AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • Yes, you’re right, the first NA (old National attack/unit rule) is standard. A cap of max 6 sounds also OK. Randomly driven is easy to fix, but History driven will be a challenge…

  • United States National Advantages  (Revised list)

    1.Essex Aircraft Carrier
    The United States Navy’s Essex-class fast aircraft carriers constituted the Twentieth Century’s largest class of heavy warships, with 24 ships built.
    The use of the fast carriers as an offensive weapon in World War II changed the face of naval strategy.
    Once per turn, 1 CV (Aircraft Carrier) can be purchased and placed at Eastern United States for 14 IPC.

    2. U.S. Marines
    In World War II, the Marines played a central role in the Pacific War; the Corps expanded from two brigades to two corps with six divisions, and five air wings with 132 squadrons. In addition, 20 defense battalions and a parachute battalion were set up. The battles of Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa saw fierce fighting between U.S. Marines and the Imperial Japanese Army.
    Your infantry, landed on Pacific Islands, Malta and French Madagascar, receive a +1 increment for the first round only.

    3.  Liberty Ship Program
    In 1941, the U.S. embarked on a massive expansion of the merchant marine fleet under the auspices of the Emergency Shipbuilding Program. The standard Liberty ship was the centerpiece of this program.
    Your transports now cost 6 IPC’s.

    4.  Superfortresses
    The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
    Your bombers roll one additional die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid. They defend on a 2, and are imune to AA or ID fire. (Heavy Bomber Tech required)

    5. Great Wall of China
    During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army fell back to the Great Wall.
    Your infantry on China and Sinkiang defend on a 3.

    6. Naval Industry
    After Pearl Harbor, the US tried to rebuild its Pacific Fleet.
    All Naval units cost one less IPC for the entire game.

    7. U.S. Code breaking intelligence
    During World War II, the U.S. utilized a great military intelligence advantage over the Japanese, in both their radar capabilities and code breaking. The radar on Midway gave position, bearing, and altitude. Intelligence experts discovered that the Japanese planned to attack an unknown site referred to as “AF.” To test the theory that Midway was the target, a disinformation message regarding Midway’s freshwater supply was sent out over open communication channels. The Japanese intercepted the message and redistributed it in their JN 25 code, saying that “AF” needed freshwater.
    U.S. navy units have a +1 increament for the first round only, when attacked by the Japanese.

    8. Filipino Guerrillas
    The HUKBALAHAP helped pave the way for the US invasion of Leyte.
    Once per game, if the Allies control the Philippine Islands, you may place two of your infantry there for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.

    10. Pacific Divisions
    When the US entered WWII they quickly formed loads of divisions and immidiatly started preparations to take the war to Japan.
    Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either Sink, Chi, Kwa, Phi, Alsk or Haw if you control it.

    11. Carpetbombing
    This strategy was used during World War II, mainly by the British and the United States of America to try to weaken German artillery support and cities which held factories for creation of munitions.
    Each bomber can for one round bomb enemy land units hitting at a 2. It must first survive enemy ID rolls.

    12.  Chinese Divisions
    The Chinese had three hundred divisions in 1942. President Roosevelt spent much of the war trying to get Chiang Kai-Shek to do something with them.
    During you’re mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in one of the following territories if you control it: China, Sinkiang, or Kwangtung. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    13. Iowa Class Battleships
    The Iowa’s were thus designed as fast escorts for aircraft carriers, rather than as a classical battleship. Speed was the essence of their design, topping thirty knots on calm waters. They owed it to their extremely powerful machines (more than 50% better than on the previous South Dakota) and the length of their hull (for hydrodynamic reasons, the longer the ship, the faster she can go). The guns had the same caliber as those of their predecessors (16-Inch) but it was a new more powerful model. They were also valuable antiaircraft platforms, especially in the era of the Kamikaze.
    Your Battleships may move 3 spaces and have a +1 AA gun fire.

    14. Communist Guerillas
    Communist guerrillas remained the only really effective force against the Japanese in Occupied China.
    Starting on the first US turn, the US player rolls one die per turn and notes the results as follows:
    1= One Japanese Infantry is destroyed and removed from the map.
    2=  The US player can select the territory of China, Sinkiang or Kwantung and force all Japanese units that move into this territory to stop or force units moving out to be reduced to a movement of one.
    3= The Japanes players loses 2 IPC
    4= The Japanese player loses 1 IPC
    5= No effect
    6= Communist Guerillas neutralized (no roll next turn)

    15. Chinese warlords
    Majority of Chinese forces in WWII belonged to warlords who were most interested in their own power. Some of them defected to the Japanese Empire but later just as easily rejoined the Nationalist government.
    Axis do not collect income from China, Kwantung, Manchuria or Sinkiang in Collect Income phase if the territory is not occupied with at least one land unit.

    16. Mechanized infantry
    Later in the war, the United States Army used large numbers of M3 Half-track vehicles to give their infantry mobility.
    Starting from turn 3, all your INF (infantry) move 2 and may blitz.

  • added some historical text to some. Also changed the Superfortress NA. Is that ok? Otherwise it was the same as the TECH…

  • Yea … i like those new NA’s from Harris site… well try to allow them to be used for AARHE… i think his name is templeton.

  • Yes, maybe we can use some of them, I like the German and Japanese… Let start by posting all NA’s for all nations one again, and make our final list! Here comes Russia

  • Soviet National Advantages

    1. T-34 Tank
    The T-34 was a Soviet medium tank produced from 1941 to 1958. It is widely regarded to have been the world’s best tank when the Soviet Union entered the Second World War, and although its armour and armament were surpassed by later tanks of the era, it is credited as the war’s most effective, efficient and influential design. It was the mainstay of Soviet armoured forces throughout World War II, and widely exported afterwards. It was also the most-produced tank of the war, and the second most-produced tank of all time, after its successor, the T-54/55 series. The T-34 was still in service with twenty-seven countries as late as 1996!!
    Once per turn, two ARM (tank) can be purchased and placed in Russia for 8 IPC.

    2. Rasputista
    With heavy rains the landscape changed in a blurry mess of mud where vehicles and men got stuck and were unable to advance. Twice during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a Rasputista. Until the start of your next turn, movement (both combat and non-combat) for land units is limited to one space in any original Soviet territory and West Russia., Belorussia and Ukraine.

    3. Salvage
    After the battle of Kursk in 1943, the Germans left the shells of their wrecked tanks behind. The Soviets found interesting uses for them. If you win a battle against the German player and at least one German ARM (tank) is destroyed, you may place one free ARM in that territory.

    4. Guard Tank Regiments
    The Soviet Union used heavy tank regiments as guards of Moscow. These were elite tank formations, invulnerable to any standard anti-tank weapons available of that time.
    Your ARM (tank) in cities (Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad) has its defence increased by 1.

    5. Conscripts
    The Red Army won many battles with their raw manpower, by using untrained infantry and many times unequipped. During your Mobilize New Units phase, you may place 1 INF (infantry) for free in any Soviet territory if you control it. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    6. Katyusha Rockets
    Katyusha multiple rocket launchers are a type of rocket artillery built and fielded by the Soviet Union beginning in the Second World War. Compared to other types of artillery, multiple rocket launchers are able to deliver a devastating amount of explosives to an area target more quickly but with lower accuracy and longer reloading time.
    The Soviets were able to supplement the artillery with massed batteries of rocket launchers. The sheer volume of fire more than compensated for individual lack of accuracy. Your ART (artillery) attacks on a 3, for the first cycle of combat only.

    7. Shock Troops
    During World War II the Red Army of the Soviet Union deployed many formations which contained the word shock in the title, for example many of the units which spearheaded the Soviet counterattacks on the Eastern Front from the Battle of Stalingrad to the Battle of Berlin were in Soviet Shock Armies.
    1 INF (infantry) has its attack increased by 1 in the first cycle of combat. No more than 3 INF can get this bonus per turn.

