AARHE: Phase 3: land Combat

  • I take it all back,

    I remembered and found where I got these house rules from:


    I found a bunch more right here:


    And in fact, I have some house rules to add.

    Regarding combat losses:

    Inf. Arty. Ftrs. Bombers And Tanks inflict damage FIRST on opposing land units. After all opposing land units have been destroyed, THEN aircraft may be taken as a loss*//*.

    *Fighter attacks choose whhether to destroy air or ground enemy units they want to destroy on a die roll of 1 only. Otherwise, fighters destroying enemy units must depend on the “Loss” roll by the opposing player.

    **Inf. Arty. Tanks, Ftrs. and Bombers, when having “hit” an enemy unit, the opposing player must roll the appropriate number of dice (corresponding to the # of hits) for deciding which column of land/air/sea units get hit from the enemy attack. This is void if there’s only 1 column left. This rule also applies to Naval units.

    ***German Arty and ONLY German Arty. may choose to fire on opposing aircraft as part of AA, but cannot take part in the defense of that territory against ground units until the next combat round.

    eg. German troops invade Karelia. Germany has 3 tanks and 5 inf. with 2 ftrs. Russia has 4 inf. 2 Tanks, 1 Arty. and 1 AA.

    Russian AA misses.

    2 German tanks score a hit, 1 inf hit, and 1 ftr rolls a 1.  The 3 hits scored by german ground units must be rolled according to column to decide which russian units are hit first (player choice if more than 1 unit typer per column is present).

    The russian player rolls 3 dice (the # of german hits), and rolls two dice with 2, and one dice with a 3. Russia has the losses of 1 tank, and the choice of losing their Arty. and 1 inf. or 2 inf.

    Submarines choose which target they want to destroy in the sneak attack in the opening fire round ONLY.

    This helps to add total unpredictability to combat

  • I remembered a couple of things that can be added to the House Rules I posted above:

    -Clarification on the “Hump Train”: The U.S. bomber may fly-over the Himalaya* to deliver the infantry unit to Greater China.

    *This is classified as a National Advantage in favor of the U.S.

    -AC can take 2 hits (if you want to use this rule or not is up to you).

    -Income is calculated at the BEGINNING* of your turn, not at the end. Otherwise the standard procedure applies.

    *Income is not collected until the end, this is to give more incentive to hold onto territories rather than to abandon them.

    -National Advantages and Weps Development are up for grabs (if you care to use them or not, personally, I may go for the Weps. Dev. but not so much for Nat. Advantages).

  • yeah AARHE has some elements from enhanced realism rules
    though the model might be different

    collecting income at the beginning of the turn is very important
    otherwise you have Western Europe invasion (D-Day) 20 times a game
    and frankly thats quite stupid!

    Check out latest file here:
    We’ve included justifications and so it feels more intuitive to the reader.

  • K.


  • Seeking sugguestions for italics (justification) text for this rule. Possibilty with an example.

    Land Combat in special terrain
    All attacking land units in a snowy or mountainous terrains has their attack decreases by 1, but not reducing below 1.

  • Land Combat in special terrain
    All attacking land units in a snowy or mountainous terrains has their attack decreases by 1, but not reducing below 1.

    This is not correct;

    should read:

    Land Combat in special terrain
    All defending land units in a snowy or mountainous terrains have their defence increased by 1, for each combat round.

  • Oh, I dont even recall it.
    Are you sure?

    This is a bit stronger. Previously only artillery and tanks are affected. Now infantry is affected too.

  • I was just proofing your stated example:

    Land Combat in special terrain
    All attacking land units in a snowy or mountainous terrains has their attack decreases by 1, but not reducing below 1.

    In a manner thats easier to read while maintaining the form. I am not even sure what this is from. But I do know that if a modifier is stated it has to be a defensive benifit rather than a negative modifier for attacks.

    so what is the current special terrain modifier?

  • Thats what we have in the draft.

