if it survives one round of combat against Union Naval forces in the sea zone it is placed off board until the next turn where again  it must face one round of naval combat. If it survives this action it rolls one D6 1-2= two PP gained, 3-4= four PP gained, 5-6= six PP gained. Of course other warships can also engage the union blockade in order to facilitate the “escape” of the blockade runner. Only one such “Blockade Runner” can be used each turn per southern port. Thus a maximum of three attempts can be made per turn each from a different southern port.

    6.9A Port Siege:
    The Union player can lay siege to Confederate merchant commerce and attempt to stop her from trading with foreign powers. This can have a negative impact upon the Southern player. At any time when at least one southern port and the sea zone adjacent to it are occupied by Union Naval forces. They roll one D6 and apply the result as follows: 1-2= south loses one PP, 3-4 South loses two PP; 5-6 souths lose three PP. Note: This roll is performed for each port under siege.

  • IL, thanks – I just looked at the pics again and saw all those mini-CSS Virginias!  :-D  I’m a little tapped out now just having bought 2 games this week alone.  But I’ll keep this one in mind.  I’m definitely looking for something besides “Battle Cry” from the Civil War era.  It’s a nice game, but I prefer strategy to tactical games.

  • I used the original battle cry (milton Bradley) as the inspiration for making the map. Also, those Bruce Cotton pictures from american heritage civil war book.

  • Hey IL,

    Do you still have this?

  • yea sure. It plays great.

  • Il,

    Did you create this game yourself, or did someone else?

    I teach high school American History here in China to some American students, and I have a couple of students who are wanting to create an American Civil War bord game, but they are having trouble with the map and also with finding the initial force amounts and locations (i.e. inital setup) for April 12, 1861.  Can you help them at all with either of these problems? Because we live in China, getting anything from America is quite difficult.  They have already created a battle system, but they are currently stuck on the map and setup.  They have spent a lot time researching on the internet, but they are still coming up empty.

    Thanks for any help.

  • My game is very well balanced. Email me and ill PDF the rules.

    I design all my games completely except for AARHE which was created by 40 people working together.

  • IL,

    I was wondering if this game can be bought with the pieces as well.  I have looked at your website and must say i am extremely impressed with what you can do.  I wish I could have all the games you create haha.  But anyway just let me know if that is possible because I’ve been looking for a good American Civil War game for some time now.

  • Yes i can create a set for you based on the pieces from the pictures. The game includes the wooden tokens and decals for generals BTW.

    I have unique Civil War pieces for sale including naval. PM or email me.

  • Have you tried using Eagle Games’s ACW pieces with this?  Something about Civil War soldiers in tricorns just doesn’t do it for me, but I’m liking the map…

  • Eagle pieces are horrible!

    the worst i have ever seen. Best to use pieces from Victory II from Morrison games ( they now offer grey and have blue already)

    best option is to buy painted 15mm civil war sets from ebay. You only need about 20 per side, but you need different washers to indicate veteran infantry, plus artillery and cavalry and a few gunboats and ironclads.

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