    8. Mobile Industry
    In response to the threat from the Russian front, the Soviets moved their factories east. They produced 5,000 tanks east of the Urals in 1942. Your industrial complexes each may move 1 territory during your non combat move phase. It may be used in the same turn to place units (up to a maximum of the new territory’s value). They cannot move during the combat move phase. If an opponent captures them, that opponent cannot move them. You may mobilize at an IC if you controlled both the IC and its new territory at the start of your turn.

    9. Russian Winter
    Russia’s greatest ally was its winter cold. Germany’s invasion stopped dead as the snows came down. Once per the game in your collect income phase, you may declare a severe winter. Until the start of your next turn, your infantry in red territories defend on a 3.

    10. Red Guard
    After the Russian revolution, the Red Guard—composed of armed workers and politicized soldiers and sailors–had become the Army Reserve and the base for the formation of regular military detachments. Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may put 1 INF (infantry) there for each industrial complex you control, before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    11. Commissars (NKVD)
    Spreading Stalin’s slogan “not one step back,” Russian commissars shot soldiers who flee from battle. If you get attacked during any Axis player’s turn, you may sacrifice (destroy) any number of INF (infantry) you own. For each infantry sacrificed, 2 other INF you own defend on a 3 this turn.

    12. Soviet Militia
    If German units attack any of the three major Soviet cities of Leningrad, Moscow or Stalingrad the Soviet player may immediately raise INF (infantry) equal to VCP value of the city. The money is deducted from the Soviet players next turn of income even though the Infantry is placed in the first round of combat. Each of the three Soviet Cities can be activated only once per game and the infantry raised can be used just as any other unit.

    13. Partisans
    Starting with the 2nd turn of any Axis invasion of the Soviet Union the Soviet player rolls one die per turn and notes the results as follows:
    1= One German Infantry is destroyed and removed from the eastern front.
    2=  The Soviet player can select one territory  that’s original Soviet controlled and force all Axis units that move into this territory to stop or force units moving out to be reduced to a movement of one.
    3= The German players loses 2 IPC
    4= The German player loses 1 IPC
    5= No effect
    6= Partisans neutralized (no roll next turn)

    14. Scorched Earth
    When Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, Joseph Stalin ordered both soldiers and civilians to initiate a scorched earth policy to deny the invaders basic supplies as they moved eastward.
    When the German player conquers any Soviet territory, that territory has no value until the next round of play. The German player may not add a control marker on the just captured red territory, hence may not increase the National Production Chart correspondingly. If the territory is liberated during Russians turn, then the territory regains its value.

  • German National Advantages

    1. VII Submarine
    Type VII U-boats were the workhorses of the German World War II U-boot-waffe that was based on a E-2 type, developed by Deschimag company for the Soviet Navy (produced in USSR as IX series). Type VII boats were most widely used submarines of the war and were built in the biggest series in the world – up to 700 units
    Once per turn, up to two SS (submarine) can be purchased and placed in Germany for 6 IPC each provided no surface naval units are purchased there.

    2. Panzer Grenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks. Each of your ARM (tank) gives one matching INF (infantry) one additional movement point. The ARM and INF must leave from the same territory.

    3. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive "Atlantic Wall”. During any amphibious assault against Axis controlled Western Europe or Spain, all your INF (infantry) defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    4. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoint on key terrain in Europe. Your ART (artillery) in Southern Europe, Italy, Balkans, Spain, Western Europe, Germany and Eastern Europe has its defence increased by 1.

    5. German 88’s
    The German eighty-eight is probably the best known artillery piece of World War II. The 88 was the only weapon that possessed the punch to stop the Russian T-34 and KV tanks.
    During the first cycle of combat only, your artillery fire in the Opening-fire instead. When declared, place 2 free ART (artillery) in any Gray territory you control, during the Mobilize New Units phase of this turn only.

    6. Panzer blitz
    German Panzers and Panzer Grenadiers steamed over the static Allied defences early in the war.
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending land units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving ARM (tank) may move 1 territory during Non-combat Move phase.

    7. Afrika Corps
    To help Mussolini realize his dream of a new Roman Empire around the Mediterranean, Hitler sent the Afrika Korps with one of his great Generals (Rommel) to Africa.
    Once per game place 2 INF (infantry), 1 ART (artillery), and 2 ARM (Tank) for free in Libya during your Mobilize New Units phase if the Axis control Libya, Southern Europe (or Italy) and Germany.

    8. Volksstrum infantry
    The Volkssturm (literally translated as People’s Storm in the meaning of National Storm) was a German national militia of the last months of Germany’s Third Reich. It was founded on Adolf Hitler’s orders on October 18, 1944 and effectively conscripted all males between the ages of 16 to 60 years of age (who did not already serve in some military unit) as part of a German Home Guard.
    Once per game, the German player may purchase INF (infantry) for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory adjacent to Germany is controlled by any Allied player.

    9. SS Panzer (Panzer Lehr formation)
    Panzer Lehr was probably the best equipped formation in the Panzerwaffe. Its panzer regiment was filled with the latest Panther and Panzer IV models available. Moreover, all four of the infantry battalions were fully mechanised (as opposed to a single one of the four in ordinary panzer divisions), as were the division’s artillery and reconnaissance formations.
    1 special ARM (tank) may be built per turn. A maximum of 4 can be on the map at any time. They are built as and have the same attributes as Heavy Tanks without requiring the Heavy Tank technology. They fire in Opening-fire.

    10. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    Speer succeeded in multiplying war production four times over the two and a half years he was in command, and it reached its peak in 1944 during the height of the Allied strategic bombing campaign.
    On turn 5 the territory of Germany is worth 15 IPC per turn. One turn 6 the territory of Germany is 20 IPC per turn. But the original value for both economic attacks and Allied occupation.

    11. Alpen festung
    In 1945 “National Redoubt” was the English term used to describe the possibility that Adolf Hitler and armed forces of Nazi Germany would make a last stand in the alpine areas of Austria, Bavaria and northern Italy in the closing months of World War II in Europe. In German this concept was called the Alpenfestung (Alpine Fortress).
    The German player is allowed to create a “national redoubt” if the territory of Germany has been attacked by allied forces. During combat German units can retreat to this protected area even if all adjacent areas of the map are controlled by allied forces. All retreating units are converted to INF (infantry) to resemble a true ‘guerrilla’ campaign fought in the mountains of the Alps. Furthermore the Allies do not take the income of the territory Germany even if its subsequently captured by the allies. To take the income Allies must attack this protected area and must score two hits to remove one unit. Hits are allocated on damaged ‘guerrilla’ units first.

    12. London blitz
    The Blitz was the sustained bombing of the United Kingdom by National Socialist Germany in World War II. It was carried out by the Luftwaffe to retaliate the British bombing of Northern Germany and the preparathion for operation sealion. The Blitz hit many towns and cities across the UK. Later on, the main attack was concentrated on London.
    German FTR (fighters), but use DIV (Dive Bomber) if playing with the optional unit, may now participate in SBR attacks on the territory United Kingdom. They cause damage only on rolls of 1-3 with damage equal to what was rolled.

    13. Z-plan
    Plan Z was the name given to the planned re-equipment and expansion of the Kriegsmarine from 1935 onwards.
    The German player rolls three dice. The result equals the total of free IPC that must be spent on naval units this turn. Additional IPC may be allocated from your normal income to complete purchases.

    14. Fifth column
    The Germans used fascist organizations in Neutral nations to influence the people’s opinion.
    You convert one neutral one level toward your side each turn.

    15. Operation Isabella
    During World War II, Operation Isabella was a German plan to be put into effect after the collapse of the Soviet Union to secure Gibraltar and bases in Spain and Portugal for the continuation of the strangulation of Great Britain.
    Spain is an immediate ally to Germany as long as the Axis team first controls the Suez Canal and Gibraltar. All Spanish territories, units and income goes directly to Germany. This is unless Spain is at +4 or +5 level of cooperation.