    Preivously it was “fight with -1 modifier” (which was meant to mean tanks attack at 2 instead of 3)

    Now its changed to “attack decreases by 1” (to be more like LHTR)

  • but why does it not read : “defence increases by 1”?

    Under LHTR everything is stated by an increase…so why not in this case give the defender the increase.

    e.g. infantry attack increases to two with a matching artillery unit

    In poor terrain the benifit is to the defender so it should be written the same way. Why are we saying anything about the attacker?

  • oh I see
    ok will do

    now, a justification text and maybe an example

    (for defender retreat the justification text was that strategic retreats did occur in WWII and one good example is tunsia, africa)

  • Great!

    Lets get those Germans NA’s finished as well. I will post more ideas.

  • need one famous example of snowy terrain and one famous example of mountainous terrain advantage in WWII

  • well you can get that from stalingrad campaign…

    the mountain terrain idea could be monte cassino in italy in 1943.

    those would work.

  • This was originally a post in NA’s

    AARHE crew:

    I have some new ideas…

    battleships should only be preemtive unless another battleship is present. In naval combat Battleships fight each other and take hits off each other. All other ships fight each other except transports cannot be taken as loses unless no other ships are left.

    If the attacker has a battleship and the defender does not, he can decide what ship he hits if he rolls a one

    Now under land combat if tanks, bombers and fighters roll a one they should be able to select the defending land target.

    If bombers are attacking land targets and the defender has no air support, then attacks are also preemtive. If the defender has air units then as normal they fight dogfights…

    Also, i have some new ideas covering some ideas for AARHE:

    Air Superiority
    Air units engage on a one to one basis.  The side that has fewer air units must allocate all units to the air battle.  The side that has air superiority (more units) can decide whether his extra aircraft will participate in the air or land/sea battle.  He may also decide how to allocate his fighters or bombers for air or land/sea combat.  Thus air units may only target ground units if they have established air superiority.

    +++++ now the excess planes can participate in combat, when before one enemy plane can TIE UP your bomber force.

    Attacker and defender can retreat any or all surviving units after each round of combat except units that attacked as part of an amphibious assault. Land units that attacked as part of an amphibious assault may retreat but may be targeted (free shot) for one round by all defending land units.  All retreating land units are converted into infantry. Defending land units may retreat into any friendly region that was not attacked that turn. Attacking land units may retreat into any friendly region that attacking land units originated from. Sea units may retreat into any territory not occupied by enemy units. Retreating air units may land in any territory that was friendly at the start of their turn. Attacking armor, mechanized infantry, and aircraft that have sufficient movement may pursue units that retreated.

    ++++ key idea is you can convert retreating units to infantry , but the penalty is the defender gets a free barrage ( look at Dieppe raid and St. Nasaire raid)

    Prior to the start of any battle, a defender may withdraw any land, sea, or air units that are in excess of the total number of respective attacking units.  These units can be used to withdraw into non-combat or reinforce neighboring battles (they arrive in the second round of combat).  Each type of unit (land, sea, and air) is treated separately.

    ++++ key difference in what we allready have is a LIMITATION on defending retreats. Thus you cant fully retreat. Some detractors of our efforts dont like the total ability of the defender to retreat. But another key idea is you can withdraw to latter use to reinforce other battles ( see below)

    Example: Germany (2 infantry and 2 artillery) attacks France with (6 infantry and 3 fighters).  The Allies can withdraw up to 2 infantry and 3 fighters prior to the start of the battle.

    Units (except Bombers in defense) can reinforce adjacent regions that are being attacked.  Reinforcements arrive in the second round of battle.  Only units in regions that are not being attacked or units that withdrew prior to the start of another battle can be used as reinforcements.  If combat in the territory that is being reinforced is concluded in one round, the reinforcements return to their original territory.

    +++++ this idea creates the value of a real campaign when the battle involves forces from adjacent territories. Models the war better.

    These are new ideas being used elsewhere in my other games. All you people please take a good look at them and play test them. They work well.

  • Summary: I think only the withdrawal/reinforcement is needed.


