Ah! Now I see it
Hello Everyone!
I just found this website because of a video I watched promoting the community here! I recently got back into playing Axis and Allies with my brother and father. I have been watching tutorial videos on the Cliffside Bunker’s Youtube channel, by Young Grasshopper. One of his videos recommended this website as a great resource, community, and place to make friends.
I am not 100% sure if this is the right area to post an introduction, but it seemed to be. I’ve read through the forum guidelines and topic discussion rules.
So a little about myself. I am thirty six, work as a home health aid for my handicapped brother, and I have been a table-top gamer for the past twenty eight years. Generally, I play Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk 2020, and the like. In high school I got introduced to my friend’s on again/off again Axis and Allies game. This was in '94-'98. During my college years, I gamed here and there and when my brother got sick our gaming became a little less regular.
Now a days, we still play table-top role playing games when we get the chance with our friends, Memoir '44, Family Business, Zombicide, and other board games. As I mentioned, recently, we picked up a copy of Axis and Allies 1942 2nd Edition. On Young Grasshopper’s advice, we also snatched up a set of Global for when we get more comfortable. I figured this would be an awesome place to re-introduce myself to the game and its complexities, and possibly make some new friends.
I am a pretty laid back guy with an irregular schedule due to my job and responsibilities to my brother. I’m interested in history, in particular, Rome, Edo Period Japan, Medieval Scandinavia, the Crusades, the American Revolution, the Civil War, and both World Wars. I generally read pulp fiction like H.P. Lovecraft, R.E. Howard, Edgar Burroughs, fantasy like J.R.R. Tolkien and Brian Jacques. I love, I guess what you could call modern military pulp, such as Mac Bolan and Phoenix Force. I’m a nut for Italian movies of the gore horror, spaghetti western, and macaroni combat variety and have a deep love of grind house, exploitation, drive in, and B movie entertainment.
As for my musical tastes, Classic Rock is where it is at. I also enjoy old time radio shows like Johnny Dollar, Lights Out, and Our Miss Brooks. I’m a big fan of EC Comics, Commando Comics, and other two fisted tales!
I think that pretty much sums up everything. With all that being said, I think you’ve got a good picture of what I grew up on and currently enjoy. I spend most days help my brother and hanging out with him as well. See you around!
Hi TwoFistedSarge
Welcome to the site :-)
Welcome to the community, TwoFistedSarge!
Howdy to both of you! Ah General Handgrenade! I’ve been watching your videos as well. :lol: Thanks for the welcome guys.
Howdy to both of you!� � Ah General Handgrenade!� � I’ve been watching your videos as well.� � :lol:� � Thanks for the welcome guys.
Welcome TFS, glad you could make it and thanks for sharing such an amazing story… I recommend posting some questions or maybe some of your own strategy advice in the 1942.2 forum if that’s what you’re playing these days. The traffic is much heavier in the Global forum if you like fast conversations, and don’t forget to check out the house rule forum. Also, anything to do with music, movies, or books can be discussed right here in this forum… welcome again, and don’t mind those black triangle question mark boxes, they show up when editing your post or quoting others… if you don’t like them than try using just one space instead of two when starting a new sentence.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2017, 9:54 PM
Welcome to the Cliffside bunker in Toronto Canada, my name is … oh wait somebody else does that already.
Welcome to the Cliffside bunker in Toronto Canada, my name is … oh wait somebody else does that already.
CAAAAAAASTANZAA!!!… it’s got a ring to it.
Thanks YG, I’ll pop on over to the 1942 forum. Ok, I was wondering about those little triangle things! Lol.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 16, 2017, 5:52 AM
YG you know i spend most of my day having your videos in the background? I got like hours invested listening to your strategy and instruction.
Love them!
YG you know i spend most of my day having your videos in the background? I got like hours invested listening to your strategy and instruction.
Love them!
Awesome, IL… I didn’t know that, thanks for the support.
Nice story TFS. Welcome aboard.
Welcome to the crazy train, glad to have you aboard. . . you’ll fit right in. It’s not a sickness, It’ the cure!
Surprise Attack