    16. German Infrastructure
    At the start of WWII, Germany had the best road and rail network of Europe. During the Non-combat Move phase all German ground units in the territory Germany gain a plus 1 movement modifier.
    During any turn, if the total economic attacks on the territory Germany exceed 50% of maximum value, this bonus does not occur for next turn.

  • Italian National Advantages

    1. Regia Marina Italiana
    When Italy entered World War II on 10 June 1940 Regia Marina was the fourth largest navy in the world and had a mix of modernised and new battleships. It challenged the Allies, mostly the British Royal Navy, for supremacy of the Mediterranean.
    Once per turn, you may purchase and place one naval unit in Italy for 2 IPC less than cost.

    2. Gustav Line
    Hitler ordered a final defensive line south of Rome to protect the “soft underbelly” of Europe after Africa fell to the Allies. The Gustav Line, or the Winter Wall, held off many Allied amphibious landings. During any amphibious assault against Italy, all German and Italian ground units defend values increases by 1 there during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Desert Tracks
    Italian tanks were inferior to German and Allied ones. However, they were lighter and could travel the desert with ease. Italian tanks may blitz through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.

    4. Blackshirts
    Black divisions were paramilitary organizations that were used to spread terror across Southern Europe. Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 infantry there for free before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    5. Elevated Ground
    Southern and South-Eastern Europe was scattered with mountains and high elevations. This gave many advantages to artillery especially Italian mountain guns. Gebirgsjägers–mountain troops–were the only ones besides aircraft who can operate on these conditions. Your artillery in Southern Europe and the Balkans defend on a 3.

    6. Piggyback Tech
    Italy shared the accomplishments of German scientists during WWII.
    On the turn after Germany obtains a given technology, Italy gets it as well.

    7. Home Defence
    Every Italian or German INF unit in the first round defending in Original Italian territories see their defence increases by 1. (never higher than 3)

    8. Mediterranean Express
    This allows Italy to move 1 infantry to Libya during non-combat movement. You need to be in controll of Libya.

    9. Afrika Korps
    The Afrika Korps was formed, on February 12, 1941, after the German Armed Forces High Command (OKW) had decided to send an expeditionary force to Libya to support the Italian army, in their campaign against UK forces.
    Place 1 INF, ART, ARM in Libya for free during your mobilize new units phase, if you controll it.

    10. Untrained Forces
    The first time Italian forces meet a given Allied nation in battle, the Italians choose the order of loss for the Allied forces (this is designed to foster a “Kasserine” style result in Italy’s first encounters with enemy forces).

    11. Frogmen
    The Decima Flottiglia MAS was an Italian commando frogman unit created during the Fascist government. This rule allows 1 infantry to attack 1 Allied surface naval unit that is adjacent to an Italian held territory-containing infantry (Italy specifies targets). Infantry rolls normal attack (1 in 6) and if successful sinks 1 allied ship. Such attack precedes normal attack round. Failure is loss of Italy infantry.

    12. Fascists friendship
    If you controll Malta and Gibraltar, Franco of Spain will join your side. All Spanish territory, troops and IPC go directly to Italy.

    13. Balkan support
    During WWII Hungary, Romania and in lesser amounts Bulgaria supported the Axis forces with man and material.
    Once during the game, if in controll of the Balkans, you may place 1INF, 1ART and 1ARM for free.

    14. Kesselring
    For every Italian transport in the Mediterranean, the germans can move one land unit for free in any NCM phase.

  • Japanese National Advantages

    The Japanese are a people filled with honour, they would have rather died for their emperor then surrendered.
    Once per turn, 3 INF can be purchased and placed in Japan for 5 IPC.

    2.  Tokyo Express
    The Japanese High Command used destroyer convoys to ferry infantry. Allied forces at Guadalcanal dubbed this the “Tokyo Express”.
    Each of your destroyers may act as a transport for one infantry. These destroyers follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as transports do. Your destroyers can also conduct shore bombardment (using an attack of 2) in an amphibious assault.

    3.  Kamikaze Attacks
    A terrifying development was the Japanese suicide tactics as a desperate means of slowing the Allied advance. The Japanese used pilots who only knew how to take off and dive into their target with an aircraft full of explosives.
    You may make six Kamikaze attacks during the game for free. Kamikazes are not represented by a unit, hence a Kamikaze can not be taken as a casualty. Use a die to keep track on how many Kamikaze remain to be used. These attacks may be launched if an Allied player move ships within 2 sea zones from Japan, after all combat movement has been completed. Kamikaze may target specific enemy ships, except for submarines. They attack on a roll of 2 or less during the opening fire step of the first cycle of combat only. Before you rolls dice to launch a Kamikaze attack, you must announce the target(s) and how many Kamikazes that are participating. If a Kamikaze is used during an allied combat phase this counts as a naval battle and will prevent all ships in that sea zone from conducting shore bombardment.

    4.  Long Lance Torpedoes
    The Japanese Navy possessed superior torpedoes in comparison with its Western counterparts, possessing an unequaled combination of speed, range, and hitting power.
    Your submarines attack on a 3 (4 if you have the Super Submarines development) in the opening fire step of combat. This increased attack factor is for the first cycle of combat only.

    5.  Super Dreadnoughts
    Dreadnoughts or leviathans like Yamato and Musashi were the largest and most powerful battleships the world has ever seen.
    Your battleships still attack (imply shore bombardment) and defend on 4, but take 3 hits to sink and selects target. Hits are preemptive and destructive. Even 2 hit targets are immediately destroyed.

    6.  Dug-In Defenses
    The Japanese introduced the tactic of endurance engagements intended to inflict maximum casualties. This tactic included bunkers and pillboxes connected by tunnels.
    All your infantry on islands are immune to shore bombardment and defend on a 3.

    7.  Banzai Attacks
    A fearsome rallying cry of the Imperial Japanese Army, “Banzai!” meant, “May you live ten thousand years.”
    When you begin an attack with only infantry, all those infantry attack on a 2, on the first round of combat only. This also applies to any amphibious assault in which all your attacking units in the land combat (other than those conducting shore bombardment) consist of only infantry. However they may not retreat.

    8. Mounted Infantry
    A mixture of horses and tanks was common in the Imperial Army.
    Your infantry may move 2 spaces. However, they still may not blitz.

    9. Shinyo suicide boats
    At the start of a sea attack, you may designate as many of your transports as suicide boats. In the first cycle of combat, suicide boats hit in the Opening Fire step of combat (meaning, their casualties cannot hit back)–each suicide boats specifies one specific enemy sea unit which it tries to hit (two suicide boats could specify the same target unit, and may declare a secondary target, so if they both target the same thing and the first one hits, the 2nd suicide boats may attempt to destroy the secondary target). Suicide boats hit on a 3 in attack and defense. Enemy units cannot hit suicide boats! Instead, they automatically die after the first cycle of combat, whether they have hit or not.

    10. Guerrilla Tactics
    Japanese infantry operated well on forests because they employed guerrilla tactics.
    Your attacking infantry and tanks fire on the Conduct Opening Fire Step of combat during the first cycle. Only applicable on Paciffic Islands and the territories of French Indo China, China, Kwantung and India.

    11. Imperial Guard
    The Japanese Imperial Guard were elite soldiers that protected the Emperor. They were also used for military operations on a limited basis.
    Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    12. The Indian National Army
    The Indian National Army (I.N.A) or Azad Hind Fauj was the army of the Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind (The Provisional Government of Free India ) which fought along with the Japanese 15th Army during the Japanese Campaign in Burma, and in the Battle of Imphal, during the Second World War.
    Once during the game when you launch an attack on India, you may place 2 INF for free on the battleboard.

