My view on the matter is that the bid AMOUNT is really not that significant. It certainly is much less important than the bid placement.
Every round of the game, every battle, you roll dice. Any one of those dice results in a difference of minimum 3 IPCs.
So whether you add 1 Inf 1 Art to the G1 attack on Egypt, or 1 Inf 1 Art really in the grand scheme of the game is much less significant than how many hits the UK gets in defence. My point is that an extra 1-3 IPCs in a bid is probably lost in the noise of the dice by the end of UK1 at the latest.
However, there’s another lesson in the question of bids and bid placements. I keep railing on about how the key to the game is not territory, but achieving local force superiority, which means maintaining TUV is a priority over capturing territory. That’s why I use only 1 Inf + air in trading territories. Gaining a 3 IPC territory is not worth sacrificing an extra 3 IPC forward unit.
I keep arguing that a front line unit is worth much more than its equivalent of IPCs in the bank - hence I argue against the G1 tank blitz to Archangel. The truth of this is shown in the reality of bid placements. People don’t place the bid in Berlin or Southern Europe. They place it right on the front line, and not just anywhere on the front, but at key locations such as the Suez Canal.
This shows that most players appreciate at some level that an Inf at the front is worth more than an Inf in your capitol (unless your capitol happens to BE on the front…). But people get so caught up in on-paper IPC values and in capturing territory that they expend units they can’t afford to waste on taking territory that they won’t be able to hold.
Don’t get me wrong, I still trade territory, but I do it economically. If I can capture a territory with 1 Inf + air (about 66% chance) that’s good value, better than a 95% chance of capturing it with 2 Inf + air.
Sum up: front line units are worth more, as shown by all the thought that goes into bid placement. A straight-line comparison question would be this: how much would you bid if the requirement was that the bid could only be placed on an IC and only at the end of G1? The answer to that will show how much more valuable front-line units are. Save them.