They can also take the Denmark, Finland, Holland et al money with this proposal. Also for example, SZ 112 and 126? would be connected to Norway $, making the placement of convoying units more flexible. Youre right that mostly the money will be taken by the proper force, not convoyed, but this proposal increases the value of subs and puts a lot more money on the line. I agree in principle that the convoy zones chosen by the creator are themey and appropriate but its easy to go further and put alot more $$ at risk on the board sea/land.
I put a russian sub down in Game 191 just for fun (it cost me later) and I did successfully blow up both and all possible Normandy/norway money for one turn. What if the baltic was like that? This also goes back to Dave’s idea of splitting the adriatic (so to nerf taranto and divide Italy $$ into two convoy zones)