    13. East Wind Rain
    “East wind, rain” was the coded Japanese radio message that launched events leading to the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor December 7th 1941.
    Japanese attacks against any American fleet units gain a +1 modifier for one turn.

    14. The Kantokuen Plan
    To keep the true reasons secret, the build-up was called the “Special Maneuvers of the Kwantung Army,” or KANTOKUEN for short. The 400,600 troops in the Kwantung Army were suddenly stepped up to over 700,000, and some billion Yen in military funds were expended only upon KANTOKUEN. Such maneuvers was realizing during July-August 1941,at time when the Red Army was desperately struggling against German Invasion were perceived as real threats: assessments that the U.S.S.R. would have been defeated had the Japanese attacked at this time, retrospectively frightened the Soviet government and helped build the image of a treacherous Japan as well.
    Once during if you attack the USSR out of Manchuria, you may place 2 INF, 1ART and 1ARM there for free.

    15. Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere
    The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere concept was an attempt by Japan to create a self-sufficient “bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers”.
    For every British territory captured in Asia, the japanese recieve double income for the first turn of conquest.

    16. Tiger of Malaya
    General Tomoyuki Yamashita (November 8, 1885 – February 23, 1946) was a general of the Japanese Imperial Army during the World War II era. He was most famous for conquering the British colonies of Malaya and Singapore, earning the nickname The Tiger of Malaya.
    Japanese forces fighting in land battles against British in Asia gain a +1 combat modifier.

  • United Kingdom National Advantages

    1. Spitfire Fighter
    The Supermarine Spitfire was an iconic British single-seat fighter used primarily by the RAF and many Allied countries through the Second World War and into the 1950s. The Spitfire are often credited with winning the Battle of Britain.
    Once per turn, 1 FTR can be purchased and placed in United Kingdom for 8 IPC.

    2. Radar
    Britain’s radar alerted it to the threat of German planes crossing the channel.
    UK owned ID (infrastructure defence) in United Kingdom and Eastern Canada rolls attack die hit air units on 1 or 2 and forcing retreat on 3.

    3. Enigma Decoded
    Working in a secret facility in Bletchley Park, Alan Turing’s cryptographers broke the codes of the Nazi Enigma machines. They could then send false messages back.
    Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from any one adjacent space into one friendly sea zone being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a sea zone being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one of your units behind. This special move otherwise follows the rules for a non-combat move. If your units survive, they remain in the space to which they were moved.

    4. French Resistance
    France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
    Once per game, if the Allies control Western Europe, you may place 3 INF (infantry) there for free during the your Mobilize New Units phase.

    5. Colonial Garrison
    World War II represents the height of the United Kingdom’s colonial empire. Two decades later the Commonwealth was a shadow of its world-spanning former self.
    Once per game, place 1 IC (industrial complex) in any of your territory with an income value of at least 1 IPC. You still can’t have more than one IC in a territory.

    6. The Royal Navy
    The Royal Navy of the United Kingdom is the oldest of the British armed services (and is therefore the Senior Service). From the early 18th century to the middle of the 20th century, it was the largest and most powerful navy in the world, playing a key part in establishing the British Empire as the dominant power of the 19th and early 20th centuries. During WWII The Royal Navy was also vital in guarding the sea lanes that enabled British forces to fight in remote parts of the world such as North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Far East.
    Once per game, place 1 DD (destroyer) off the coast of Eastern Canada, Egypt, South Africa, India, Australia or United Kingdom  if you own the land territory, during your Mobilize New Units phase. You may place the destroyer even if the sea zone is enemy-occupied. Your destroyers cost 1IPC less.

    7. Allied Resistance
    France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
    Once per game, if the Allies control Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and/or Norway, you may place 2 INF (infantry) there for free during your Mobilize New Units phase.

    8. Flying Boats
    The Lend-Lease Act gave Britain PBY Catalina flying boats, which were handy because they could help spot submarines in the water.
    Your BMR (bomber) can perform ASW.

    9. Battlecruisers
    The HMS Hood, an Admiral class battlecruiser, had the firepower of a battleship while still having the speed and armor of a regular cruiser.
    Your battleships may move 3 spaces.

    10. Chindits
    The Chindits were a British Indian Army “Special Force” that served in Burma and India from 1942 until 1945 during the Burma Campaign in World War II. They were formed into long range penetration groups trained to operate deep behind Japanese lines.
    Chindits have the ability to attack interior units and sabotage them with the ability to move back to your own lines. One UK INF (infantry) in Asia mainland can be allocated as Chindits per turn. These units attack at 2 and defend at 2 and have a unique movement of 2 spaces in Combat Move and 2 spaces in Non-Combat Move. They may even move thru enemy territories.

    11. Burma Road
    It had a role in World War II, where the British used the Burma Road to transport war material to China before Japan was at war with the British.
    UK can send 3 IPC of aid per turn resulting in the creation of 1 INF (infantry) in china. The UK player must have control of India plus at least one of the following must be controlled for the Allies: Sinkiang, China, Manchuria, Kwangtung, or French Indo-China.

    12. Home Guard
    The British Home Guard started off  after the defeat of Poland. Britian knew that it was but a matter of time before the tanks and warplanes of the Wehrmacht came to England’s doorstep. Britan also knew that, in such an event, Britain would be woefully underprepared.
    As early as 1939, following the torpedoing of HMS Royal Oak at anchor in Scapa Flow, Scotland, Winston Churchill wrote a letter to his Chiefs of Staff asking, “What would happen if 20,000 enemy troops were to land on the east coast of England?” Create an Home Guard!
    Once during the Game if the UK is attacked by land units, you may place 3 INF (infantry) for free there, before Conduct Combat phase.

    13. Escaped Armies
    After Germany invaded most of Europe, several army divisions of namely Poland, France and Greece escaped to fight another day, while their goverments capitulated. Once per game,  you may place 2 INF (infantry) for free in United Kingdom if you control it, and 1 INF for free in Egypt if you control it.

    14. Pathfinder Force
    In August 1942 the RAF founded the Pathfinder Force (PFF) to get better results with strategic bombing raids. RAF equipped them with the newest technologies and materials. Your BMR (bomber) causes 1 extra IPC in damage on Strategic Bombing Raids.

    15. Tank busters
    In the dessert war, the British equipped their Hawker Hurricane and Typhoon fighters with dive bombs and later rockets to attack and destroy enemy armor. These proved to be highly effective.
    Your FTR (fighter) has attack increased by 1 in the first round of land combat after air superiority.

    16. Canadian Air Support
    During World War II, approximately 16,000 aircraft, including Lancaster and Mosquito bombers, were built in Canada. Once per game, if you control Eastern Canada, you may place 1 BMR (bomber) for free there.

    17. Commonwealth Troops
    The British Commonwealth Troops served in all theatres in World War II–from Europe to North Africa to South-East Asia and the Pacific.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in Australia, Eastern Canada and India if you control it.

  • Posted all of them now. I have put all the old National Units as the First NA in the list for each power.  Also added allot of historical text to a dozen NA’s

  • OK great…Micoon you have been a great help to AARHE… as you can see this process has been going on so long that many here are out of ideas… you have made a great impact in the last stages of this project. Lets also get those NA’s from that poster at Harris and see if some of them can be added to our list if possible… some of them deserve merit.

    Tekkyy please add these lists to the file. Lets see if this german idea can be on the german list:

    Super long range aircraft ( me-264/ ju-390)

    If germany gets both LRA and heavy bombers they can build special bombers that can move to East USA and back to germany ( 10 spaces total)

    This bomber cannot be intercepted nor can ID defense rolls apply. I suspect the values to be 5/2 and costing 15 IPC. Players would not have to accure an actual new piece, but just place some token underneath… i guess ill have to make some tokens for the game as well…






  • I think we could do better with/than the “Great Wall of China” NA

  • I will add some ideas from the Harris board, and some more. Tekkyy you’re right, about the Great Wall NA. I will remove it totally I think I will replace it with a specific US NA.

