[1936] New player quick index project.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Good job! Great idea to have this post.

    Unless I’m misunderstanding your post, you’re including rules/pieces/etc. from expansion sets as well here, right?

    If that’s accurate, then you might want to make an addendum to your “Retreating from Attacks” section, showing that there’s a special rule for defending Afrika Korps units, if using the DAK expansion. Defending DAK armored units may retreat from combat. This is an exception to the normal rule of defenders being unable to retreat.

    Also, for “Strategic/Carpet Bombing Raid”, you may want to clarify that the interception combat has smaller combat values than standard attack/defense rates.

    For Mountain Rules, you may want to specify that an entirely mountainous zone gives the -1 modifier to ALL rounds of combat.

    Besides that, not sure how picky you want to get with this, but I noticed a few spelling errors:

    defence - should be defense
    eath - should be each
    durring - should be during
    cassualites - should be casualties
    subgect - should be subject
    superriority - should be superiority
    fortafication - should be fortification
    Panama Chanal - should be Panama Canal

  • '17


    Good job! Great idea to have this post.

    Unless I’m misunderstanding your post, you’re including rules/pieces/etc. from expansion sets as well here, right?
    Yes the plan is to add all the expansions and units. I may need to do them as add on cards or it may be too confusing. That way we can add them or leave them out.

    If that’s accurate, then you might want to make an addendum to your “Retreating from Attacks” section, showing that there’s a special rule for defending Afrika Korps units, if using the DAK expansion. Defending DAK armored units may retreat from combat. This is an exception to the normal rule of defenders being unable to retreat.
    Thanks. I don’t have this one, I’ll need to cook it up. Probably be easier to use if I add that in as a DAK special rules section.

    Also, for “Strategic/Carpet Bombing Raid”, you may want to clarify that the interception combat has smaller combat values than standard attack/defense rates.
    You are right. On our unit sheets they are inside brackets (#). Ill need to clarify that.

    For Mountain Rules, you may want to specify that an entirely mountainous zone gives the -1 modifier to ALL rounds of combat.
    great catch

    Besides that, not sure how picky you want to get with this, but I noticed a few spelling errors:
    Wow thats shamefully bad. Clearly a reminder to use spell check for late night typing. I’ll clean them up and replace them

    defence - should be defense
    eath - should be each
    durring - should be during
    cassualites - should be casualties
    subgect - should be subject
    superriority - should be superiority
    fortafication - should be fortification
    Panama Chanal - should be Panama Canal

    Thanks. Once I get it cleaned up I’ll post replacement files.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Haha no problem at all! Didn’t want to sound petty, but thought if you went through all this awesome effort you may want to be notified!

  • I’ve created a “one-pager” (printed on both sides) for each alliance. It contains most of the information a player need during the game, so we rarely have to look something up. This becomes extremely valuable as you add more and more expansions to the game, with new units etc.

    Attached is an example - The chart for the Axis player

    Global War Axis Chart.pdf

  • '17

    Nice work munck! I like the compact layout. Thanks for showing your hard work. I may need to do something similar. Mine is currently about 5 pages, concerned it may be too much. Will need lots of editing yet.

  • Rank, I’m glad you find it inspirational. A lot of nitty-gritty details goes into them  :-)

    I’ve also made my own setup charts.

    • Number of sculpts to take in the tray for each unit (only take a particular type of unit from the tray once)
    • Go over the map from left-right (or vice versa) only once
    • Neutral-stuff are included (example. Siam, which in 1939 use Japanese units)
    • The expansions we play with are included

    They save me app. 2 hours of setup time.

    Attached is an example: Allied and Comintern setup charts

    Setup chart - Allies & Comintern.pdf

  • '18 '17 '16

    Great job by both of you on your set charts. Would you be willing to share your charts with the rest of the community Munck? I would like to show them on my channel and use them while I’m learning to play the game. I would share yours too RC when you have them finished.

  • GHG, sure thing :-)

    Here are the rest of the setup charts.

    Expansions used:

    • Winter War
    • Sealion
    • Manchukuo
    • Sunderland (+ Seaplanes for US & Japan)
    • Fortifications
    • Turkey at War

    Setup chart - Axis.pdf
    Setup chart - Neutrals.pdf

  • '18 '17 '16

    Got em’, thank you.

    I’m knee deep in paint, sawdust, and laminate right now in the war room but as soon as that’s done I’ll get down to making the 36’ videos. Is there a link you would like me to provide or should I just direct viewers to this thread?

  • Finally, my “turn-tracker” page:

    • Keep track of income during the game (all phases / 12 rounds)
    • Neutral units that will be placed during the game (when, how many sculpts etc.)
    • Vichy (we kept forgetting these)
    • Sleeping Bear rolls
    • Income tracker at start-up

    During the game, keeping everything at your fingertips like this saves A LOT of time.

    Global War Turn Tracker.pdf

  • I did some work on this too

    anzac base units.jpg

  • @GeneralHandGrenade:

    Is there a link you would like me to provide or should I just direct viewers to this thread?

    Feel free to do what you want  :-)

  • '17

    Do as you wish GHG. This is free to use Fan customization. I have been busy repairing household plumbing and assorted Cosmetic consequences from it. So I’m not as far ahead as I had hoped, but I’m back in. I’m including here our combined National Bonus and Increase Chart. for Peacetime and Wartime Bonuses of all OOB rules National increases together.
    These are all going to be edited as I go and I will share/update them here.

    Munck Its all in the editing so it fits together and looks uniform, fiddling with the appearance. Lots of deep reading of the rules also.

    Leatherneck nice work, thanks for sharing! every example of these helps to piece a finished product together  other Ideas and visuals.

    Edit: I forgot to adjust for corrected US income. US Wartime income is 63 not 56. as a result the bonus is reduced from 20 to 13, to match the same total income. Replacing the file.

    1936 All Nations Peace and Wartime Increases v1,1.pdf

  • I put together a master units list but I can’t seem to figure out a way to attach it. Maybe I don’t have enough posts yet?

    Anyways, its a work in progress. Any tips on how to attach a document would be appreciated as I would like to share what I have.

  • '17

    you need 8 or 10 posts I believe. Then under the text box is a link labeled additional options, its in there you attach info.

    FYI put in a cleaned up attachment on post #1 and #2 in the thread.

  • @Rank:

    you need 8 or 10 posts I believe. Then under the text box is a link labeled additional options, its in there you attach info.

    FYI put in a cleaned up attachment on post #1 and #2 in the thread.

    I’ll make a couple of spam posts after this one to see if I can unlock this feature.

  • Success!

    First is a master units list broken down by country (color) and expansion. Light gray means all can buy. First page is mostly units from the vanilla game with a few additional units that are included in the battle pieces supplemental rules. Still adding stuff as I go but I think most of it is in there. I still need to go over it with a fine tooth comb to catch any errors in the rules.

    The 2nd is a crude tech chart for some 3d printed expansions that require tech rolls to unlock these specific units. Hope these are helpful.

    EDIT: I added a few more units that I found rules for on the HBG website from shapeaways. One is the YB-35 Flying Wing which has a brutal tech chart requirement, which I added to the now cruder tech chart file. New versions are now attached to this post.


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    All your guys’ stuff looks great! Appreciate you sharing with the group!

  • Bumping since I updated a couple attachments on my previous post.

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