@ponef The season 14 tournament already started several months back: https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/1364/revised-tournament-of-champions-toc-14-st-nazaire-raiders. I think season 15 will be posted in the next few months as that one winds down.
Are either of these the National production Chart for the 2004 revised edition?
I’m missing it and currently trying to find one to print out but since I don’t know what it looks like, I’m having difficulties
https://boardgamegeek.com/image/63235/axis-allies?size=largeor if anyone has the game, if they could send me a photo that would be seriously appreciated (I’m also missing the Reference Chart for the Soviet Union)
@ohwrm No to all.
First link is broken.
Second link may be correct, but I can’t see the pictures.
Third link is for Classic.The following should be correct:
Tech Chart + IPC Tracker (Image contains the Classic Tech Chart/IPC Tracker as a comparison. Revised is on top, Classic is on bottom):
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/10093/axis-allies
@ohwrm said in Are either of these the National production Chart for the 2004 revised edition?:
I’m missing it and currently trying to find one to print out but since I don’t know what it looks like, I’m having difficulties
The Production Chart at the top of this page is for some version of A&A Global 1940 (the admixture of A&A Europe 1940 and A&A Pacific 1940). While nifty looking, it won’t help you much with A&A Revised.
This Production Chart is also for A&A 1940, in this case A&A Pacific 1940.
This production chart is for the Milton Bradley version of A&A. Again, nifty looking, but it won’t help you much with A&A Revised.
or if anyone has the game, if they could send me a photo that would be seriously appreciated (I’m also missing the Reference Chart for the Soviet Union)
By finding BGG, you’ve hit on a source of information about A&A, you just haven’t found the right mine shaft to explore. Instead of looking at BGG’s Nova Games & Milton Bradley A&A page, try BGG’s Avalon Hill A&A (A&A Revised) page. Yes, they are both “helpfully” named “Axis & Allies”. This is both technically correct and wildly unhelpful. That said, the BGG A&A Revised page has much information, to include:
But there are also resources on this website that can help you. The front page to the site has a link to “Rules & Downloads”. Going there will land you on a page of basic information about the different A&A games. Scroll down until you get to the “Axis & Allies Revised (2004)” section. You will have two options, a link to download a pdf version of the rules for the game and a link to a setup chart for the game. The setup chart gives you the unique information found on Reference Chart for the Soviets (the rest of the information on the chart is about the names, abilities, and prices for the units in the game, information that is duplicated both in the rule book and on the other four reference charts.
If you want to duplicate the look of a reference chart, combine the reference chart from another country with the setup from here. You might find a picture of another country’s reference chart here.
I hope that helps.