  • I was reading about carpeting bombing and area bombing on wikipedia
    it seems UK did most of it in Europe
    what US did was in the Pacific

    anyway, it would almost seem the carpeting bombing and area bombing targetted anything BUT military units
    could consider a temporarily reduced IPC income, or VCP points

  • Hey Guys/Gals,

    I don’t know if you followed up with cheap unit type per nation (I didn’t read all 28 pages you posted). It came up on page 1. You were talking about limiting unit discounts. Like only so many per game or limiting how many get discounted.

    Well here is my two cents on the matter:

    For Russia tanks would be the ideal discounted unit. So to put a natural cap on the limitations why not make the rule for every 4 ARM bought get 1 free. This way you a required to spend so many on that type of that unit any way. The Russian player isn’t always going to buy ARM so it would always average itself out in the end.

    What do you think?

  • I’ve also been making small changes to the NAs as I added them to the draft.
    Things like unit names and more standardised common phases.
    I’ve incorporated Micoom’s latest additions of historical justification text.

    Italy NA: Kesselring, I actually removed it before…need clarification and justification
    US NA: carpet bombing (area bombing), as mentioned in earlier post
    US NA: Pacific Division, Chinese Division…more differentiated now
    US NA: Communist Guerrillas…using my suggested version…emphasis on Northern China

  • @losttribe04:

    For Russia tanks would be the ideal discounted unit. So to put a natural cap on the limitations why not make the rule for every 4 ARM bought get 1 free. This way you a required to spend so many on that type of that unit any way. The Russian player isn’t always going to buy ARM so it would always average itself out in the end.

    Welcome to AARHE.

    Yeah! We used to have it that too! Bulk discount.
    We thought that models mass production.

    Later we didn’t like it because it encouraged players to save up money and bulk buy every 2nd turn or so.
    We want to encourage continous production.

  • National Advantages (optional)
    Each player gets 6 National Advantages. The first item is standard. For the first 5 rounds, at the beginning of each round every player randomly selected a National Advantage. (Draw a chip or card from a bag). The randomly selected National Advantages come into effect immediately when the player reveals it any time in the game.

    1. VII Submarine
    Type VII U-boats were the workhorses of the German World War II U-boot-waffe that was based on a E-2 type, developed by Deschimag company for the Soviet Navy (produced in USSR as IX series). Type VII boats were most widely used submarines of the war and were built in the biggest series in the world – up to 700 units. Once per turn, up to two SS (submarine) can be purchased and placed in Germany for 6 IPC each provided no surface naval units are purchased there.

    2. Panzer Grenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks. Each of your ARM (tank) gives one matching INF (infantry) one additional movement point. The ARM and INF must leave from the same territory.

    3. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive "Atlantic Wall”. During any amphibious assault against Axis controlled Western Europe or Spain, all your INF (infantry) defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    4. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoint on key terrain in Europe. Your ART (artillery) in Southern Europe, Italy, Balkans, Spain, Western Europe, Germany and Eastern Europe has its defence increased by 1.

    5. German 88’s
    The German eighty-eight is probably the best known artillery piece of World War II. The 88 was the only weapon that possessed the punch to stop the Russian T-34 and KV tanks. Your ART (artillery) fire in opening-fire in the first cycle of combat. When declared, place 2 free ART in any original Germany territory you control, during the Mobilize New Units phase of this turn only.

    6. Panzer blitz
    German Panzers and Panzer Grenadiers steamed over the static Allied defences early in the war. If your attacking forces destroy all defending land units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving ARM (tank) may move 1 territory during Non-combat Move phase.

    7. Afrika Corps
    To help Mussolini realize his dream of a new Roman Empire around the Mediterranean, Hitler sent the Afrika Korps with one of his great Generals (Rommel) to Africa. Once per game place 2 INF (infantry), 1 ART (artillery), and 2 ARM (Tank) for free in Libya during your Mobilize New Units phase if the Axis control Libya, Southern Europe (or Italy) and Germany.

    8. Volkstrum infantry
    The Volkssturm (literally translated as People’s Storm in the meaning of National Storm) was a German national militia of the last months of Germany’s Third Reich. It was founded on Adolf Hitler’s orders on October 18, 1944 and effectively conscripted all males between the ages of 16 to 60 years of age (who did not already serve in some military unit) as part of a German Home Guard. Once per game, the German player may purchase INF (infantry) for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory adjacent to Germany is controlled by any Allied player.

    9. SS Panzer
    Panzer Lehr was probably the best equipped formation in the Panzerwaffe. Its panzer regiment was filled with the latest Panther and Panzer IV models available. Moreover, all four of the infantry battalions were fully mechanised (as opposed to a single one of the four in ordinary panzer divisions), as were the division’s artillery and reconnaissance formations. 1 special ARM (tank) may be built per turn. A maximum of 4 can be on the map at any time. They have the same attributes as Heavy Tanks without requiring the Heavy Tank technology. They fire in Opening-fire.

    10. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    Speer succeeded in multiplying war production four times over the two and a half years he was in command, and it reached its peak in 1944 during the height of the Allied strategic bombing campaign. On turn 5 the territory of Germany is worth 15 IPC per turn. One turn 6 the territory of Germany is 20 IPC per turn. But the original value for both economic attacks and Allied occupation.

    11. Alpen festung
    In 1945 “National Redoubt” was the English term used to describe the possibility that Adolf Hitler and armed forces of Nazi Germany would make a last stand in the alpine areas of Austria, Bavaria and northern Italy in the closing months of World War II in Europe. In German this concept was called the Alpenfestung (Alpine Fortress). The German player is allowed to create a “national redoubt” if the territory of Germany has been attacked by allied forces. During combat German units can retreat to this protected area even if all adjacent areas of the map are controlled by allied forces. All retreating units are converted to INF (infantry) to resemble a true ‘guerrilla’ campaign fought in the mountains of the Alps. Furthermore the Allies do not take the income of the territory Germany even if its subsequently captured by the allies. To take the income Allies must attack this protected area and must score two hits to remove one unit. Hits are allocated on damaged ‘guerrilla’ units first.

    12. London blitz
    The Blitz was the sustained bombing of the United Kingdom by National Socialist Germany in World War II. It was carried out by the Luftwaffe to retaliate the British bombing of Northern Germany and the preparathion for operation sealion. German FTR (fighters), but use DIV (Dive Bomber) if playing with the optional unit, may now participate in SBR attacks on the territory United Kingdom. They cause damage only on rolls of 1-3 with damage equal to what was rolled.

    13. Plan Z
    Plan Z was the name given to the planned re-equipment and expansion of the Kriegsmarine from 1935 onwards. The German player rolls three dice. The result equals the total of free IPC that must be spent on naval units this turn. Additional IPC may be allocated from your normal income to complete purchases.

    14. Fifth column
    The Germans used fascist organizations in Neutral nations to influence the people’s opinion. You convert one neutral one level toward your side each turn.

    15. Operation Isabella
    During World War II, Operation Isabella was a German plan to be put into effect after the collapse of the Soviet Union to secure Gibraltar and bases in Spain and Portugal for the continuation of the strangulation of Great Britain. Spain is an immediate ally to Germany as long as the Axis team first controls the Suez Canal and Gibraltar. All Spanish territories, units and income goes directly to Germany. This is unless Spain is at +4 or +5 level of cooperation.

    16. German Infrastructure
    At the start of WWII, Germany had the best road and rail network of Europe. During the Non-combat Move phase all German ground units in the territory Germany gain a plus 1 movement modifier.
    During any turn, if the total economic attacks on the territory Germany exceed 50% of maximum value, this bonus does not occur for next turn.