    Now under land combat if tanks, bombers and fighters roll a one they should be able to select the defending land target.

    ARM (tank) hit already go on ART (artillery) or ARM (tank) first.
    FTR (fighter) hits against land targets are already preemptive and targeted.
    BMB (bomber) performs saturated bombing and we decided not to give them the ability to target.

    If bombers are attacking land targets and the defender has no air support, then attacks are also preemtive. If the defender has air units then as normal they fight dogfights…

    BMB (bomber) attacks against land units are already preemptive.
    Note: “air combat” is before “land combat”.

    Air Superiority
    Air units engage on a one to one basis.  The side that has fewer air units must allocate all units to the air battle.  The side that has air superiority (more units) can decide whether his extra aircraft will participate in the air or land/sea battle.  He may also decide how to allocate his fighters or bombers for air or land/sea combat.  Thus air units may only target ground units if they have established air superiority.
    +++++ now the excess planes can participate in combat, when before one enemy plane can TIE UP your bomber force.

    Previously we did consider allocation air units between “dogfighting” and “land combat”.
    But we didn’t in the end.
    Consider air units perform bombing not as well without air superiority. Harrassed.

    Recall excess dogfighting hits do go on land units.
    So 1 FTR (fighter) is not gonna a large air fleet from hurting land units.


    ++++ key idea is you can convert retreating units to infantry , but the penalty is the defender gets a free barrage ( look at Dieppe raid and St. Nasaire raid)

    We could do without amphibious retreat by saying the landing crafts are not designed for that. You really need a proper dock.
    But if you want we’ll look further in ampibious retreat.



    We were stuggling quite a bit when we introduced defender retreat. We worked hard to make sure we don’t give defender too much extra movement.

    At the moment DAS (defensive air support) lets air units move 1 space and fight from second combat cycle.
    If we let land units relocate like this we need to fix the proportions.

    DAS needs to be increased to 2 spaces away. They fight from 1st cycle.
    Land unit reinforcement has range of 1. They first from 2nd cycle. They retreat if combat was lost already.

  • Previously we did consider allocation air units between “dogfighting” and “land combat”.
    But we didn’t in the end.
    Consider air units perform bombing not as well without air superiority. Harrassed.

    Recall excess dogfighting hits do go on land units.
    So 1 FTR (fighter) is not gonna a large air fleet from hurting land units.

    +++++ ok if that last point is true than its allready part of the game. good

    We were stuggling quite a bit when we introduced defender retreat. We worked hard to make sure we don’t give defender too much extra movement.

    At the moment DAS (defensive air support) lets air units move 1 space and fight from second combat cycle.
    If we let land units relocate like this we need to fix the proportions.

    DAS needs to be increased to 2 spaces away. They fight from 1st cycle.
    Land unit reinforcement has range of 1. They first from 2nd cycle. They retreat if combat was lost already.

    +++++ yea adjacent land units should be able to reinforce battles as early as the second round, planes you say should be able to DAS from 2 spaces and participate in first round…… I think that would work. I’d add it to the file.

    please update the file with these and other recent minor tweaks and post.

  • Ok I’ll add it in.

    Pobably rename DAS (defensive air support) into Reinforcement.

    Give me two examples of famous reinforcements.
    One for land units. One for air units.
    It could even be failed cases. (Like reinforcement arrived too late.)

  • specifics about antiairacraft

    the exact wording at the moment…

    1. Defending ID fire.
    2. Attacking then defending air units fire.
    3. Remove casualties.

    Is that fine? Or did you intend more like this…

    1. Defending ID fire. Remove casualties.
    2. Attacking then defending air units fire. Remove casualties.

    Both air units and antiaircraft fire in opening-fire.

    I am fine with the current wording.
    It means antiaircraft is not good enough as to actually “shield” land units like destroyers shield ships from submarine attack.

  • 1. Defending ID fire.
    2. Remove casualties.
    3. Attacking then defending air units fire.
    4. Remove casualties.

    think this is more clear.

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