    1. Regia Marina Italiana
    When Italy entered World War II on 10 June 1940 Regia Marina was the fourth largest navy in the world and had a mix of modernised and new battleships. It challenged the Allies, mostly the British Royal Navy, for supremacy of the Mediterranean.
    Once per turn, one naval unit can be purchased and placed in Italy for 2 IPC less than original cost.

    2. Gustav Line
    Hitler ordered a final defensive line south of Rome to protect the “soft underbelly” of Europe after Africa fell to the Allies. The Gustav Line, or the Winter Wall, held off many Allied amphibious landings. During any amphibious assault against Italy, all German and Italian ground units have their defence increased by 1 for the first cycle of combat.

    3. Desert Tracks
    Italian tanks were inferior to German and Allied ones. However, they were lighter and could travel the desert with ease. Italian ARM (tank) may blitz through Sahara.

    4. Blackshirts
    Black divisions were paramilitary organizations that were used to spread terror across Southern Europe. Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 INF (infantry) there for free before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    5. Elevated Ground
    Southern and South-Eastern Europe was scattered with mountains and high elevations. This gave many advantages to artillery especially Italian mountain guns. Gebirgsjägers (mountain troops) were the only ones besides aircraft who can operate effectively on these conditions. Your ART (artillery) in Southern Europe and Balkans defend on a 3.

    6. Piggyback Tech
    Italy shared the accomplishments of German scientists during WWII.
    On the turn after Germany obtains a given technology, Italy gets it as well.

    7. Home Defence
    Every Italian or German INF (infantry) in Original Italian territories has their defence increased by 1 in the first cycle of combat, but never higher than 3.

    8. Mediterranean Express
    During Non-combat Move phase you may move 1 INF (infantry) from a territory adjacent Sea Zone 12, 13 or 14 to Libya. You need to be in control of Libya.

    9. Afrika Korps
    The Afrika Korps was formed, on February 12, 1941, after the German Armed Forces High Command (OKW) had decided to send an expeditionary force to Libya to support the Italian army, in their campaign against UK forces. Once per game, place 1 INF (infantry), ART (artillery), ARM (tank) in Libya for free during your Mobilize New Uunits phase You need to be in control of Libya.

    10. Untrained Forces
    The first time Italian forces meet a given Allied nation in battle, the Italians choose the order of loss for the Allied forces. This is designed to foster a “Kasserine” style result in Italy’s first encounters with enemy forces.

    11. Frogmen
    The Decima Flottiglia MAS was an Italian commando frogman unit created during the Fascist government. During Conduct Combat phase 1 INF (infantry) may attack 1 Allied surface naval unit that is adjacent to an Italian held territory containing the INF. Italy specifies targets. Infantry rolls normal attack and if successful the ship is destroyed. Failure is loss of infantry. This attack precedes all normal combat in the sea zone.

    12. Fascists friendship
    If you control Malta and Gibraltar, Franco of Spain will join your side. All Spanish territories, units and income go directly to Italy. This is unless Spain is at +4 or +5 level of cooperation.

    13. Balkan support
    During WWII Hungary, Romania and in lesser amounts Bulgaria supported the Axis forces with man and material. Once during the game, if in control of the Balkans, you may place 1 INF (infantry), 1 ART (artillery) and 1 ARM (tank) for there free.

    14. Kesselring
    For every Italian AP (transport) in the Mediterranean, the German player can move one land unit for free in Non-combat Move phase each turn.

    1. Patriotism
    The Japanese are a people filled with honour, they would have rather died for their emperor then surrendered. Once per turn, 3 INF can be purchased and placed in Japan for 5 IPC.

    2.  Tokyo Express
    The Japanese High Command used destroyer convoys to ferry infantry. Allied forces at Guadalcanal dubbed this the “Tokyo Express”.
    Each of your DD (destroyer) may act as a transport for one INF (infantry). These DD follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as AP (transport) do. Your DD still fight in combat as normal.

    3.  Kamikaze Attacks
    A terrifying development was the Japanese suicide tactics as a desperate means of slowing the Allied advance. The Japanese used pilots who only knew how to take off and dive into their target with an aircraft full of explosives.
    You may make six Kamikaze attacks during the game. Kamikazes are not represented by a unit. These attacks may be launched if an Allied player move ships within 2 sea zones from Japan, after all combat movement has been completed. Kamikaze may target specific enemy ships, except for SS (submarine). They attack on a roll of 2 or less. This attack precedes all normal combat in the sea zone. Before any Kamikaze rolls you must announce all target(s).  If a Kamikaze is used during the enemy’s turn it counts as a naval battle in the sea zone. This attack precedes all normal combat in the sea zone.

    4.  Long Lance Torpedoes
    The Japanese Navy possessed superior torpedoes in comparison with its Western counterparts, possessing an unequalled combination of speed, range, and hitting power. It was the most advanced in the world and US sailors referred to them as “Long Lance”.
    Your SS (submarine) has attack increased by 1 in the first cycle of combat.

    5.  Super Dreadnoughts
    Dreadnoughts or leviathans like Yamato and Musashi were the largest and most powerful battleships the world has ever seen. Yamato was armed with with nine 46 cm main guns. It 1945 it sank after absorbing 8 bombs and at least 13 torpedo hits
    Your BB (battleship) take 3 hits and hits destroy any unit immediately.

    6.  Dug-In Defences
    The Japanese introduced the tactic of endurance engagements intended to inflict maximum casualties. This tactic included bunkers and pillboxes connected by tunnels.
    All your INF (infantry) and PARA (paratrooper) on islands are immune to shore bombardment and has their defence increased by 1.

    7.  Banzai Attacks
    A fearsome rallying cry of the Imperial Japanese Army, “Banzai!”, meant “May you live ten thousand years.”
    When you begin an attack with only INF (infantry), you may declare a Banzai attack. All those INF attack on a 2 in the first round of combat and may not retreat. This also applies to any amphibious assault in which all your land units consist of only INF.

    8. Mounted Infantry
    A mixture of horses and tanks was common in the Imperial Army.
    Your INF (infantry) may move 2 spaces. They may not blitz.

    9. Shinyo suicide boats
    These boats were typically equipped with two depth charges as explosives or a bow mounted explosive charge. Around 6,200 “Shinyo” were produced for the Imperial Japanese Navy.
    At the start of a naval combat, you may designate as many of your AP (transport) as suicide boats. Each designated AP targets one enemy naval unit. They may declare a secondary target, so if primary target is already destroyed it attempts to destroy the secondary target. One suicide boat at a time, roll a die hitting on 3 or less and itself is destroyed after rolling in the first cycle of combat.

    10. Guerrilla Tactics
    Japanese infantry operated well on forests because they employed guerrilla tactics.
    Your attacking INF (infantry) and ARM (tank) fire in opening-fire in the first cycle of combat in Islands in the Pacific, China, Kwantung, French Indo China, and India.

    11. Imperial Guard
    The Japanese Imperial Guard were elite soldiers that protected the Emperor. They were also used for military operations on a limited basis.
    Once per game, if Japan gets attacked by at least one land unit, you may place 2 INF (infantry) there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    12. The Indian National Army
    The Indian National Army (I.N.A) or Azad Hind Fauj was the army of the Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind (provisional government of Free India) which fought along with the Japanese 15th Army during the Japanese Campaign in Burma, and in the Battle of Imphal, during the Second World War.
    Once during the game when you launch an attack on India, you may place 2 INF (infantry) for free on the battle board. If you capture India this turn and control India at the beginning of your next turn you may place 1 INF (infantry) for free at India.

    13. East Wind Rain
    “East wind, rain” was the coded Japanese radio message that launched events leading to the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor December 7th 1941.
    When declared, all your units in naval combat have attack increased by 1 in main-round fire.

    14. The Kantokuen Plan
    To keep the true reasons secret, the build-up at Manchuria was called the “Special Maneuvers of the Kwantung Army,” or KANTOKUEN for short. The 400,600 troops in the Kwantung Army were suddenly stepped up to over 700,000, and some billion Yen in military funds were expended only upon KANTOKUEN.
    Once per game, if you attack USSR from Manchuria, you may place 2 INF (infantry), 1ART (artillery) and 1 ARM (tank) there for free.

    15. Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere
    The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere concept was an attempt by Japan to create a self-sufficient “bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers”.
    For every UK territory captured in Asia, you receive double income in the first Collect Income phase.

    16. Tiger of Malaya
    General Tomoyuki Yamashita was a general of the Japanese Imperial Army during the World War II era. He was most famous for conquering the British colonies of Malaya and Singapore, earning the nickname The Tiger of Malaya.
    In attacks against UK in Asia, all land units attack increase by 1 in the first cycle of combat.

  • USSR
    1. T-34 Tank
    The T-34 was a Soviet medium tank produced from 1941 to 1958. It is widely regarded to have been the world’s best tank when the Soviet Union entered the Second World War, and although its armour and armament were surpassed by later tanks of the era, it is credited as the war’s most effective, efficient and influential design. It was the mainstay of Soviet armoured forces throughout World War II, and widely exported afterwards. It was also the most-produced tank of the war.
    Once per turn, two ARM (tank) can be purchased and placed in Russia for 8 IPC.

    2. Rasputista
    With heavy rains the landscape changed in a blurry mess of mud where vehicles and men got stuck and were unable to advance. Twice during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a Rasputista. Until the start of your next turn, movement (both combat and non-combat) for land units is limited to one space in any original USSR territory and West Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine.

    3. Salvage
    After the battle of Kursk in 1943, the Germans left the shells of their wrecked tanks behind. The Soviets found interesting uses for them. If you win a battle against the German player and at least one German ARM (tank) is destroyed, you may place one free ARM in that territory.

    4. Guard Tank Regiments
    The Soviet Union used heavy tank regiments as guards of Moscow. These were elite tank formations, invulnerable to any standard anti-tank weapons available of that time.
    Your ARM (tank) in cities (Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad) has its defence increased by 1.

    5. Conscripts
    The Red Army won many battles with their raw manpower, by using untrained infantry and many times unequipped. During your Mobilize New Units phase each turn, you may place 1 INF (infantry) for free in any original USSR territory if you control it. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    6. Katyusha Rockets
    Katyusha multiple rocket launchers are a type of rocket artillery built and fielded by the Soviet Union beginning in the Second World War. Compared to other types of artillery, multiple rocket launchers are able to deliver a devastating amount of explosives to an area target more quickly but with lower accuracy and longer reloading time.The Soviets were able to supplement the artillery with massed batteries of rocket launchers. The sheer volume of fire more than compensated for individual lack of accuracy. Your ART (artillery) attacks on a 3, for the first cycle of combat only.

    7. Shock Troops
    During World War II the Red Army of the Soviet Union deployed many formations which contained the word shock in the title, for example many of the units which spearheaded the Soviet counterattacks on the Eastern Front from the Battle of Stalingrad to the Battle of Berlin were in Soviet Shock Armies. 2 INF (infantry) has its attack increased by 1 in the first cycle of combat. No more than 6 INF can get this bonus per turn.

    8. Mobile Industry
    In response to the threat from the Russian front, the Soviets moved their factories east. They produced 5,000 tanks east of the Urals in 1942. Your industrial complexes each may move 1 territory during your non combat move phase. It may be used in the same turn to place units (up to a maximum of the new territory’s value). They cannot move during the combat move phase. If an opponent captures them, that opponent cannot move them. You may mobilize at an IC if you controlled both the IC and its new territory at the start of your turn.

    9. Russian Winter
    Russia’s greatest ally was its winter cold. Germany’s invasion stopped dead as the snows came down. Once per the game in your collect income phase, you may declare a severe winter. Until the start of your next turn, your infantry in red territories defend on a 3.

    10. Red Guard
    After the Russian revolution, the Red Guard—composed of armed workers and politicized soldiers and sailors–had become the Army Reserve and the base for the formation of regular military detachments. Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may put 1 INF (infantry) there for free for each IC (industrial complex) you control, before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    11. Commissars (NKVD)
    Spreading Stalin’s slogan “not one step back,” Russian commissars shot soldiers who flee from battle. If you get attacked during any Axis player’s turn, you may sacrifice (destroy) any number of INF (infantry) you own. For each infantry sacrificed, 2 other INF you own defend on a 3 this turn.

    12. Soviet Militia
    If German units attack any of the three major Soviet cities of Leningrad, Moscow or Stalingrad the Soviet player may immediately raise INF (infantry) equal to VCP value of the city. The money is deducted from the Soviet players next turn of income even though the Infantry is placed in the first round of combat. Each of the three Soviet Cities can be activated only once per game and the infantry raised can be used just as any other unit.

    13. Partisans
    Starting with the 2nd turn of any Axis invasion of the Soviet Union the Soviet player rolls one die per turn and notes the results as follows:
    1= One German Infantry is destroyed and removed from the eastern front.
    2=  The Soviet player can select one territory  that’s original Soviet controlled and force all Axis units that move into this territory to stop or force units moving out to be reduced to a movement of one.
    3= The German players loses 2 IPC
    4= The German player loses 1 IPC
    5= No effect
    6= Partisans neutralized (no roll next turn)

    14. Scorched Earth
    When Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, Joseph Stalin ordered both soldiers and civilians to initiate a scorched earth policy to deny the invaders basic supplies as they moved eastward.
    When the German player conquers any USSR territory, that territory has no value until the next round of play.

    1. Spitfire Fighter
    The Supermarine Spitfire was an iconic British single-seat fighter used primarily by the RAF and many Allied countries through the Second World War and into the 1950s. The Spitfire are often credited with winning the Battle of Britain. Once per turn, 1 FTR can be purchased and placed in United Kingdom for 8 IPC.

    2. Radar
    Britain’s radar alerted it to the threat of German planes crossing the channel.
    UK owned ID (infrastructure defence) in United Kingdom and Eastern Canada rolls attack die hit air units on 1 or 2 and forcing retreat on 3.

    3. Enigma Decoded
    Working in a secret facility in Bletchley Park, Alan Turing’s cryptographers broke the codes of the Nazi Enigma machines. They could then send false messages back.
    Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from any one adjacent space into one friendly sea zone being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a sea zone being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one of your units behind. This special move otherwise follows the rules for a non-combat move. If your units survive, they remain in the space to which they were moved.

    4. French Resistance
    France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
    Once per game, if the Allies control Western Europe, you may place 3 INF (infantry) there for free during the your Mobilize New Units phase.

    5. Colonial Garrison
    World War II represents the height of the United Kingdom’s colonial empire. Two decades later the Commonwealth was a shadow of its world-spanning former self.
    Once per game, place 1 IC (industrial complex) in any of your territory with an income value of at least 1 IPC. You still can’t have more than one IC in a territory.

    6. The Royal Navy
    The Royal Navy of the United Kingdom is the oldest of the British armed services (and is therefore the Senior Service). As late as the middle of the 20th century, it was the largest and most powerful navy in the world. During WWII, the Royal Navy was vital in guarding the sea lanes that enabled British forces to fight in remote parts of the world such as North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Far East. Once per game, place 1 DD (destroyer) off the coast of Eastern Canada, Egypt, South Africa, India, Australia or United Kingdom if you own the land territory, during your Mobilize New Units phase. You may place the destroyer even if the sea zone is enemy-occupied. Your destroyers cost 1IPC less.

    7. Allied Resistance
    France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
    Once per game, if the Allies control Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and/or Norway, you may place 2 INF (infantry) there for free during your Mobilize New Units phase.

    8. Flying Boats
    The Lend-Lease Act gave Britain PBY Catalina flying boats, which were handy because they could help spot submarines in the water.
    Your BMR (bomber) can perform ASW.

    9. Battlecruisers
    The HMS Hood, an Admiral class battlecruiser, had the firepower of a battleship while still having the speed and armor of a regular cruiser.
    Your battleships may move 3 spaces.

    10. Chindits
    The Chindits were a British Indian Army “Special Force” that served in Burma and India from 1942 until 1945 during the Burma Campaign in World War II. They were formed into long range penetration groups trained to operate deep behind Japanese lines. One UK INF (infantry) in Asia mainland can be allocated as Chindits per turn. These units attack at 2 and defend at 2 and have a unique movement of 2 spaces in Combat Move and 2 spaces in Non-Combat Move. They may even move thru enemy territories.

    11. Burma Road
    It had a role in World War II, where the British has long used the Burma Road to transport war material to China before Japan was at war with the British. UK can send 3 IPC of aid per turn resulting in the creation of 1 INF (infantry) in china. The UK player must have control of India plus at least one of the following must be controlled for the Allies: Sinkiang, China, Manchuria, Kwangtung, or French Indo-China.

    12. Home Guard
    The British Home Guard started off after the defeat of Poland. Britain knew that it was but a matter of time before the tanks and warplanes of the Wehrmacht came to England’s doorstep. Britain also knew that, in such an event, Britain would be woefully under prepared. As early as 1939, following the torpedoing of HMS Royal Oak at anchor in Scapa Flow, Scotland, Winston Churchill wrote a letter to his Chiefs of Staff asking, “What would happen if 20,000 enemy troops were to land on the east coast of England?” Once during the Game if the United Kingdom is attacked by land units, you may place 3 INF (infantry) for free there, before Conduct Combat phase.

    13. Escaped Armies
    After Germany invaded most of Europe, several army divisions of namely Poland, France and Greece escaped to fight another day, while their governments capitulated. Once per game, you may place 2 INF (infantry) for free in United Kingdom if you control it, and 1 INF for free in Egypt if you control it.

    14. Pathfinder Force
    In August 1942 the RAF founded the Pathfinder Force (PFF) to get better results with strategic bombing raids. RAF equipped them with the newest technologies and materials. Your BMR (bomber) causes 1 extra IPC in damage on Strategic Bombing Raids.

    15. Tank busters
    In the dessert war, the British equipped their Hawker Hurricane fighters with dive bombs and later rockets to attack and destroy enemy armor. These proved to be highly effective.
    Your FTR (fighter) has attack increased by 1 in the first round of land combat after air superiority.

    16. Canadian Air Support
    During World War II, approximately 16,000 aircraft, including Lancaster and Mosquito bombers, were built in Canada. Once per game, if you control Eastern Canada, you may place 1 BMR (bomber) for free there.

    1. Essex Aircraft Carrier
    The United States Navy’s Essex-class fast aircraft carriers constituted the Twentieth Century’s largest class of heavy warships, with 24 ships built. The use of the fast carriers as an offensive weapon in World War II changed the face of naval strategy.
    Once per turn, 1 CV (Aircraft Carrier) can be purchased and placed at Eastern United States for 14 IPC.

    2. U.S. Marines
    In World War II, the Marines played a central role in the Pacific War; the Corps expanded from two brigades to two corps with six divisions, and five air wings with 132 squadrons. In addition, 20 defence battalions and a parachute battalion were set up. The battles of Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa saw fierce fighting between U.S. Marines and the Imperial Japanese Army.
    Your INF (infantry), in amphibious assault on Pacific Islands, and French Madagascar, has their attack increased by 1 in the first cycle of combat.

    3.  Liberty Ship Program
    In 1941, the U.S. embarked on a massive expansion of the merchant marine fleet under the auspices of the Emergency Shipbuilding Program. The standard Liberty ship was the centerpiece of this program.
    You’re AP (transport) now cost 6 IPC.

    4.  Superfortress
    The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
    Your Heavy BMR (bomber) roll one additional die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid. They defend on a 2, and are immune to ID (infrastructure defence) fire.

    5. Great Wall of China
    During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army fell back to the Great Wall.
    Your infantry on China and Sinkiang defend on a 3.

    6. Naval Industry
    After Pearl Harbor, the US tried to rebuild its Pacific Fleet.
    All Naval units cost one less IPC for the entire game.

    7. U.S. Code breaking intelligence
    During World War II, the U.S. utilized a great military intelligence advantage over the Japanese, in both their radar capabilities and code breaking. The radar on Midway gave position, bearing, and altitude. Intelligence experts discovered that the Japanese planned to attack an unknown site referred to as “AF.” To test the theory that Midway was the target, a disinformation message regarding Midway’s freshwater supply was sent out over open communication channels. The Japanese intercepted the message and redistributed it in their JN 25 code, saying that “AF” needed freshwater.
    Your navy units defence increase by 1 in the first cycle of combat round, when attacked by the Japanese.

    8. Filipino Guerrillas
    The HUKBALAHAP helped pave the way for the US invasion of Leyte.
    Once per game, if the Allies control the Philippine Islands, you may place 2 INF (infantry) there for free during the mobilize new units phase.

    9. Pacific Divisions
    When the US entered WWII they quickly formed loads of divisions and immediately started preparations to take the war to Japan.
    During the Mobilize New Units phase each turn, you may pay 1 INF (infantry) for free in Kwangtung, Borneo or Philippine Islands if you control it. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    10. Carpet bombing
    This strategy was used during World War II, mainly by the British and the United States of America to try to weaken German artillery support and cities which held factories for creation of munitions.
    During Strategic Bombing Raids, each BMR (bomber) may instead bomb land units. Hits are on a 2 or less.

    11.  Chinese Divisions
    The Chinese had three hundred divisions in 1942. President Roosevelt spent much of the war trying to get Chiang Kai-Shek to do something with them.
    During the Mobilize New Units phase each turn, you may pay 1 INF (infantry) for free in China, Sinkiang or Kwangtung if you control it. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    12. Iowa Class Battleships
    The Iowa’s were designed as fast escorts for aircraft carriers, rather than as a classical battleship. Speed was the essence of their design, topping thirty knots on calm waters. Their guns had the same caliber as those of their predecessors (16-Inch) but it was a new more powerful model. They were also valuable antiaircraft platforms, especially in the era of the Kamikaze.
    Your BB (battleship) may move 3 spaces and has Anti-air value increased by 1.

    13. Communist Guerrillas
    Elite units suffered some 60% casualties at the Battle of Shanghai. The Chinese government lost most of its well-equipped elite units prior to WWII. However, Communist guerrillas remained an effective force against the Japanese in Northern China.
    Starting on the first US turn, the US player rolls one die per turn and notes the results as follows:
    1= The Japanese player removes one Japanese INF (infantry) from Manchuria, China or Sinkiang.
    2= The US player selects the territory of Manchuria, China, Sinkiang or Kwantung. Movement of Japanese land units to and from the territory is prevented this turn. ie. Reinforcements and Retreats.
    3= The Japanes player collect 2 less IPC from Manchuria next turn.
    4= The Japanes player collect 1 less IPC from Manchuria next turn.
    5= No effect
    6= Communist Guerillas neutralized (no roll next turn)

    14. Chinese Warlords
    Majority of Chinese forces in WWII belonged to warlords who were most interested in their own power. Some of them defected to the Japanese Empire but later just as easily rejoined the Nationalist government.
    Axis do not collect income from China, Kwantung, Manchuria or Sinkiang at Collect Income phase if the territory is not occupied with at least one Axis land unit.

    15. Mechanized Infantry
    Later in the war, the United States Army used large numbers of M3 Half-track vehicles to give their infantry mobility.
    Starting from turn 3, all your INF (infantry) may move 2 spaces and may blitz.

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